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Parent thread: Voyages of the Rocinante - Firefly RPG QnA
GM for this game: Alacrity
Players for this game: TannTalas, Bromern Sal, Eol Fefalas, Odyson
This game has fizzled.
    Messages in Voyages of Rocinante - Serenity/Firefly RPG
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Why is Sinatra singing in the background?

Willow hadn’t been sure what to expect. Of course she’d been searched before – never as a fledgling Companion: clients used sophisticated detection equipment and never had to resort to physical searches – and sometimes, Willow was the only crew member people insisted on searching. It served as a distraction from the others may be carrying, and if the searches were sometimes just a chance to grab a quick feel, as the expression went, Willow recited the University Hospital Pharmacopoeia to herself and tried to not pay attention.

Lao Tsu appeared to be cut from a different cloth, however, so the search would either be coldly professional or brusque – just a saving of face after she surrendered the pin and clearly could not be concealing anything under the closely fitted dress. As it was, the gold embroidered phoenix and chrysanthemums shimmered on the sapphire silk with every heartbeat, and each breath risked the tiny pearl buttons down the side.

Still, the leader of the Tong stepped forward silently, his face neutrally polite. He sent feather light fingers along her bare arms and up under her hair at the back of her neck to search her scalp. When his hands slid down her back, between the silk of her dress and the softer silk of her hair, Willow was startled when he prodded gently at the pressure points that promoted relaxation and warmth.

She brought her gaze back from the wall behind him to look at him in surprise, and while his expression did not change, his eyes danced with suppressed mischief. He knelt, still keeping her gaze, before bowing his head to concentrate on his hands’ task. When he touched Willow on the inside of her thighs with a lover’s tenderness, she closed her eyes and bit her lip to hold back any sound. As his hands continued to move, stroking her masterfully, her own outstretched hands clenched, fighting the urge to bury themselves in his hair and draw him closer.

As swiftly as it began, it ended, and Willow found herself fighting for composure as Lao Tsu rose and stepped back. She had a brief vision of pushing him back against the wall and kissing him with all her strength, but sanity prevailed. More importantly, anger distantly flared as it occurred to her that perhaps she was being played; an attempt to distract her from her purpose.

“That was very…um, interesting, Lao Tsu,” she breathed, cheeks warm as she reached up to smooth her hair before similarly rearranging the lines of her dress. “Your hands make an invitation that I cannot accept, at least not now. Perhaps later, after I have spoken with your grandfather. If you are satisfied….?”

“You may enter now.” He said with a bow and gestures to the door. “Grandfather awaits you.”

Willow walked though carved doors into a room even more private than the garden, though bearing its scent of lavender and roses, freesia a light note among the deeper florals. The room itself, despite its lush fragrance, was austerely furnished, a monk’s cell of asceticism. The old man sat in the center of the room, a wooden carved chess set before him.

“Do you play, Miss Takahara?” the old man asked.

“I do,” Willow responded, before sinking to her knees before the chessboard, tucking her heels neatly beneath her, “it was part of my training to learn all forms of board games and other diversions. Though, revered grandfather, one of us will have already lost before we begin. The white king, I fear, is missing.”

Posted on 2008-12-08 at 00:20:28.

Karma: 9/0
236 Posts

Here... it's a bit longer than I expected...

Rocinante, 11:30 pm
As the Kid made his way to his bunk, he mentally kicked himself for drinking himself stupid. Gonna gets folks killed with such foolishness, Kid. You know youse and the bottle ain’t friends. What if tha’ headhunter had been look for other sorts of trouble? That’s right… you’d have been dead.
Tired as he was, Asher didn’t stand up well to the mental assault. He didn’t bother to remove the day’s dust from himself or take off his clothes. He simply flopped into his bed and let exhaustion take him captive into a fitful sleep.

Rocinante, 12:45 am
The sudden, violent shaking of the ship was more than enough to stir Asher from his deep, yet restless sleep. He sat up straight in his bed, gasping for breath. For a moment, he thought he had overslept and ol’ Sam was taken them into black already. The Lad stared around his bunk for a few, long moment, trying to push the exhaustion away.

Somethin’ don’t feel right…
Climbing out of his bunk, Asher meets up with Ma and Miss Willow, Ma ready to take care of whatever trouble might be outside with the end of her shotgun. Looking out the bay window, Asher could see that it was the headhunter’s ship taking off at full burn. He laid a gentle, yet firm hand on Ma, stopping her from exiting.

“Safer in here than out there if the damn fool wants to take off that way, Ma.”

When the Roc finally stops jittering around, Asher goes back to his bunk and picks up his Peacekeepers, before leading the ladies out of the ship to investigate.
The ground was scorched and, as he looked up at the ship-speck in the sky, the Kid wondered aloud, “Why he’d leave in such a dang hurry? Reckless idiot could have set the whole town on fire if he had a blow back.”

Shaking his head in indignation at the headhunter’s foolishness, Asher turned his attention back to the earth. It was then that he caught Ma’s eye and sensed she had found something. The Kid came up alongside of her, the smell of her discovery assaulting his nostrils before the sight could his eyes.

The charred remains of the bounty hunter apparently caught in the blast of his own ship. What is goin’ on here? Before Asher could draw any of his own conclusions, Miss Willow pointed out the bullet hole in the hunter’s head.

The Kid’s lips pursed tightly, and shook his head. “Looks like someone grew tired of playing ‘hide and seek’ with this guy. We best head back to the ship.”

On they made their way back to the ship, the Kid noticed something lying next to the Roc’s landing strut. Thinking it to be some kind of debris blown over from when the hunter’s ship had taken off, Asher looked to clear it away. As he came closer though, the Lad discovered it to be a hat. I’ve seen this… Asher thought, trying figured out why the hat seemed familiar. Where? Where have I seen it?
Suddenly, as though yesterday’s events were flashing through his mind in rewind, Asher found the memory. The woman with the pearly peacekeepers! The Kid was sure of it. Stooping down, he picked up the hat. What was her name again?
Back in the galley, the three of them stood around, Ma heatin’ up some water to help them all get back to sleep. They chatted a bit, but for the most part Asher was left to his own thoughts. Hope you find the peace yer lookin’ for soon, Ma’am. Runnin’ from the gun ain’t no way to live life.
Asher was about to call the Cap’n, when the man himself step though the galley door.

“Awful late, dontcha think?” Wyatt said softly, eyeing the group with furrowed brows and a downturned head, his thumbs hooked in his belt.

Asher let the good Doctor tell the Cap’n the story. The frown never left Sung’s face during the recital of their discovery and when they were done, he gave a slight shake of his head. “So, someone stole the bounty hunter’s ship after killing the Buhn Dahn?

“None of our gorram business if’n you ask me. Less we know about that mess the better. Now, there’s a lot goin’ on in less hours than I’d like to count. So, I suggest the likes of you all get some sleep so we can be fresh faced and bright eyed when we have to make decisions that’ll effect our overall well-bein’. Dohn-ma?”

Asher gave the Cap’n a nod, “Gotcha, Cap’n.”

The Kid headed back for his bunk, hoping to find peace for his own troubled mind.

Rocinante, 3:20 am
Asher tossed over in his bed yet again. The Kid had lost track of how many times he had done so over the last couple hours. Opening his eyes, he peered through the darkness finding the object which was keeping him up.

The woman’s hat lay on his table. It’s just not right. he thought with a frustrated sigh. Getting up, the Kid picked up the hat and quietly made his way to the cargo bay. Finding a shovel, Asher opened the hatch and cautiously approached the remains of the head hunter.

It not right. the thought came again, as he stared at the bullet hole. The Kid was no bounty hunter, and nor would he ever accept a contract to take someone’s life. But Asher knew what it was to live by the gun, and he hoped to god that someone would have the decency to bury him when his time came to die by the gun. A man shouldn’t be left out on display like that… in his shame…
Resolved, Asher went to work, digging up a shallow grave in the dirt that had been loosened from the head hunter’s ship takin’ off. Though his muscles ached and he body cried out for bed, the Kid knew he would have no rest until he had seen the job done.

