Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Careful, Chessic I'm really ticklish :)
On a natural 20 you determine Ody's just acting like he's cured--more intensive therapy must follow!
I roll a Heal Check to help Rollkran get over his under-the-weather-ness so Oldwizard may continue more or less on schedule.
Posted on 2010-11-14 at 13:35:28.
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1206 Posts
Oh noes!
Barely missing a crit fail, you fail the heal check. He'll have to rely on his Con...
I roll a Use Magic Device check to use this wand to teleport out of here!
Posted on 2010-11-14 at 16:57:05.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
*Evil Laugh!!* Success, of a sort
Oh you teleport out of the Inn just fine--to find yourself in my abode in Nessus. That coal-black, chainmail-wearing dog the size of a warhorse? Yeaaahhh, that's my Nessian Warhound, Mr. Chompy staring you in the face, eyes blazing, fangs drooling. He comes ever closer to you, a low growl deep in his throat. His wet nose comes within inches of you, and you feel the hot sulfurous breath of the beast as it sniffs you like a tasty snack. Thankfully, after all the time we spend in chat, enough of my Infernal smell has accumulated on you, and he decides you're okay. I still wouldn't try petting him, though. Just sayin'.
I roll a Perform (Tuba) Check
Posted on 2010-11-15 at 13:13:21.
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
ba zing
success! everyone is fascinated, you pull out your tuba toothpaste, and masterfully work it onto the brush, Its like wattching a picasso being painted!
I roll a games check (sumai-featherweight) to see if I can win against Eve Torres!
Posted on 2010-11-15 at 20:59:28.
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1206 Posts
A stunning victory! How impressive! (incidentally, remind me not to get on your bad side, yeah?)
I roll a Craft (Magic Item) to create a ring of teleporting... just where is my secret!
Posted on 2010-11-19 at 15:35:42.
Edited on 2010-11-24 at 13:40:34 by Chessicfayth
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
On a natural 20. . .
You craft a beautiful platinum and gold ring of teleportation, set with a large emerald flanked by two flawless diamonds. . .Your Check is so masterful, so grand that you infuse it with intelligence and sentience and *poof!* it teleports away. Looks like you'll have to get busy on a ring of wishes now.
I roll a Forgery Check.
Edit: "tuba toothpaste," lifespring?
Posted on 2010-11-24 at 12:00:20.
Edited on 2010-11-24 at 12:01:16 by Pit F(r)iend
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1206 Posts
I like this version better.....
After a great deal of time and effort, you manage to recreate the Mona Lisa... who now bears a striking resemblance to Groucho Marx... was that intentional?
I roll a Heal check (to revive this game)
Posted on 2010-12-03 at 13:52:53.
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
armoire of changing! (coming in february)
Lifespring barges in, directly after visiting the house of a thousand pleasures in a bathrobe and a smile! What'd I miss? Oh heal check, right, i think it worked!
I roll a move silently to creep into the armoire of changing.
Posted on 2010-12-03 at 17:57:16.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Success, you are able to get over to the armoire, open it up and slip inside without anyone noticing. As you slip off your bathrobe you look up and see a crimson face Ody in his human form also changing as he prepares to go to his new job.
I roll a Fortitude check, oh isn't it obvious why?
Posted on 2010-12-05 at 15:52:41.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
On a 19, you knock it out of the park at your new job!
I roll a Use Magic Device Check
Posted on 2011-01-01 at 06:51:08.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Ohh, that was close you rolled a 6 but you +6 Charisma put you at 12 and you got it.
I roll an Intelligence check to help me write better story.
Posted on 2011-01-04 at 03:01:04.
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1206 Posts
with your amazing intelligence, you write a lovely story full of adventure and romance... unfortunately, its in a language nobody else knows... oh dear...
i roll move silently check to escape notice of my instructors
Posted on 2011-01-19 at 14:10:44.
Wrathleader Regular Visitor Karma: 11/0 74 Posts
You silently creep away from your instructors, only to walk through a female ghost wearing a bathtowel.
Roll a diplomacy check.
Posted on 2011-01-21 at 05:37:10.
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1206 Posts
ouch... not a good time to fumble
You manage to anger the individual.... who happens to be a psionic mind-flayer... i'd advise teleportation... now..
I roll a Concentration check (to keep my temper in my shiny new leadership position.
Posted on 2011-02-05 at 18:56:54.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
He's back.....
Oops you rolled a two so you decide to go ride bikes.
I roll a Detect Evil as I reenter the "Posting Games" site.
Posted on 2011-03-12 at 16:48:23.