I see the order more like this:
Tann - Human Male 7th Fighter/8th Thief
Olan - Human Male 15th Lvl Fighter (Knight)
Keeper of Dragon - Half Elven Female 15th Lvl Ranger
Ody- Human (shapeshifter) Male 15th lvl Cleric-
Eol – Elven Male 15th lvl Mage -
Nimu – Elven Female 15th Level Cleric-
Hammer- Elven Female 15th lvl Bard -
Ayrn – Dwarven Male 15th lvl Fighter -
Squishy Mage in the middle, healer next both ways, light fighter next both ways, heavy meat shields front and rear and the trap finder in the lead.
Who fills those slots doesn't matter but it allows protection of the Mage, heavies protecting front and rear.
Light fighter for fexibilty and healers protected and able to move for or aft to keep everyone up. An archer on thier side of the mage would allow for range attacks.