It’s not right. Asher wrestled with his thoughts as he wrestled with the dirt. Shooting a man is one thing. But putting him under the ship? He looked up for a moment, searching the starry sky for the ship-speck. Why?
The mixed emotions the Kid felt -- hatred that the woman would act so indecent moved to anger towards what could destroy a woman’s innocence so completely.

It’s just not right.
The hole was dug and Asher dragged the body into it, the smell of the corpse threatening to overcome more than once. Yet, he remained steady to his course, making quick work of covering up the dead man. When he was finished, he felt more still need to be done. So, he kept silent watch over the body. Need a shepherd. he thought. Someone to say somethin’
But there was no shepherd, and the Kid had no words. In the still, cool air, he stood, like a watchman. And in the stillness, Asher’s mind wandered back to the times he had stood and kept watch for a moment over his brother’s graves.

After a time, Asher breathed in deep. It was a cleansing breath which left the darkness of his soul for a moment at the grave. Taking his hat off in respect, he gave the grave a nod of acknowledgement before turning back for the ship.

Rocinante, 5:55 am
Asher woke up from his short sleep. He had set his alarm, something he rarely did, knowing that his normally faithful internal clock would have utterly failed him this morning. The sleep had been too short to take away any of the toils of yesterday. Still, the Kid felt a certain sense of peace which carried him forward.

Coming into the galley, he was the last to arrive (another anomaly) for breakfast. As he went to pick up his plate from Ma, he kissed her gently on the cheek. “Thanks for nursing me back to health last night. I would have been a wreck today if you hadn’t.”

Sam and Wolf were back already, and it gladdened the Kid’s heart to see the pilot up and about. Sam caught Asher yawning, and made some comment about him being lazy and what had taken him so long to get to breakfast. Asher smiled. Yep. Same ol’ Sam. Nice to have him back…
The Kid filled in the crew that he had gone out and buried the dead man late in the night. “Sorry, Cap’n. I know you said it was none of our business, but I just had no peace ‘bout it. A man should have to lie out there in all his shame like that. It’s not decent, y’ know?” He looked around the room for affirmation. “It’s just not right.” He said, looking at the ground.

Miss Willow surprised the Lad with a strong hug, and light kiss to the forehead before looking into his eyes, “You’re a good man, Asher Talhone, a good man.”

The Kid blushed profusely, “Thanks, Miss Willow,” he said simply, as he looked to take his seat around the table. As he ate, he listened to the Cap’n talk about getting paid and what needed to get done before they could break atmo.

When he had finished giving the others their orders, the Cap’n glanced over at the Sam and the Kid’s direction. “I’m assumin’ the two of you’ll be joining me at the town meeting?”

“Sounds good t’ me, Cap’n.”

“Good. Then we’ll swing by the port authority once we get our fill here, an’ after that we’ll hit the main street an’ see if I can’t get me a new hat, while Asher picks up our ammunition, an’ Sam replaces that shirt they made Swiss cheese outta.”

“You got it, Cap’n.” came the Kid’s reply. And he added, “Need to swing by the Doc’s place too. Left my bag of tricks there in all the rush… would be good to get them back.”

When the meal was finished, Asher made quick work of getting ready, combing his hair and putting on some fresh clothes. His gun belts strapped on, the Kid was going to reach for the Peacekeepers again, but changed his mind and picked up his 6s. Bit more intimidating… maybe we can avoid a fire fight today.

Posted on 2008-12-11 at 06:31:31.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

The role of Sam will be played by a tall dark and sinster man

Rocinante, Regina, Frisco – 7:00 am
Sam wanted to share the news of the money that Brigit had told him about, but there was all means of bad feelings to deal with first. He decided to keep the news to himself until after the crew meeting was over. Then, once Willow was on her way to her shepherd, Wolf was out the door with a fist full of platinum, list of parts in hand and humming a happy tune. The kid left shortly afterwards with the need to buy ammo and pick up the equipment he left at the doctor’s place. Ma was busy cleaning up so Sam shot a look to the captain that said “we need to talk.”

They met in the cockpit and Sam laid it out for the Captain. Brigit, the ship with the lost Independence cash, the mine and he even took Wyatt about the Ludlow. It was clear to the Captain that Sam was completely smitten with Brigit and believed her a whole lot more than he should. But the money sounded right tempting now – and he heard talk of money that was stolen during the war by a greedy folk or two. Sure wasn’t doing anyone any good buried deep in a mine.

While they were mulling over the situation, Sam noticed the wave in his folder. He brought it up, and had to go through the usual hoops that Tink built into her messages. No one in the verse could crypt a message like her, both verbal and somatic components were required and the Captain shot him an odd look while he waved his arms in the air and declared “I believe in fairies!”

Once he got to the message it was very short. “Eyes open and to the sky Peter. Hook is looking for your Wendy and looking quiet. Searching the Willow tree if you caught my meaning, so keep her safe, keep her hidden.”

The Captain shot a questioning look to Sam. Sam looked over at him. “That was from a friend who keeps an eye on the cortex for me. Someone is looking for Willow. Looking for her through the cortex but not alliance or anyone who wants to let it know they are searching.”

Emmett’s Bar, Beylix, Newhouse – 12:05 am
Dason wanted to be quick, not give this Bowman fella a chance to get to his guns. He pulled the hammer back while it was still in his pocket, planning to quickdraw and fire in the same motion. But the gorram guy was faster than Buddha’s little pony and had a gun in his hand in a blur. Dason panicked and tried to draw and fire but he pulls the trigger while it is in his pocket and the hammer fouls on the material of pocket.

Andrew saw the butt of the gun in the man’s hand as he attempted to draw on him. His reflexs took over and he double tapped two rounds at his assailant and then threw himself to the floor in case the mans lived and fired back.

But Dason didn’t have the chance. Both bullets hit him through the heart. He arched backwards and fell to floor, dead before his head him the ground. The gun, still trapped in his pocket.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Screamed the barmaid in hysterics. She looked at the dead man, back to Andrew and screamed again as she peeled out of the bar screaming murder at the top of her lungs.

“Gorram it! You shot him!” Darryl said in disbelief his own guns out and trained oon Andrew, “He didn’t even have a gun!”

“That was murder mister! Sheriff’s gonna hang you!” Doug added. He hadn’t drawn yet but his hand was on his gun

Bobbie shook his head, “Hold on boys. I heard a hammer cock. I’m sure of it” as he got up and walked over to the body. “It’s in his pocket! It’s a gorram peashooter, but he’s got a gun.”

Posted on 2008-12-15 at 01:29:51.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

And we are off again

The Temple, Regina, Frisco – 7:10- 8:30 am
"Do you play, Miss Takahara?" the old man asked.

"I do," Willow responded, before sinking to her knees before the chessboard, tucking her heels neatly beneath her, "it was part of my training to learn all forms of board games and other diversions. Though, revered grandfather, one of us will have already lost before we begin. The white king, I fear, is missing."

"That which is missing is not always lost, and some games are played much longer than we hope or expect." The old man replies with blind eyes looking up and head tilted. "The winning of the game is not as important as what we have learned up to making our last move." He moves to stand, unaided by the cane in his hand. He is not unsteady in rising but takes his time to do so; "I believe the universe has presented you to me as a gift, to aid me in my resolutions. Why are you here Miss Takahara? For what purpose did the universe gift you the breath of life?" he asks solemnly.

Willow watched the old man rise, but did not get up to assist, as his body language expressed confidence that he would, indeed, make it on his own.

