Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Okay. Please, please stop referencing old earth movies and TV shows. I seriously doubt they would have keep Spartacus as a treasured memory over two hundred years. Please! I cringe every time I read them.
Asher has seen this before? Really? What kinda places is Asher hanging out when not in the game?
Posted on 2013-04-21 at 15:08:58.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Not To Worry Loki............
We're building a bit on earlier info. John wanted to be the pilot and he wants to have his own ship so he'll slip into that Alpha persona from time to time. The crew will react like siblings and give him a hard time, but nothing too tough unless he doesn't recognize what he's doing. The ship can't have two captains. John has shown he's good at techy stuff but so far that's all. Wyatt, Ma, Willow, Wolf and Ash are the current crew and don't have to prove themselves. Tess and John are still establishing themselve as is Sifu. The time will come when we all have each others backs and the bond will be complete, so it's all good.
BTW Ash refers to the Port side shuttle instead of starbourd because that's the one over the damaged thuster. On page 45:
Rocinante Cockpit, 9:00 pm ST
Captain Wyatt Sung sat in the second pilots chair of the bridge and listened to the reports,
Wolf: Right now the drive pod on the port side is completely nonresponsive. Can Tess land with one? Yes, but it will be a bumpy landing as she has no VTOL. You don;t know how damaged it is until you can look at it.
It would sort of fit with John seeming cocky and saying the wrong side in his rush. So I'm playing off that idea. It is sort like when Ash cut the wrong wire in his rush to help.
Ok, I'll edit that Ash has heard not seen. His thing for the ladies could seem to put him a local establishments when he was Sheriff or just out shopping.
Posted on 2013-04-21 at 15:35:11.
Edited on 2013-04-21 at 15:53:09 by Odyson
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
Port, starboard
Cheers for the correction Ody, I've gone back and edited my post to reflect that. I could have sworn that it was the starboard shuttle that was damaged.
AL: Don't worry, I don't take offense that easily. I just thought I better stand up for John although it was possibly a bit cowardly of him not attempting something.
In regards to John's relationship with the rest of the crew, I am aware John still has to prove himself and his captain's habits are proving hard for him to drop. That said he very much considers that he was hired as a technician and so that's his job, not making friends with the rest of the crew (despite the fact that it make things easier).
EDIT: Job idea - he's good at maths. He'll do every bodies tax returns and work out some complex investment scheme so the crew can make millions off the stock markets
Posted on 2013-04-21 at 20:53:24.
Edited on 2013-04-21 at 20:55:43 by Loki
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Yes please...
I'd appreciate the time references, Roger. Thanks.
I've posted, interactions and timing the best I could. Sorry fellas about changing things up a bit, but I've talked some of this over with Roger, and Wyatt would want his crew doing what they are supposed to be doing. Besides... I'm thinking of using this to our advantage.
Posted on 2013-04-22 at 16:30:45.
Edited on 2013-04-22 at 17:30:52 by Bromern Sal
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Define Interesting .....
I will attempt to get the timeline down tonight. It will be a point form list mostly.
We have some conflict in posts right now. There is a lot going on in the game at the moment and conflicting posts will happen - no way to avoid them. Do not feel you have to go back and correct them. It will only make things more confusing if you do. You post what you think will happen and I will tell you what really happens.
All I need to know right now is whether Wolf will obey the Captain and go to other shuttle instead. (Timing wise, Wolf would get the order before he entered the shuttle) If he does then action will go one way. If he does not and stands with his course of action, it will go another. Neither is better or worse but it is a pinnacle moment. No one should post beyond that.
Posted on 2013-04-22 at 18:50:36.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Wolf obeys!
Wolf is ordered! Wolf Obeys! Wolf good crewmen!
Posted on 2013-04-22 at 19:14:04.
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
Disturbing trend
Given recent events IRL with young women being assaulted by men and the media worrying more about "those poor boys and their promising sports careers" - I am finding the tone set by a number of my fellow players disturbing...and I'll put it out there for your consideration.
Not all of the players witnessed Amber propositioning John or anyone else, and only John has spotted the device but several of you have assumed, in the ugliest terms, that Amber's "a backwater whore" and " a sex animal" and your instinct to put your hands on her, and not the older naked guy? Why is her nudity more upsetting than his???
Posted on 2013-04-23 at 01:00:32.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
The perception...
In such a case, I considered having Wyatt tear the older man away and beat the tar out of him. But considering that the wealthy on board may object to one of their own being beaten senseless, and that a service rendered to these could potentially lead to future work, I felt that Wyatt's action would be to remove the girl from "harm." It looked consensual to Wyatt, so he's not assuming one is taking advantage of the other. His references to whorehouses and such is plainly in reference to the fact that they stole away to have carnal relations in his shuttle. As far as Wyatt's concerned, they are both at fault.
Posted on 2013-04-23 at 16:47:40.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Normally I would never treat a women the way I did with 'Amber'. However on my first post I was playing off Loki's post about seeing the girl sticking a needle like thingi in the old guy’s neck so I figured she was either killing him or robbing him using the sex as a diversion so I slammed her in the face with the butt of the JC.
