Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Hoping it's not a brass band...
The last time the crew of Rocinante opened the doors to find a brass band waiting on the other side the brass band got flattened.
Edit: If you haven't seen Alacrity's post at the bottom of the previous page, please do back up and read it. Didn't count posts and created a new page with this one... Big Al's message is important, though, so I don't want anyone to miss it.
Posted on 2012-10-22 at 15:15:28.
Edited on 2012-10-22 at 15:23:49 by Eol Fefalas
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Not my game, but please, let me interject my two cents.
Its cool to question the GM. It's cool to challenge the GM (GMs do occasionally overlook details, come close to making mistakes, etc). With that being said, consider the following:
The GM is the all powerful creative force behind the game's universe. If he says that a rescue will enable the crew to uncomfortably fit fifteen people inside of a cargo hold with roughly the storage space of a Honda Civic, then said cargo hold must expand into extradimensional space/cause items inserted inside of it to take up less space/shut up, because the GM said so. Take your pick, all three are valid explanations.
Realism is appreciated in most games, but consider that heroic tales often gloss over small details in order to advance the story. Were I you, Loki, I'd give way to the accomplished storyteller, lest you find others filling the role of the hero.
Good GMs (like Alacrity) put hours into these games because they enjoy the games. If you turn them into a chore, why bother?
Posted on 2012-10-22 at 15:22:40.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
the Star
This is in atmo of course.
Posted on 2012-10-23 at 02:46:28.
Edited on 2012-10-23 at 02:46:59 by Alacrity
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Pretty cool...
...almost looks like a player piece from Monopoly, doesn't it?
Hmmm... Firefly Monopoly... "Go to Miranda, Go Directly to Miranda, Do Not Pass Haven, Do Not Collect 200 Credits."
Posted on 2012-10-23 at 11:37:32.
Teller of Aryn RDI Fixture Karma: 21/1 509 Posts
Seen it before?
Nice ship. Isn't that for The Fifth Element? Sure seems familiar.
I love the idea of a Firefly monopoly. Would be soooo cool.
Posted on 2012-10-23 at 12:06:45.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
point for teller
Yes that is the cruise ship from fifth element. Suited my needs for the game. Are we green?
For more views and pics, look up "fhloston paradise" on google images.
Posted on 2012-10-23 at 12:10:42.
Edited on 2012-10-23 at 13:00:22 by Alacrity
Teller of Aryn RDI Fixture Karma: 21/1 509 Posts
Super Green!
Posted on 2012-10-23 at 12:15:11.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Thanks for the great post Celeste.
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 19:05:00.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
...nice post!
Also, thanks for the reminder that I've still got a short post for Fu Sheng that I still need to tack up... Will do that later this evening.
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 19:12:43.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
I was afraid I lost everyone to Star Trek.
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 19:14:12.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
...I worked up a short one (more or less just a reply to Willow and a step or three towards the cargo bay) and was 'holding on to it' to see if anyone else would offer up any more 'fodder'... posts as short as this one freak me out a little.
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 19:20:00.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Rociante has been a rock star for too long. Trek is getting some new girl on the block love, but this baby is going nowhere.
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 19:38:20.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
I do exist.
It required some clapping, and someone saying, "I believe in Bromern, I believe in Bromern..." but I am alice. Sorry for the delays.
So you all know, I, Bromern, harbor no ill will towards anyone for posting ahead and assuming actions in my absence. However, Wyatt is kinda a stickler about being in control on his ship.
Posted on 2012-10-26 at 01:04:39.
Edited on 2012-10-26 at 02:16:40 by Bromern Sal
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
as I see it
Thank you to Bromern for the great post to tie everything together.
When the passengers are coming aboard:
Wolf and Asher will be in the Engine room
Willow, John, Sifu, Trish and Wyatt will be in the Cargo Bay
Tess will be in the cockpit.
Does that sound like a fair assessment? I do not think I will be posting this weekend as there is a lot on my mind right now but hopeful by next week the others will post so I can. (Willow, Loki, Sifu, Wolf, Asher)
Posted on 2012-10-26 at 12:02:36.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
...sounds right to me.
See what I mean about a short post? *shrugs*
It's.... unusual... *shudders*
Posted on 2012-10-26 at 12:09:25.