At his question, though, she looked down at her hands, clasped lightly in her lap. "How many of us are fortunate enough to know why we are on this path?" She asked quietly, almost as if speaking to herself as much as to the old man. "Most of us guess, trying to listen to our hearts, but the world can drown out its voice. I've tried two paths, so far, and both have felt right ... And both have felt wrong. I think," Willow looked up into the old man's care lined face, "that somehow I am meant to make people whole again. I just don't know how. "

The old man face beams into a smile with Willow’s answer and he bows slightly to show respect. "It is my hope and wish that you may make me whole again, Miss Takahara. Tell me of the path you have taken so far, so I might walk in your footsteps."

Willow found herself telling the old man about her life, carefully avoiding details about her family and her "special friends", as she referred to former clients and current dalliances. While the name Takahara was fairly common, Willow felt it prudent to be discreet about her family's long as she was seated in a Tong stronghold. She recounted her apprenticeship as a Companion, then leaving to study as a doctor, before joining the crew of the Rocinante (again, leaving out the fact that she owned a share). Throughout the conversation, Grandfather asked her questions about her actions or decisions, probing to find her motives but not so as to gleam details that Willow was not willing to detail. The old man resists any attempts to draw out stories of his pass beyond that he wasn’t always a shepherd and he is not proud of action he took or caused in his past. Willow gets a strong sense of honour from him, as well a desire to set things right. The doctor can’t help but wonder if his health maybe failing, as there seems to be some urgency to his methods.

"So, as you can see," Willow finished as a lovely young girl poured chrysanthemum tea, “An interesting life, but not nearly as glamorous as one may think."

“May you live in interesting times was once considered a curse, but I think you would not have been happy in a glamorous life.” He says solemnly, “But allow me to get to the point.”

"Miss Takahara. You will leave soon and unless I am wrong, you will be heading for Beylix, specifically Newhouse. I have a ... mission I wish you to undertake for me. Before you accept, let me say that it is a simple task, but its completion will bring peace to my ancestors and to this old man. If you accept, you must keep the task to yourself only, not even telling your captain. I require this oath from you if you can give it?"

As the old man spoke, Willow could picture chess pieces moving on the board, attempting to pin her queen. Without a doubt, she was being tested, just as surely as Lao Tsu had tested her earlier, but here, she was less sure of the "right" answer. For her, however, there only was one possible answer.

She shook her head regretfully, knowing that the old man couldn't see the gesture, but would hear the movement of her hair across her shoulder blades. "You have not known me long, revered grandfather, nor have you had much conversation with the Captain, so you cannot know the bond between us. If this task of yours poses no danger to the ship or crew, I'll be happy to help, but I cannot keep it secret from the Captain if he asks...though I do allow myself some discretion on my own affairs."

The old shepherd smiled and nodded contently. “So be it. I can only ask you to follow your heart, as I must follow my own. I owe your captain my life for his assistance, and I sense a great sense of honour and commitment in him. Would I have the time to know you better Miss Takahara, but I do not have such luxury.”

He paused to sip his tea and gently wave away the girl serving the tea. Once alone again, his smile disappears, “Captain Wyatt fought in the war, did he not? On the side of independence?”

(assuming confirmation)

“There was much death and horror in the war, some of which has not seen the light of day and never should be revealed. It is good that you are a doctor, for it gives you an appreciation of life and a sense of that which would take life away and leave only darkness.” He cleared his throat, “On Belyix, I want you to locate a man who calls himself Benny Xiau. Seek out the places where the ragged and desperate seek solace and escape, and you will find him. He has the missing white king from this set, and I want you to buy it off him. You will be given a purse of 750 credits, with a bank note to allow you to draw another 750 if needed from any bank in Newhouse. But beware, you will not be the only person looking for the piece, and I do not know how far others will go to get it.”


“The piece is key, Miss Tarahara. Key to something sinister that must remain in darkness forever. Once you have the king, return here, and give it to myself only. If you can not do so, then you will have to use the king as you see fit.”

(Confused yet?)

“All will become clear in time, Miss Takahara. Will you do this for me? Will you bring peace to an old shepherd before his final days?”

(Assuming a yes)

“Good. Now stay awhile with me and speak of the worlds beyond our own and the lives upon them. We shall break our fast together with some Dim Sum and enjoy the pleasure of each others company.”

Emmett’s Bar, Beylix, Newhouse – 12:05 am
Dason wanted to be quick, not give this Bowman fella a chance to get to his guns. He pulled the hammer back while it was still in his pocket, planning to quickdraw and fire in the same motion. But the gorram guy was faster than Buddha’s little pony and had a gun in his hand in a blur. Dason panicked and tried to draw and fire but he pulls the trigger while it is in his pocket and the hammer fouls on the material of pocket.

Andrew saw the butt of the gun in the man’s hand as he attempted to draw on him. His reflexs took over and he double tapped two rounds at his assailant and then threw himself to the floor in case the mans lived and fired back.

But Dason didn’t have the chance. Both bullets hit him through the heart. He arched backwards and fell to floor, dead before his head him the ground. The gun, still trapped in his pocket.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Screamed the barmaid in hysterics. She looked at the dead man, back to Andrew and screamed again as she peeled out of the bar screaming murder at the top of her lungs. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”

“Gorram it! You shot him!” Darryl said in disbelief his own guns out and trained on Andrew, “He didn’t even have a gun!”

“That was murder mister! Sheriff’s gonna hang you!” Doug added. He hadn’t drawn yet but his hand was on his gun

Bobbie shook his head, “Hold on boys. I heard a hammer cock. I’m sure of it.” as he got up and walked over to the body. “It’s in his pocket! It’s a gorram peashooter, but he’s got a gun.”

(Assuming some discussion, a bit of you did, I didn’t)

A shotgun is pumped behind Andrew and the men just as a man comes into the bar with a colt in hand and a bemused look on his face. Both of these newcomers wear a silver star denoting them as the law in these parts, the colt bearing man’s star says sheriff.

“Well, what do we have here?” The man drawls with an accent (John Cleese in Silverado). He looks over all of the men in the bar until his eyes fall on Andrew. “So what’s your story?”

In Town shopping, Regina, Frisco – 7:10- 8:30 am
OOC: I am working on the premise that Wyatt, Asher and Sam are travelling together and Wolf is off to see Bailey.

Wandering through the town in the early morning shows the signs of lawlessness and trouble that the town folks have been describing. You pass a number of men, some alone and some in groups that have a desperate look to them that would allow them to do anything to survive. Others just look nasty. You pass at least two dead men, stripped of their goods then left in gutters and a number of men with wounds of all sorts. If any of them thought to tussle with you though, the look on the captain’s face and the “go ahead make my day” look on Asher’s is more than enough to make them decide to seek easier marks.

The first place you enter is Woodbury General Store. A sharp dressed man wearing a shop keepers apron introduces himself as Orville and does his best to help you out. His wife Amelia watches you with a shotgun in hand until she feels that “you ain’t none of them thar’ varmits” and she places the gun back in its rack.

You find that Orville and Amelia have all the ammo supplies you need for the “regulation” weapons, but no protective gear or ammo for assault rifles and machine guns. For that they send you next door to Ormond and Lovett Store.

Upon entering this store, you find that it is set up very similar to the Woodbury, but a lot of the shelves are bare. A man immediately approaches you with a charming smile as you enter, “Welcome gentlemen! How can I …?”

As he speaks, a voice loudly echoes from the back “Hey! Lovett! You Tain Di Wu Yohn! Stop playing with your Joo Fuen Chse and do some work for a change!”

“Ormond you Mei yong ma duh tse gu yong! Can’t you leave me alone for one second. I’m with customers, Dohn-ma!”