Once I was told differently, that I had not seen the needle, I played it as two drugged up people having sex and the only way to separate them was forcefully so I grabbed her and threw her out of the shuttle. If that makes Wolf the bad guy in my posts I apologize, but I still would have posted as I did.
Posted on 2013-04-23 at 17:33:21.
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
How is that better?
So a rich old man has more rights to dignity and not being manhandled than a young rich woman. Got it. Still ugly.
Posted on 2013-04-23 at 23:17:11.
Edited on 2013-04-23 at 23:31:14 by Vanadia
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Per Loki's post SHE was sticking a needle in HIS neck so yeah she seemed like the bad guy in the frame.
As for forcible removing her well she was on top and first in line. Plus Ash was there so I would think he'd take care of the gentleman. If posting had gotten that far I would have treated him the same as the girl the second time around.
Van I know I don't have to tell you that these are just characters and just because Wolf can be an a-hole does not mean Loki, Ody, or myself are ones in RL. You know me personally, do you really think I would treat a RL lady as such??
Posted on 2013-04-23 at 23:35:03.
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
I honestly don't want to wade into this, but I'd have to suport that forcably seperating the two was the only feasable option apparent to me. I did have an idea that involved John's supply of tranqs but mixing tranqs and stimulents almost never ends in happy results so John's only two options were to leave the situation to others or to pull them apart himself. I'm happy to take blame for forcing Ody and Tann into a situation where their character's had to pull them apart, but I don't want them to get slated for their character's actions when no practical alternitives have been presented.
Posted on 2013-04-24 at 01:19:45.
Edited on 2013-04-24 at 01:21:37 by Loki
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
funny, I read the posts
Unless they have been edited....John sees " writhing on the floor of the shuttle. Stunned, it took John a couple of seconds to pull himself together. Averting his eyes slightly from the frantic bodies he banged on the side of the shuttle and loudly cleared his throat. The couple looked up but paid him not attention before getting back to it. This wasn't normal, and considering that John noticed the girl... Amber?... was gripping the man's neck tightly and, causing a bleed, a needle-like thing attached to one of Amber's fingers was stuck into the man's neck." John, and not anyone else, is the only one who sees the needle on her finger. Nothing about who's on top of whom.
So, you are acting on information that your character does not have.
Let's also consider that pulling two people apart as suggested by some of the players is markedly different than "grabbed the girl by the back of her neck and physically tossed her out of the shuttle to land on the ramp behind him. "
If that's your character and his actions...so be it. I will have to carefully consider mine.
Posted on 2013-04-24 at 02:57:15.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Sorry to have offended you
Vanadia but Wolf was mad that these two carpet junkies were having sex on a shuttle he considers part of Rocinante and thus part of him as the ship's mechanic. So yeah he got a little rough. As it's clear I misread Loki's post as to who was on top it's quite possible I would have grabbed the old guy instead of the girl and tossed him out the shuttle door.
However per the last line in your above post, about having to carefully consider your actions, I really don't know what to say to that.
Yet with all the good things in my life right now animosity is the last thing I need or want and for sure not over a ingame post with you my friend. Before I cause yet another game of Roger's to crash because of my words, I'm willing to walk away if you want me too. Just let me know.
Posted on 2013-04-24 at 03:20:52.
Edited on 2013-04-24 at 03:30:00 by TannTalas
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
First and foremost, I am not looking for any players to walk away or leave the game. I want everyone to stay here with the characters they have, so please lets not have any of that.
I'm sorry. I was trying to set up a comical moment in the game before the revelation of something very dark. The comic moment is still there but now the mood has been dampened. Now I regret putting the scene in. I should have stayed deep within the PG rating instead of skirting the edges.
Any group of gamers worth their salt will run into conflicts over actions. Having done this for a long time, I have seen many an arguments or conflicts over actions taken in the heat of the game. Especially in online games where actions may or may not actually happen. We can easily offend or hurt another online because it is a cold medium, but we are all friends here so lets work past it, because this is a really good game and I really love playing it.
Albert acted on knowledge that his character did not have and I told him so, but I told him not to bother to change his post because it gets confusing when people go back and make changes. So the actions that he posted will not happen, instead his character obeys Wyatt's order and goes to the other shuttle. I will post a timeline later today but in short, John leaves shuttle and "coms" Ash. Ash and Wolf head to shuttle. Wyatt meets them on route and orders Wolf to concentrate on fixing ship. Wolf heads to other shuttle, Wyatt and Ash enter shuttle. See Couple. Wyatt moves to separate the two. Ash calls for Willow, who is at that point trying to get the musician to talk to her.
Vanadia made a really good point that in RL there are a lot of bad things happening lately. Really bad. We don't have a transport ship to fly away from the bad and stick to the border planets. But this games gives me an hour or two a week to do just that. Like the crew of Serenity or Rocinante, let's stick together and keep her flying.
Posted on 2013-04-24 at 12:23:56.