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PartyScout Veteran Visitor Karma: 9/3 101 Posts
Comon enough scene now huh? :(
I am the manager that fired the bad labeler before he mislabeled the battery.
Posted on 2010-10-26 at 01:12:54.
Edited on 2010-10-26 at 01:13:07 by PartyScout
Necromantic Schizophrenic Regular Visitor Karma: 5/7 85 Posts
I am...
The CEO of the battery company that rehired him because mislabeling a battery doesn't warrant being fired, so it got mislabeled anyways.
Posted on 2010-10-26 at 02:11:18.
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
to get away from people i hope
i am the cold ice water that the ceo falls into whilst on vacation.
Posted on 2010-10-26 at 07:34:20.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
I'm the warm sun over the CEO while on vacation.
Posted on 2010-10-27 at 00:13:24.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Riders on the storm
I am the thundercloud that blocks the sun and its warming rays.
Posted on 2010-10-27 at 00:15:30.
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
fwumph fwumph
i am the giant solar powered fan attached to a ultra strong helicopter that flies by dispelling your thundercloud.
(its crazy but it just might work?)
Posted on 2010-10-27 at 20:40:07.
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
I am aerodynamic physics operating in conjunction with Newton's Third Law, which points out that the force of the fan blowing the clouds away has an equal and opposite force on the helicopter, throwing it for a loop or three. (oh, since you are specifically the fan, I should point out that the fan is in immanent danger of being smashed against the ground when the chopper crashes)
PS: 777th post
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 02:20:50.
Edited on 2011-06-12 at 08:00:15 by Sibelius Eos Owm
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Can I get a
I am Vaarsuvius, androgynous elfin mage supreme, master of 1000 secrets of arcane mysteries (the smallest of which would drive you mad! MAD, I SAY!!) and I politely tell the laws of physics to Sit Down And Shut Up. It's just something I do on a daily basis.
(Edit: Just another thank-you to all who have been participating. I didn't think this thread would take off like it has, which brings me much joy.)
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 12:47:49.
Edited on 2010-10-28 at 12:52:10 by Pit F(r)iend
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
nuuuu oots is back
i am the dreaded blue screen of death which while the creator is drawing V, pops up to destroy the cpu
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 22:06:44.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
I am....
the murderer of the creator of the V.
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 22:27:47.
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
You squishy humans are so fallible
Having morphed back into your squishy human self, I have no end of options on how to shapeshift to defeat you. I elect to become really big, pointy rock falling toward you, covered in slime that is both poisonous and acidic, and laden with a ton of impact-sensitive explosives and a heat-seeking guiding system.
Too much you say? Not when you ask for it =3
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 22:37:49.
Edited on 2010-10-28 at 22:40:29 by Sibelius Eos Owm
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
i am the fireball which hits your explosives destroying you
Posted on 2010-10-28 at 22:41:35.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
I am the the master of natural elements and I remove the oxygen around the boulder and extinguishes the fireball.
Posted on 2010-10-29 at 23:27:36.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Never saw this, never will.
I am M. Night Shymalan who puts the Elemental Master in a crappy movie that takes away his powers.
"Make sure the Earth Elemental people are imprisoned--On The Ground!"
Posted on 2010-10-30 at 12:38:35.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
I'm Game.....
I am Sega Genesis and I have saved the Element Master.
Posted on 2010-10-31 at 03:03:40.