Bailey Sacket’s, Regina, Frisco – 7:30 am
Bailey’s shop would be considered a dump by most, but to the engineering eye of Fenris, it was a gold mine. There was treasures to be found if you were willing to do some digging. The mechanic entered the shop of his old boss and found the man there, filling out some paperwork for the mines. Bailey looked up and gave Fenris a smile. “Wolf! You just can’t seem to get off this rock can ya? What can I do found you?”

Posted on 2009-01-06 at 17:41:53.
Edited on 2009-01-06 at 17:43:28 by Alacrity

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

A post from Me

With so much going on that did not need Fenris he headed towards Baileys to get the needed parts to repair the Mule while in space.

Now by most people Bailey’s shop would be considered a dump, but to Fenris’s engineering eye and his heart, having spent so much time here, it was a gold mine. There were treasures to be found if you were willing to do some digging. The mechanic entered the shop of his old boss and found the man there, filling out some paperwork for the mines. Bailey looked up and gave Fenris a smile.

“Wolf! You just can’t seem to get off this rock can ya? What can I do for you?”

“Hiya Bailey” Fenris answered, a return smile given. “I was hoping I could dig through the parts out back as I got a mule to fix. I got a bit of money and depending on what I find I could compensate, this time at least”

The last said with a small chuckle. How many times had he “rummaged” around trying to find a part and once finding it had Bailey let him go with no cost? At least this time the new mechanic of the Rocinante would try to pay, but knowing Bailey it could well turn out to be a wasted attempt.

“However as for getting off this rock I got a job with the crew of that Firefly class transport sitting on the space pad as they happen to be old friends, so it looks like I will be going off world soon.”

(OOC: Ok ended the post here so as to leave open more role play as I got the feeling that Fenris and Bailey are good friends. If wrong please correct..)

Posted on 2009-01-09 at 01:02:27.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Store.

Rocinante, Regina, Frisco – 7:00 am
Wyatt was gearing up, ready to hit the town again before the meeting when Sam stated that he needed to talk. The cockpit turned out to be the best place for some privacy, especially since just about no one except the captain or Sam usually spent time in the cockpit.

Wyatt listened to all that Sam had to say, the whole time remaining impassive and unreadable on the outside while inside he couldn’t believe Sam had fallen for Bridgette, or that they’d become embroiled in this mess in the first place. Everything about the situation screamed at him to turn tail and run—to take the crew out into the Black and vanish from the codex. Not even the potential for the money Bridgette was hinting at—tempting though it was—weighed in against the safety of his crew. What’s more was that he wanted to smack Sam for getting grifted like he was, but the man had just been through a near death experience, and he was Wyatt’s oldest (known to be alive) friend. Wyatt’s eyes went to the ceiling and the wiring visible there. He honestly had to absorb what he’d just heard.

“I believe in fairies!”

Wyatt immediately dropped his gaze back to where Sam was doing his best to appear addled in the brainpan. Dash wasn’t paying attention though. Instead, he was listening to the message coming across the wave: “Eyes open and to the sky Peter. Hook is looking for your Wendy and looking quiet. Searching the Willow tree if you caught my meaning, so keep her safe, keep her hidden.”

Sam must’ve felt Wyatt’s eyes on him, ‘cause he turned and felt the need to answer the unspoken question in his captain’s eyes.

“That was from a friend who keeps an eye on the cortex for me. Someone is looking for Willow. Looking for her through the cortex but not alliance or anyone who wants to let it know they are searching.”

Gorram,” Wyatt breathed, and for the first time in days he let the disbelief show on his face as lines of worry crept out from his eyes. They were caught between a rock and a hard spot to be certain, and Sung needed a bit of time to internalize all of this, but a part of him wanted nothing to hole up for the morning just to get his head straight, but there wasn’t time for that. They were all in danger of being swallowed up by that gapin’ black hole that Bridgette had forming around her, they’d off’d two of the three boys belonging to an Alliance officer, and now someone was after Willow. Searching for her through the cortex meant they could be anywhere, far or near, and here she was off on her own.

“Stay sharp for me, Sam. We just landed in a whole bunch o’ Ri shou gou shi bing, an’ we can’t afford no mistakes jus’ cause a girl hikes her skirts up for ya. dohn-ma?” Wyatt sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked about the cockpit. The chance to ease their financial woes was a real enticing bit of information. “What’s Miss Bridgette got to back up her claim?”

(OOC: answer?)

Returning his gaze to the cockpit floor Wyatt gave a slight shake of his head. “I don’t like this one bit, Sam. Not one bit.

“Get yerself ready. I got to mull this over some, an’ we still got the town meetin’ t’ see to, so strap yerself an’ meet me in the cargo bay pronto.”

Leaving the pilot with that, Sung strode out of the cockpit and made his way to his quarters where he strapped on his weapons, grabbed his coat, and headed towards the cargo bay. He didn’t say anything to Sam or Asher once they all gathered together, especially about the information Sam had just divulged. Instead, he just opened the door to the town (OOC: Perception check please) and provided that it was safe, started off to the shop.

The first shop—Woodbury General Store—was a simple stop. Wyatt ignored the woman with the shotgun as he would an annoying pest, and focused his attention on the interaction between Orville and Asher, letting The Kid handle the fine points while he made inventory of their hats. Finding one he liked, similar in appearance to his previous hat, Sung joined Asher as he finished up with the selection of ammunition and made their payment together. Questions placed about mesh and more were redirected next door to Ormond and Lovett.

The hat was still stiff. Wyatt didn’t look forward to the headaches breaking the hat in the slow way would bring, but they didn’t have time for him to soak it, shape it, and let it dry. Stepping into the shop, he reset the hat on his head and pulled the front of the brim down the way he liked it as he took the scene in.

“Welcome, gentlemen! How can I…?”

The friendly-looking fellow approaching was interrupted by a call from the back.

“Hey! Lovett! You Tain Di Wu Yohn! Stop playing with your Joo Fuen Chse and do some work for a change!”

“Ormond you Mei yong ma duh tse gu yong! Can’t you leave me alone for one second. I’m with customers, Dohn-ma!”

Wyatt looked to Asher and back to Lovett. “We have some business t’ attend to pertainin’ to ammunition for some big damn guns, and some protective wear. We were told you could help.”

That…that was probably the wrong thing to say, but Wyatt didn’t have much time to retract, or retrace, as the man began to deny any culpability for such allegations as vehemently as a husband caught by a wife in a whorehouse. The captain was barely able to get a word in edgewise due to the man’s fluttering about trying to redirect their questions while pausing at windows and fluctuating the volume of his voice like some conspirator. Finally, Wyatt had put up with enough.

Bi jweh!” His voice—level though it was—cut through the man’s antics like a sawed off through a mid-section. “We used up the ammo savin’ yer damn bank from bein’ robbed blind, and my friend here got turned into Swiss cheese in the process. If’n you got the ammunition I’d be right pleased if’n you’d set us up proper and quit with the fool act!”

After that, everything went really smooth. Lovett was more than happy to help out once he learned that they were the big damn heroes who’d kept the town in money. Wyatt was quick to finalize their business, in part due to the fact that it still irked him people thought of him as the Law, and in part because he was starting to be as twitchy as Sam ever since the pilot had filled his head with thoughts of lost treasure, Ludlows, and some mystery entity hunting Willow…not to mention the Alliance affiliated father of the Ludlows, and the third brother—they come in threes…Ta ma duh! Wyatt was glad to get out of that shop and be about the rest of the morning tasks.

The meeting—bureaucracy and all—would be a welcome opportunity to keep his mind occupied with something more mundane.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 03:40:46.

Den Mother
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Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

Decisions, decisions

The old man paused to gently wave away the girl serving the tea. Once alone again, his smile disappears, “Captain Wyatt fought in the war, did he not? On the side of independence?”

“Captain Sung makes no secret of his feelings towards the Alliance, “Willow responded smoothly. She was still not sure where this was headed, and she had the feeling had changed from chess to Texas Hold’em.

