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The Ancient One
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Original Plan

No offense to anyone in the group, but if group 1 goes in, I'm going to have a look around the village.

Don't really see the point in waiting. Pretty much defeats the purpose of splitting into groups IMO.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 05:51:19.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
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Since patience is no longer a virtue

Group 2 (anyone else for that matter) can feel free to explore town if they want, no one is stopping them.

I am waiting for Group 1 to return.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 14:44:12.

Karma: 1/0
11 Posts

Kitai waiting

Kitai will stay and wait to see what Group #1 reports back with. I will be ready and wary with quaterstaff in hand and a spell on my lips.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 14:47:27.

Karma: 1/0
12 Posts

Doogan in standby mode

Though I’ve playing many, many adventures, I haven’t played this one.

Doogan is going to standby and wait to see what happens with the 1st group. Roleplaying patience is probably boring at times. I’m sure there’s going to be plenty of action up coming. Patience though not the most exciting way to play is probably the best move at this point.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 15:19:53.

Nomad D2
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To enter a house.

Hopefully we will hear from Sentinel and Fandil soon.

But, Gunther, your our spokes-paladin at the house. When you get back to a computer why don't you post (on the other page) that we go in - unless the other two have posted otherwise.

When we do go in:
1. Keep your eye on that intent - especially as we are fed. I'll eat if you think it is ok.
2. I will lean my bow against a table/counter - something very near to hand. Inside a house I would want my hands free to pull a blade (or two)
3. I like the line of questioning you suggested earlier - I'd run with that.

Gunther is the spokesperson - Oriel will contribute as appropriate and if asked, but will otherwise let Gunther deal with it. He will say "Thank you" and be on his best behaviour.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 19:01:48.

The Ancient One
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Karma: 2/0
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Group 4

Just an FYI. Garrus is heading East down the road. I'll be keeping an eye out for you guys, and will hopefully meet up with Group 2. Waiting outside might be useful, but Deathstalker has his doubts.

It's not purely impatience, I just don't think the key to the adventure is sitting on the edge of town, especially since the only reason the entire party is waiting is because one farmer had a worried look on his face. There will probably be a lot of that (and lots of other farmers to talk to) IMHO.

Hopefully we all will have some juicy details to report. I guess until then, you can consider me "Group 4"

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 19:19:56.
Edited on 2008-03-21 at 19:29:15 by The Ancient One

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Sentinel The Small

Into the house, of course. Since Gunther discerned no evil intent - why not? Ask all the questions - including the reserve of the women espepcially. I suggest one of us not eat/drink, just in case. Perhaps the ranger? Sentinel will as he has some poison resistance. But we all watch warily, and ask many questions. We should even ask them to show us his home and farm buildings because we are all so interested in his well-run farm.

I suggest that another group of 2 to 4 edge up nearer to the house, just in case. Why not have backus nearer by?

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 20:12:50.

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You arent supposed to suggest anything to anyone not in your group. If you read one of Tripwires posts a page or 2 back he explains why. No harm no foul though, just thought you should know if you missed it.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 20:50:51.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Group #1 Enter the house is now posted ...

... and we need to remember that only input from Gunther, Oriel, Sentinel and Fandil will work for what goes on inside and we have no clue about what is happening with the group outside.

You guys should post what you want in An Evil in Orlane before Trip responds or just leave it for Trip!

At this point the four of us can only communicate with each other in the role play and none of the other 10 can offer suggestions to us or any of us 4 offer suggestions to the 10 outside!

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 20:58:27.
Edited on 2008-03-21 at 21:03:09 by Hammer

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Karma: 7/0
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More Evil Intent

It is an action. You must be holding onto your holy symbol and concentrating. I am not trying to be a penis here, I am just going about the playing of a paladin the way I think it was intended.

You can't just walk around with full concentration and intent 24-7. It just isn't going to happen. You actually have to be holding your holy symbol and concentrating in a certain direction for a full round. That means no talking, no acting non challant. You will be actively praying to your god and concentrating in an area to see if you determine the intentions of evil.

It is a great ability, but one that cannot be used 24-7 unless that is all you plan to do.

Posted on 2008-03-21 at 21:12:02.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Paladin reply

Got it Trip

Will go with what I posted and if we survive the experience then I will make sure I follow the procedure of gripping the holy symbol [with the No Talking!] in future writings!


Posted on 2008-03-21 at 21:21:39.
Edited on 2008-03-21 at 21:30:54 by Hammer

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Sentinel The Small feels small

Oops - so much for my suggestion to those who are not in the room.

Sentinel is committed to not making that mistake again.

Posted on 2008-03-22 at 01:18:43.

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Karma: 7/0
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Next postings will be tommorow evening. If you want to post get them in.

Posted on 2008-03-22 at 03:02:41.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 2/0
48 Posts

The Barn

I am thinking I might wander on over and see this mans cows. Feed them a little and take a look at the barn.

Posted on 2008-03-22 at 03:35:27.
Edited on 2008-03-22 at 03:42:17 by Wretch

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Group #1 Hey SoulTaker

According to Trip's post in the Q&A he will be writing up the results of our input in An Evil in Orlane later tonight, so if you have anything to contribute as a written post in An Evil in Orlane then please do so before Trip compiles all the ramifications!

If you have nothing to add or are busy with Easter weekend personal stuff then that is cool too!

Posted on 2008-03-22 at 13:07:36.


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