I think the word you were looking for, Reralae, was "premature", not "immature".
It's premature to worry about the pistol Ara picked up because none of the rest of your characters are with her and, I suspect, that when she does return to your PCs, your PCs will be more concerned about get off the station than about what Ara scored out of the IRR's office.
However, let me weigh in on this, so that we're clear, and so that this doesn't ship-wreck your party unity:
1) Unless I specifically say that something is "group treasure", nothing is. For instance, in the opening posts, Maya offered the original three players a certain amount of credits (which Ara currently holds). I expect at the end of the adventure Ara will make sure Ithiria gets her fair share.
However, the unknown amount of creds remaining on the two sticks Ara just found are hers... I don't expect her to share any of the items she just found.
Similarly, Hako'ib has a suit of Storm Trooper armor (which Ara is currently borrowing). If he sells it, I don't expect him to share the credits.
2) Don't get caught up with the stuff! While there may be stuff lying all around, consider whether or not your characters really need it. I know we (as players) have all grown up in a materialistic/ consumeristic culture of owning and hoarding more and more stuff, but try to remember the feel of the original Star Wars movies or, if you like, the Lord of the Rings trilogy. You just don't see people slugging around loads and loads of stuff.
In fact, more stuff, in this game, can get you into trouble. For instance, the reason I wanted to know if Ara was carrying up her shoulder bag was because, if she was, Ara's percentage of being noticed would have increased. (
STs with shoulder bags? Come on! Everything about STs is standard issue! )
Anyway, don't worry about the stuff. Star Wars is not about the "cool" stuff like in DnD (at least, not in my game). Keep it simple, is my philosophy!
Outside of all that, haha, I REALLY excited to see how this last scene of Chapter 1 plays out for us! There's so many possibilities now.
And not just for this last scene, but also for side plots and other nifty, intiguing adventures. Can't wait!!!
Keep up the good work!