“There was much death and horror in the war, some of which has not seen the light of day and never should be revealed. It is good that you are a doctor, for it gives you an appreciation of life and a sense of that which would take life away and leave only darkness.” The old man cleared his throat on that cautious way of the elderly, “On Belyix, I want you to locate a man who calls himself Benny Xiau. Seek out the places where the ragged and desperate seek solace and escape, and you will find him. He has the missing white king from this set, and I want you to buy it off him. You will be given a purse of 750 credits, with a bank note to allow you to draw another 750 if needed from any bank in Newhouse. But beware, you will not be the only person looking for the piece, and I do not know how far others will go to get it.”

“That is a generous, some would say exorbitant, sum for a wooden carving, revered grandfather. Surely you could commission the crafting of a replacement? I feel that the chess piece is not merely a king, but something more,” Willow tried a subtle nudge for more information.

“The piece is key, Miss Tarahara. Key to something sinister that must remain in darkness forever. Once you have the king, return here, and give it to myself only. If you can not do so, then you will have to use the king as you see fit.”

The former Companion took a moment to inhale the fragrance of her tea, taking a slow sip while she tried to understand the significance of the chess piece. In the end, she settled for simplicity. “I don’t understand, grandfather, this is a different game than any I know.”

“All will become clear in time, Miss Takahara. Will you do this for me? Will you bring peace to an old shepherd before his final days?”

Willow had been trained out of any dress smoothing, hair fixing, jewelry touching, any fidgeting gestures that detracted from the image of serene confidence, but delaying tactics while considering an offer were permitted, as long as they were graceful. She rose to her feet effortlessly, her dancer’s legs playing peekaboo with the tight dress’ side slits, and moved around the room as she considered, her head cocked slightly in thought.

“We can do this for you, as long as there is no danger to my crew or ship. We are headed to Belyix, but were not necessarily plotting a course back here. Will you compensate us for our costs in returning? I can perform a favour for you out of affection, but I can’t ask the crew to be out of pocket for my whims,“ she finally responded, watching the old man for his reaction.

(Assuming agreement)

“Good. Now stay awhile with me and speak of the worlds beyond our own and the lives upon them. We shall break our fast together with some Dim Sum and enjoy the pleasure of each others company,” the elderly Shepherd invited, and Willow sank down across from him once more.

“Certainly, grandfather. Captain Sung will grow concerned if I tarry long without word, however. Could you send a message to him that I will meet him in an hour and perhaps someone could escort me to the town hall then?

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 13:05:13.

The Tired
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Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

town hall meeting

Bailey Sacket’s, Regina, Frisco – 8:00 – 8:30 am
“However as for getting off this rock I got a job with the crew of that Firefly class transport sitting on the space pad as they happen to be old friends, so it looks like I will be going off world soon.” Fenris replied to his old boss.

“Well good for you!” Bailey said sincerely, “I knew you’d find your way someday and I never expect to keep the good ones long. You feel free to poke around and take what you need. I owe you enough in unpaid wages that We’ll call it square. But if your fixing the mule, take a look out back. I hauled that mule your friend blew up from the outskirts last night. It’s badly off but some of the parts are golden. The fancy turbo boost was built away from the main thrusters and gravboot, so there is some parts intact.”

Bailey took Fenris outback and showed him the wreck. The front half was peeled like a banana but the back where the drive sat was only battered in the fall.

(assuming some conversation here)

“Well I got to run Wolf. JW is holding a town meeting today and he wants me there for some reason. Like I said, help yourself – you know the place better than me. There some home brewed ale in the back, done drink me dry but have a couple – good stuff.”

Ormond and Lovett’s Store, Regina, Frisco –8:40 am
The transactions at the shops go smoothly once they realize who you are and what you are looking for. Ormond and Lovett have a room in the back where they keep all the candy and they do have nice candy - from the basic ballistic vest to a Newtech “Mithril” suit that was supposed the newest thing in body armour – if one had the thousands of credits to spend. They usually charge a higher rate than you’d fine in the central planets but for you, they give you a discount for all the stuff you’ve done in the day you’ve been here. Wyatt is at least pleased to see that neither one of them is calling him sheriff.

(out of the book pricing – let me know what you want and I’ll tally the cost.)

While you are talking and making your purchases, two Chinese men enter the shop, dressed in the black robes of the Tong. They head directly for Wyatt, stopping before him and bowing in a polite manner. Then one of them hand the Captain a paper note.

(Assuming Wyatt read the note)
In a flowing, elegant hand, the note reads:

My dearest Captain,

My time with Grandfather has passed exceedingly well, and I am taking a small refreshment before joining you at the town hall. Look for me to arrive in an hour’s time, and worry not, I shall not be left to walk the small distance alone. I hope your shopping expedition was equally pleasurable, and that you have found a suitable replacement for your poor, battered hat.

With warmest thoughts,

Wyatt and Asher finish their transactions and head over to the Doctor’s place so Asher can pick up his stuff. The doctor isn’t about but the door is not locked and Asher finds his stuff exactly where he left them. The doctor isn’t around or he is not up yet, either way there is nowhere to go but the town hall for the meeting.

Blake’s Town hall, above the bank, Regina, Frisco – 9:00 am
When Wyatt, Sam and Asher arrived at the town hall, Bailey and JW were outside the stairwell that leads up to the meeting. JW smiles and nods to you as you approach, “Glad to see you could make it boys. Means a lot to me. Where is that lovely lady that you were with last night? Miss Willow if I reckon correctly?”

(assuming conversation – she’ll be coming around the mountain when she comes)

“Well let’s go up then and I’ll let you know who’s who then.” JW says slyly and heads up the stairs with Bailey behind him. Once inside you see a large hall with a number of people inside. There are a number of chairs set up in a rough circle towards the centre of the room. Coffee is set up in a metal urn on a side table, with some pastries and assorted sandwiches.

Looking around you see a few people you have met already. The banker John Blake and his wife Cora are huddle together talking. Jimmy Blake, the young man who had taken an interest in Willow last night was also there, dressed up in a fine suit and looking important. The reporter man who Wyatt scared away was digging into the sandwiches with a gusto – Charles Caesar was his name. The Miner Union man, Chad Sloat was seated in the circle as if impatient for things to start. Surprisingly, the bartender from last light, who got your cash but wouldn’t serve anything but liquor, was here. He is the only oriental person present which makes you wonder if he represents the Tong. Of course, there was Brigit, who detached herself quickly from talking to Chad and headed quickly over to JW side, but she veers of course, coming towards the Captain.

“My dear Captain. In all the excitement and kerfuffle of yesterday, I never had the chance to thank you properly for saving my life. I hope you’ll accept my apologies for being rude. Sam, it is good to see that the doctor has you up and around, I was deathly scared for you. How are you feeling? And Asher, thank you for that fine pistolwork. What with three straight and upright men nearby, a gal can’t help but feel safer.” She puts her arm congenially on Wyatt’s arm and gently leads him into the room. “Now who don’t you know yet?” Have you met Charles? Charles here is the owner, operator and writer for the Frisco Sun.”

The newspaperman (pic: Jeffrey Jones – Deadwood) looks up from his sandwich and his face blanches. “Uh-hum, yes. That’s The Frisco Star Miss Brigit and we have met. Captain, I apologize if I left you with a bad impression. As a news hound, once I get my teeth into a story.”

“Yes, Charles is quite the tenacious one. Would any of you boys like some coffee? Sandwiches if Charles cares to leave you some? Now over here is CC Fiddler.” Brigit walks you over to a dark hair man, clean shaven and well dressed (Pic: Bruce Campbell – Brisco County). “CC here owes the Hotel Southern.” She says as if that should mean something to you, “CC, this here is Captain Wyatt Sung who saved the bank yesterday from those awful men.”

