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There's some vague memory creepin around in the back of my head about the calandars. I remember it was a problem for the ship captains when they were still trying to make it down the west coast of Africa, so I guess the 1400s.

No one had an official calendar set up that everyone across Europe used. Some people stayed with the early Roman calander, some with the Jewish calander and I think the Catholic Church had its own seperate one too but I'm not sure on that.

Anyways, when people finally decided they needed one calander for everyone to follow, they basically squished and slopped everything together. As you can guess,, it wasn't a perfect fit and dates were misconstrued and mangled. It's why historians weren't sure for a long ime when George Washington was actually born... in fact I don't know if they've figured it out yet.

So to answer yer question, I guess it's best to say, no one really knows when He was born because no one really cared about specific dates back then.. at all... unless it was a Jewish holiday..

Don't quote me on any of this! Remember I said vague memory!

Posted on 2006-12-01 at 20:42:21.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

good question

about the nature of humans back then.

I suppose being 'naive' to technology could predispose you to being either very trusting or the other extreme very distrusting. I guess the answer to that would be on an individual nature such as today. There are those of us who are willing to believe most anything and then those of us who don't believe anything and must see for ourselves.

What kind of nature do you think YOU have?
I am definitely one to question everything.
I'd like to say it's because my parenst raised me to question things but actually it was quite the opposite.
I was expected to do as I was told with no questions and if I refused there was punishment. Now, seeing how my nature is to question I might be inclined to think my upbringing made me be rebellious...however, I have two sisters who were raised in the same environment and they are just
the opposite. They still are afraid to question anything.

Sooo, what makes us different even though we are exposed to the same circumstances? Why do some of us choose to wonder and others blindly accept? My theory is that it might be as simple as when we were know, your sun sign etc.
Mine happens to be verry accurate so I tend to think that just may be it. I don't 'follow' my horoscope, however, I do think it's right on concerning my personality.

Well now, that was a long post. Got carried away there

Posted on 2006-12-02 at 13:42:44.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


I go with the flow but then worry about those things I can't change, however I adapt well to odd situations.

Posted on 2006-12-02 at 17:08:44.

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Karma: 7/1
63 Posts

Nature vrs Nurture

I suppose I'm a mix for that question. In general I tend to look at things objectively, accepting and disreagarding things based on what I already know and the credibility of the information and its source... But I know I mostly tend to lean toward the acceptance side, and question things later when I'm bored.. maybe this means I'm just too intellectually lazy to go around questioning everything, heh I wouldn't put it past me... But give me the right persoon to listen to and I'll not question a single word they say, just accept it for truth and move on even if I happen to know they're wrong. Contradictions- they seem to love me.

For the other questions ye asked, that's the whole argument behind Nature vr Nurture... How much is pre-determined by genetics and how much has to do with how you were raised... I believe in a balanced mix of both, not the extremes of one way or another.

Posted on 2006-12-02 at 18:45:57.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


There is no denyig that how we are raised has some impact on who we become, but anyone with a family can tell you the being raised in the same environment does NOT give you the same person again. There is both.

As for sun signs and the like - the Law of Averages states that about one in twelve people should fit their personality to their sign. In my experience this number is pretty close. If you see a higher ratio, you should ask yourself how many of them were raised to think that it was accurate and told their whole lives that they would be a certain way because of their sign. Even in small doses, something like that can have a profound effect over the years. You may also want to look at yourself and see if you aren't perhaps grafting your notions of what a person's personality should be based on their sign onto them... inflating the "proper" attributes and ignoring it when the person acts outside of the expected course based on their sign. Humans have an alarming tendency to do this without noticing.

On a related note. No one has ever guessed my sign right on the first try. Law of Averages says about one in twelve should if they are guessing randomly, so I guess it mean I don't remotely fit the sign.

Posted on 2006-12-02 at 21:00:04.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

^ word, yo ?????

You're Rob Van Winkle, aren't you?

Posted on 2006-12-03 at 07:26:09.

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Karma: 7/1
63 Posts


AHH! Ye rat! Ye have to tell me sooner'n that! I was lollygagging in a hot tub with a friend and watching some movie about penguins... I got honey all over her poor house too... Sorry bout missin ye.. try again, we'll get this eventually..

Posted on 2006-12-03 at 15:00:46.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

lmao still living in the past?

Ice Ice Baby

Posted on 2006-12-03 at 18:14:57.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


lmao, thank you for that.

Posted on 2006-12-04 at 06:00:57.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

congrats Av :):):)

I know you are ecstatic about being pregnant.
How did your hubby react? Have you told your family yet?
Is HIS family excited?? Will this be the first grandchild for either set of grandparents? Am I asking too many questions?

This is sooo exciting!! A little RDbaby!!
Hey!! Can we suggest names?

Posted on 2006-12-04 at 13:28:29.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 7/1
63 Posts


*Pops a cork of sparkling cider and throws confetti* Congrats! Congrats!! This must be such an exciting time for ye! I bet it's the best early Christmas present ye've ever gotten!

Posted on 2006-12-04 at 23:20:56.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts


It's exactly how I feel. I feel so blessed. Thank you for the congrats.

Posted on 2006-12-06 at 04:12:27.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 21/16
877 Posts

Lyskhala, you crack me up.

'I know you are ecstatic about being pregnant.'

'How did your hubby react?'
I woke him up with the positive pregnancy test so it took him a good ten minutes to really get what was happening. He's thrilled but also going into nervous preparatory mode,lol

'Have you told your family yet?'
Of course, everybody knows. They are happy for us.

'Is HIS family excited??'
I think so.

'Will this be the first grandchild for either set of grandparents?'
My brother has a baby due in March so it's a big year for my parents, grandparents twice in the same year after too many years of empty nest syndrome. My in laws, it will be the first time for them as my husband is an only child.

'Am I asking too many questions?'
No, I like answering them.

'This is sooo exciting!! A little RDbaby!!
Hey!! Can we suggest names?'

Names are already chosen:
If it's a boy -
Constantino Jadin Liandro (Tino for short)

If it's a girl -
Kyra Sophia Arwen

So, now nobody steal my names for the next year or I will be royally pissed!

Posted on 2006-12-06 at 04:18:17.
Edited on 2006-12-06 at 04:20:05 by Avrielle

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


I LOVE the names!!

I can guess where "Arwen" comes from but are the rest "family names"?

Posted on 2006-12-06 at 06:34:58.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Those were my names for when I have a kid. Stay out my head!?

Posted on 2006-12-06 at 18:43:43.


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