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Cheshire Cad
Karma: 105/3
1190 Posts

Success.... kinda....

You successfully dodge all incoming barf..... rolling right into the bar.... ouch.

I roll a Heal check.

Posted on 2011-03-16 at 21:49:48.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/1
47 Posts


You manage to stop the bleeding but I'm out for the night

I make a luck roll hoping for good dreams

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 00:45:43.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Your dreams are filled with images of me.

I wish it was tomorrow already.

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 01:56:25.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/1
47 Posts

This isn't the wishing game

Your wish roll is a critical is now yesterday

I roll a precog check to keep the insanity of today from happening again

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 03:50:15.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

Still trying to find "precog" as a skill amongst the various editions ;)

Oh, so sorry--Chief John Anderton is still guilty, but you get a nice log cabin on a farm out of the deal.

I roll a Sleight of Hand Check to hide some ill-gotten gains from the Royal Tax-Collector.

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 14:11:51.

Karma: 19/0
403 Posts


Hooray! Critical! You hide your ill gotten gains so well that you forget where you hid them...along with the rest of your life savings. Permanently.

I roll to use Turn Undead against my cat!

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 14:34:36.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

No wonder they don't listen.

Success, just as I thought, cats are really the UNDEAD.

I roll for a constitution check for drinking lots and lots green Good Old Froth-n-Slosh.

Happy St. Patric's Day. Stop by the DragonChat Lounge and share a frosty mug!

Posted on 2011-03-17 at 23:50:04.

5 Headed Dracohydra
Karma: 80/23
1117 Posts

Drinking contest!

But I rolled a fort save right along side of you in an attempt to drink you under the table.

so folks who wins the contest? The Aspect of a God or a Werebear?

Posted on 2011-03-18 at 00:00:38.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

That's no blarney......

Sorry, you fail, the Only God that can hold a glass to an Irish werebear is Bacchus. Enjoy the view from under the table.

I roll a heal check for the morning after headache.

Posted on 2011-03-18 at 23:46:07.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Unfortunately, copious amounts of green beer only turn your liver green, not you.

Success is debatable--your heal check is self-medicating with an extra glass the next day.

I roll a fortitude save to avoid becoming inebriated by proximity through the alcohol on both your breaths as I go around attempting to rouse the previous night's carousers

Posted on 2011-03-19 at 01:17:41.

5 Headed Dracohydra
Karma: 80/23
1117 Posts


proximity drunkenness has a very low dc (like 10).

I roll a fortitude save against hangover nausea.

Posted on 2011-03-19 at 03:44:42.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

The price of failure......

Close, you roll a 10 so you avoided the nausia, but that headache, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

I roll a perception check to know when Chessy is sneaking in.

Posted on 2011-03-19 at 20:06:25.

Cheshire Cad
Karma: 105/3
1190 Posts

*fades in briefly*

Check failed, i successfully snuck in and back out w/o you noticing.

I roll a hide check to remain undetected.


Posted on 2011-03-26 at 03:38:37.
Edited on 2011-03-26 at 03:40:52 by Chessicfayth

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/1
47 Posts


Ody still has no idea you were here.

I roll a perform dance check

Posted on 2011-03-26 at 05:44:04.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

How does she do that?

Success and Ody knows where you are dancing and doesn't care if Chessy sneaks in.

Ody rolls a Diplomacy check to keep from drooling.

Posted on 2011-03-26 at 13:35:43.


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