“Well pleased to meet you Captain, It is an honour, I say, an honour to shake your hand. Have you visited…”

“Don’t be talking business now CC, the Captain is a busy man.” Brigit purrs and moves Wyatt to another man whose manner of dress screams store keeper. “This is Alfonzo Sherman, but we all call him Sherm. Sherm, this here is Captain Wyatt.” The merchant greets you cordially but doesn’t say much beyond a pleased to meet you.

‘And over here is Dennis Chow.(pic: Donald Li – Big Trouble in Little China) Dennis is a bartender at the Lawrence but he is here representing,’ She drops her voice to a whisper, “the Tong”. And then she laughs as if caught saying something naughty.

“Miss Brigit. I no…”

“So!” Brigit says loudly enough for everyone to hear her, “Shall we get this meeting started then?”
JW cleared his throat loudly, “Yep. We all know why we’re here. Things ain’t been good in town lately Between the Consortium trying to close down the mine and these low life critters hanging around, you are all worrying about what’s coming next. Now there was an incident yesterday where a few of the local colour tried to help themselves to the money in the bank. Now that was broken up by Captain Wyatt here and his crew and I sure we are all appreciative of what they did for us.” There was a murmur around the room. “But the captain here ain’t no sheriff and he doesn’t want the job. He’s got a boat and his own people to take care of and he don’t need to be taking on a whole city of issues as well. So stop asking, cause it ain’t happening.”

Brigit spoke up, “But I think JW honey, that yesterday did show that we needed something. Getting to be a woman isn’t safe in her own town.”

John Blake opens his mouth to speak but Cora speaks up first, “Well, we pay taxes just like those on the central planets so it’s about time we got some representation. There are three alliance warships in atom – let’s ask them to send a patrol to …you know patrol the streets.”

JW shook his head, “We had a patrol yesterday remember. They were more interested in the…bodies than the incident. Asking for Alliance help is like asking for a fox to guard the chicken coop.”

“War’s over JW. Let it go” Cora says dismissively.

“What about finding a sheriff?” CC speaks up.

“How are we gonna afford a sheriff?” Sherm fires back. We’re struggling as it is. I like Mrs Blake’s idea. Get the Alliance in – got to be better than this.”

“If we had a proper Guild Representative, elected by the miners, we could have the backing of the guild to finance a sheriff.” Chad added as CC and Sherm glared at each other.

‘Gentlemen!” Charles stands up and raises his hands dramatically. May I remind you that the Corone mining Corporation and the Alliance are close buddies in their affairs? After all, the ships in orbit are there to prevent the mine from operating. Could you trust a patrol from such a source?”

“Excuse me!” Jimmy calls out and everyone sort turns as if surprised he spoke up, “I have heard that there is a deputy in a junkyard town of Newhouse, Beylix. Name is Pearson and he cleaned up the place so well that he’s looking for a new challenge. If you were to seek him out”

”How you know this?” Dennis Chow looks over at Jimmy incredulously.

“I have my sources.” Jimmy replied looking like it was beneath his to answer.

“Sources? You no have sources! You do nothing but chase skirt and spend parent money. You no sources – you Meh lien dub jyah jee
“Dennis! There are ladies present.” Brigit says looking shocked.

“How dare you speak to my Jimmy” Cora starts to move towards Dennis.

“Well! If I had criminal ties, I’d be afraid of a sheriff too.’ Jimmy shot back.

Juh shi suh mo go dohng shee? I no Tong. JW invite me here. Ask my opinion. You Shia suo. I want sheriff in town. Keep peace good for business.”

“Hold now people,” JW stood up.
Shia Sho! Jimmy stands up angrily, “Nee you wuo kai cheng!
Dennis jumps out of his chair so fast that it flies backwards. He leaps at Jimmy and the two go down on the floor, grappling at each other and trying to throw punches.

Posted on 2009-01-26 at 04:05:02.
Edited on 2009-01-26 at 04:05:54 by Alacrity

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Pigs will walloe.

Wyatt’s position in the hall put him at the back near the door. He hadn’t taken a seat, but had instead opted to lean back against the rough wood of the wall and allow his browncoat to fall away from his holstered Colt for easy access. His new hat sat stiffly upon his head worn low over his eyes as he did when he wanted to give the impression that he was intent on his surroundings. He’d practiced long and hard to make his hat’s position upon his head speak for him, and though it was a new hat, the old habit was still there.

His being a wallflower allowed him to see it all unfold and chaos threaten to breach the meeting’s false sense of propriety from such a vantage that it kept him out of the middle of it. He wasn’t prone to interfere with such things, but ever since learning that they’d pissed off an Alliance bigwig, gotten in bed with a treasure hunter, and discovered that someone was hunting Willow, he felt a pressing need to be on his way about something…anything…that would provide them with enough credits to keep Rocinante flying and those that hunted them a couple of steps behind. So, as Dennis and Jimmy hit the hardwood, Wyatt motioned at Asher and Sam in such a way as he’d done time and time again to put them to action, and pushed himself from the wall, striding purposefully forward towards the tussle.

“That’s enough!” Sung commanded (OOC: Leadership check please) as he fell within a step of the wrestling match. “You’re actin’ like a bunch o’ gorram schoolboys.”

His hand was on the butt of his Colt, but he stood ready to reach in and pluck one ‘r the other from the scuffle and hoist them to their feet, hopefully with Sam and Asher ready to do the same.

“Now, I ain’t conjuring no visions of grandeur ‘bout my contribution here,” Wyatt drawled easily. While watching the two in question, he was addressing the crowd. “But seein’ how my time’s precious t’ me, an’ I was told there’d be work here for me an’ mine, I gotta insist that everyone keep it civil…at least ‘til the hold of my ship is full, and we’re well on our way.”

(OOC: If Dennis and Jimmy don’t comply, Wyatt will give Asher and Sam the motion indicating it is time to intercede, and he’ll reach in for whomever is on top, to haul them off and drop them unceremoniously to the floor, or leave them on their feet, whichever happens when he lets go: Unarmed Combat check I suppose.)

Posted on 2009-02-02 at 05:15:32.

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

A Time to say Goodbye

“However as for getting off this rock I got a job with the crew of that Firefly class transport sitting on the space pad as they happen to be old friends, so it looks like I will be going off world soon.” Fenris replied to his old boss.

“Well good for you!” Bailey said sincerely, “I knew you’d find your way someday and I never expect to keep the good ones long. You feel free to poke around and take what you need. I owe you enough in unpaid wages that We’ll call it square. But if your fixing the mule, take a look out back. I hauled that mule your friend blew up from the outskirts last night. It’s badly off but some of the parts are golden. The fancy turbo boost was built away from the main thrusters and gravboot, so there is some parts intact.”

Bailey took Fenris outback and showed him the wreck. The front half was peeled like a banana but the back where the drive sat was only battered in the fall.

“Ya know Bailey there’s only one place on this rock I will miss on leaving and its here with you. You were a friend when I needed one and for that I can never repay ya’s.
If ya ever need me get word to me and I’ll try to get back here if I can”

“Well I got to run Wolf. JW is holding a town meeting today and he wants me there for some reason. Like I said, help yourself – you know the place better than me. There some home brewed ale in the back, done drink me dry but have a couple – good stuff.”
"Thanks I will, and thanks for everythin” “Fenris held out his hand and was gifted by a strong grip and a last shake before Bailey smiled and was off.

The next hour seemed to go by too fast as Wolf gathered all the parts he would need to fix the Rocinante’s mule. Taking a last look at what had been his home for the last years he sighed and made his way into the house. Grabbing a dozen bottles of Baileys home brew he tucked them away intending to drink them only on special occassions. In that way he could perhaps continue to remember the good times here a little longer.

Parts and booze in hand he made his way back to the Firefly and his new home..................

Posted on 2009-02-09 at 04:51:38.
Edited on 2009-02-09 at 04:52:33 by TannTalas

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

For Willow

Willow time with the shepherd passes quickly as they enjoy a modest breakfast of dumplings and small dishes. When they are done, Willow is excused shown out of the temple’s back way where Lau Tsu is waiting for here.

“Good to see you again.” He says quietly but with the mischievous note in his voice. “I trust your meeting went well?”

(Assuming some answer)

“I am to escort you to the town hall above the Bank” Lau says and when he does, two other Tong guards dressed in black also appear around you. Lau looks at them and Willows sees surprise for a moment, but a moment only, “and Grandfather seems to believe that we need chaperones.” He continues evenly. He gestures toward the pathway through the gardens towards the bank. Only yesterday, Willow had passed through this area but with the concern for Sam on her mind, she didn’t have the chance to appreciate the well maintained gardens. “I was made to believe that I was the leader of this family in all matters,” Lau says loud enough for your escorts to hear clearly, “But I see that is a fellting notion. Like all good leaders, I find that I must pick my battles and bow to the wisdom of the elders”

(if you have questions or comments, please feel free)

The walk is a short one, and Lau brings you to the stairs outside the bank that lead up to the hall. “I do hope that I will have the chance to see you again?” He asks.


“He bows deeply and steps back so Willow can climb the stairs. He doesn’t leave though, making sure that Willow gets to the doorway safely. Once there, the doctor can here the sounds of some sort of disturbance inside.

“Well! If I had criminal ties, I’d be afraid of a sheriff too.’ Someone said,. It sounded like Jimmy Blake.

Juh shi suh mo go dohng shee? I no Tong. JW invite me here. Ask my opinion. You Shia suo. I want sheriff in town. Keep peace good for business.” Willow didn’t know this voice.

“Hold now people,” that was JW

“ Shia Sho! Jimmy sounded angry, “Nee you wuo kai cheng!

Furniture scrapped and there was the sound on people moving.

“That’s enough!” shouted a voice Willow knew all too well. “You’re actin’ like a bunch o’ gorram schoolboys.”

Posted on 2009-02-15 at 02:15:29.

Den Mother
RDI Staff
Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

So many yummy menfolk, so little time!

Willow’s time with the elderly shepherd comes to an end, and she leaves his quiet sanctuary with regret. It was peaceful in there, and fragrant, and she had been in the company of a man who appreciated the proper method of pouring and enjoying tea. Such niceties were rare in these complicated times.

Lau Tsu is waiting for her at the temple’s back exit, and Willow feels the electric charge between them spark once more. “Good to see you again.” He says quietly but with the mischievous note in his voice. “I trust your meeting went well?”

“Very well, Lau Tsu, thank you for asking,” Willow says properly, almost primly, but her eyes are dancing,” May I have my butterfly back, or am I still a danger to you?”

She accepts the pin from Lau Tsu (assuming he returns it, of course, but she will be vexed if he keeps it) and deftly puts her hair up in a simple chignon, the butterfly sparkling among her dark tresses. She does this without looking anywhere but Lau’s eyes, as she had done so many times with her clients. It was the last graceful act of a Companion’s ceremony, after pulses had slowed and passions had been satisfied, and, if done with skill, would often prompt further requests for her company.

“I am to escort you to the town hall above the Bank” Lau says as two other Tong guards appear to either side of her. Willow sees surprise for a moment, but a moment only, “and Grandfather seems to believe that we need chaperones.” He continues evenly.

“I was made to believe that I was the leader of this family in all matters,” Lau says loud enough for your escorts to hear clearly, “But I see that is a fleeting notion. Like all good leaders, I find that I must pick my battles and bow to the wisdom of the elders”

He gestures towards the path and Willow bows her head before turning to head down the path, a small smile not quite hidden by the curve of her cheek. He walks beside her in the Eastern manner, not taking her arm, but Willow is still extremely conscious of the coiled strength beneath the black silk of his shinobi shozoku
“I am certain that Grandfather seeks only to thank me for my visit, not impugn your leadership, Lau Tsu,” Willow spoke lightly, almost playfully, as a glance from her escort sent shivers along her arms. “As for chaperones, that is perhaps a good thing. I am called elsewhere, no matter what I may want right now”

The walk is a short one, and Lau brings Willow to the stairs outside the bank that lead up to the hall. Willow looks up at the door, then back down to the man before her.

“I do hope that I will have the chance to see you again?” He asks. Willow leans in close to him, as if for a kiss, but stops before fully closing the distance, the space between them more intimate than actual touch. “I certainly hope so,” she breathes, her breath warm on his lips, “perhaps next time I shall leave you something to find on your search.”

She waits a single heartbeat, then before her own will can break, she turns and dances up the staircase, her feet light and sure. She can feel his eyes on her all the way up the stairs, but doesn’t look back.

At the top of the stairs, Willow can hear the muffled sounds of an argument deteriorate into a scuffle. When she hears Wyatt shout in that no nonsense voice of his, Willow unconsciously straightens up and reddens at her thoughts of Lau Tsu. Wait a minute…it’s not like I got to DO anything…not yet!
With an entertainer’s sense of timing, Willow sweeps through the doors just as Wyatt and Sam pull apart Jimmy and an Asian man Willow doesn’t know. Acting as if all were gathered here for her benefit, Willow asks the room brightly, “I’m sorry, am I late?”

Posted on 2009-02-23 at 19:14:00.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

the deal.

“That’s enough!” Sung commanded as he fell within a step of the wrestling match, “You’re actin’ like a bunch o’ gorram schoolboys.”

Wyatt’s words stop Dennis from laying out Jimmy with his fist. But Jimmy, too used to doing his own thing to understand the danger in the Captain’s voice, takes advantage of the hesitation and sucker punches his opponent to the kidneys. Dennis makes a gurgling noise and slaps Jimmy across the face. Soon, Asher and Sam have wadded into the fray and pulled the men apart when the doors to the hall open wide.

“I’m sorry, am I late?”

Willow’s entrance was like a light breeze of reason flowing into the room. Dennis and Jimmy stopped fighting and moved away from each other without so much of a curse. The doctor, lit from the back and side by the light of day to capture her allure and beauty, captured the attention of most of the people in the hall, though mostly the men.

“Miss Willow.” JW smiled as he stood up to take her hand and lead the young lady into the room, “I’m afraid that you didn’t walk in during our finest hour, but we are always glad to see you.”

Jimmy attempts to offer his seat to Willow but Chad is there faster, and with an honest if slightly bashful smile. She looked around the room, taking the faces, gestures and body language of everyone she could see. Nora radiated the hostility of an insecure woman, afraid that another pretty woman could take her prize. Brigit, for a moment had a slight smirk to her face, like a cat that just caught a canary. It was gone in an instant, but Willow could not help but feel she just walked into a trap. JW finishes introducing everyone to Willow, telling all that she’s the ship’s doctor.

“JW, Darling? Shouldn’t we get the meeting going?” Brigit interjects lightly, “I’m sure that Miss Willow will get to know as many of the men here as she can before the day’s end.”

“Hmm? Oh yes. Where were we?”

“A sheriff.”

“Oh right. Now Jimmy is right. I have heard of this young fella in Newhouse as well. Pearson.”

“Why are we paying taxes and a sheriff?” Nora asked impatiently “Alliance has to serve the people.”

“I’d prefer a sheriff I can see and talk to than a patrol that may or may not be on the planet.” CC said plainly, “Besides, why did we build a jail if we ain’t gonna have a sheriff?”

Charles stood up, “Listen, I see the people of this town, I talk to them. If you didn’t notice from the disturbance at the bank yesterday, they are wanting a sheriff.”

“How we paying for one?” Sherm asked whiningly.

“If we had a proper Guild Representative, elected by the miners, we could have the backing of the guild to finance a sheriff.” Chad said.

(You may interject your own opinion)

The arguing and ranting continue this way for awhile. With Nora pushing for alliance, Sherm complaining about money and everyone else pushing for a sheriff, a solution seems to be hammered out between the shouting and the egos.

“Well now. I think we can agree on this.” JW said while standing up with arm ups to signal an end to his patience, “We will ask Captain Wyatt to take three of us to Beylix to talk to this deputy and see if we can convince him to come our way. John, Sherm and CC will go as delegates to Newhouse. One more passenger will be Chad, who will hold his election today, and then go to the Beylix miner’s guild house to ratify the vote and therefore gain the guild support in this mess. Captain? You up for four paying passengers to Beylix and back?”

“Five!” interjects Jimmy, “I would like to book passage as well.”

“Huh? Why do you want to go to Newhouse, Jimmy?” Nora asked.

“I have some business there,” He replied stretching out his legs nonchalantly.

Everyone looks at Jimmy as if waiting for an explanation. When none comes JW shakes his head, “As long as it’s your dime Jim-boy. Fine, five passengers at standard rate Captain?”

(It will be two and a half days to Beylix, a day for the job, and two and half back. That’s 160 to 200 credits a person.)

“Whoa! Hang on a sec JW.” Bailey says, “We gonna need more ice by then. We already burned through a good chunk to get started. We don’t want to run dry or we have to dry start again.”

“How long?”

“Two weeks at best.”

JW mused for a bit. “Can you go to Beylix and back, drop off the Sheriff and get over to the comet again to grab ice and be here within two weeks?”

(Sam will answer no. Six days to B and back, then three days to comet, one day of ice cutting and three days back – no way considering if they landed and left alliance would be sure to board them)

“Damn! We need that gorram ice.”

“What if you were to drop off the sheriff in a shuttle along with the others?” Brigit asked, “You wouldn’t have to break atmo, and save a day. Those alliance ships aren’t going to be interested in a shuttle. Then you go to the comet and get back in time?”

(Sam calculates that in his mind and agrees. That would put you just within the two week range, although the sooner you leave the better. He agrees Alliance patrol won’t bother with a shuttle as it is too small to carry ice.)

Well Captain? I don’t want them purple bellies stopping my mine from operating. If you’ll do this, I’ll pay you 3000 for the ice. Three times what you came here for! Plus the fees for passengers? Is it a deal?”

“What are we gonna do until then?” Charles ask, “Two weeks of this lawlessness getting worse and worse. If the bank job wasn’t bad enough? What if a bunch decides to grab the payroll?”

“I’ll stay. I’ll be sheriff until they come back.” Asher interjects and then turns to Wyatt, “They need help Captain and I can’t stand by. Anyway, it will just be until the shuttle comes and then I can keep an eye on it until you return. I ain’t leaving the ship, just – just want to help these people, that’s all, Captain. I know what its like to be alone and no one to look out for ya. It ain’t right.”

OOC: Please note - this is to temporarily write Blammm out of the game. I do hope he will return soon.

Posted on 2009-03-10 at 01:29:30.
Edited on 2009-03-10 at 01:30:32 by Alacrity

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

A way off this rock...wait! What you talkin' 'bout Asher?!

Wyatt had felt the need to interfere in local affairs only so far as to get things back on track so as to get his boat off that mudball and back into the Black where it was relatively safe. As Asher and Sam bore down on the ruffians in the hall, the captain was reminded of more than one instance in Browncoat barracks during the last few months of the war. Everyone's tempers were on short fuses then, and people that were prone to be partial towwards one another more often than not found themselves throwing down over such trivial things. Having been through the losses he'd endured, Wyatt Sung had been of the mind to pull apart more than one such disturbance while calmly slapping some sense into the offenders. To him, this little scuffle wasn't much more than an annoyance by way of comparison, by annouances often turned into unfortunate delays if allowed to go unchecked, and with the Alliance sure to come knocking soon, the captain was all too eager to put distance between them that he cared for and trouble.

Of course that's when Willow had the good grace to show up, and Wyatt was spared fromhaving to cuff some locals about the ears. Instead, he watched, amused, as her very presence set the stage for proper behavior once more. Before he'd even had time to return to his post at the wall business was underway and he found himself faced with new decisions.

Here was Bridgette playing all coy about having just offered Sam the chance at some big damn payoff while her husband was offering them the opportunity for practically the same. One was planetside and the other was running a blockade. There was more to weigh, but one glance at Willow made up his mind, and then Asher had to go volunteer to get shot at.

"you aim t' sit by planetside and make sure these folk you just met don't get a raw deal, is that it Kid?" Wyatt's voice was set to even keel. "Think it'll be easy? You might have to deal with Alliance, explain them that are recently made dead by our hands, maybe even hold off some before we're back to pick you up. You up for that, Asher? Truly?"

(OOC: assuming an affirmative.)

As much as Wyatt hated the idea, he never argued against one of his crew maknt their own way provided he knew they'd thought it through. So, he met the Kid's gaze for a moment longer in serene silence before turning his attention back to JW. "Rocinante leaves as soon as she's loaded. We'll take your fare provided they abide my rules."

Posted on 2009-03-20 at 05:08:33.

Den Mother
RDI Staff
Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

Just eye candy, really

Willow let JW escort her into the meeting room, casting warm smiles to those she knew and polite nods to those she did not. When Chad offered her his seat, she gave him one of her best smiles before gracefully sitting down, crossing her legs so that the dress slits revealed just enough silken thigh to be interesting.

“JW, Darling? Shouldn’t we get the meeting going?” Brigit interjects lightly, “I’m sure that Miss Willow will get to know as many of the men here as she can before the day’s end.”

Willow wasn’t sure what it was about Brigit that brought out the mean and small-minded in her, but she’d learned to trust her instincts. Rather than scowling like she wanted to, though, Willow brought a graceful hand up to her face to laugh behind it, in the manner of a proper Japanese schoolgirl.

“Oh, Miss Brigit, I have not quite the, umm, haste, that you do in such matters. Why I hardly know anyone here but to speak to them! Oh, Mr. Blake –san, “ Willow continued, looking towards John Blake, “you are better, I trust? Please don’t let the fuss and bother rile you. Only your lovely wife should be making your heart race, yes?”

Willow watched for Nora’s glare to soften as the talk moved onto the finding and hiring of a sheriff. The matter didn’t really concern her, so she simply listened while watching the body language of those around her. People lied easily enough with their words, but few people knew how to control their gestures and postures. Nora Blake may act the wealthy lady, but Willow recognized the calculating look of a social climber who was never quite secure in her grasp on the prize. Usha had the same look sometimes, especially when searching the mirror for grey hairs or errant wrinkles on her flawless face.

The ship’s doctor paid closer attention when talk turned to Wyatt and the ship. JW suggested they book passage for four passengers to Beylix, which would earn them some much needed credits, when Jimmy piped up with wanting to go as well.

Willow interjected smoothly, “You do understand, James dear, that we’re not a luxury passenger ship. That many passengers means you will be sharing rooms, or riding a couch in one of the common areas.” She waited for a reaction with a cool “don’t even think about bunking with me” look, one elegant eyebrow arched.

When talk turned of the timeline for the journey there and back again, the need for more ice was raised by Bailey, throwing a bit of a wrench in the works. Brigit came up with the idea of using a shuttle to drop off the passengers on the return trip to save time, and Willow again had to fight a negative reaction to the suggestion, since she really couldn’t think of a reasonable objection to the idea. She promised herself to spend some time later meditating on her feelings to understand where these reactions were springing from.

It was then that Charles raised the matter of security while awaiting a sheriff and Asher volunteered to stay behind.

“I’ll stay. I’ll be sheriff until they come back. They need help Captain and I can’t stand by. Anyway, it will just be until the shuttle comes and then I can keep an eye on it until you return. I ain’t leaving the ship, just – just want to help these people, that’s all, Captain. I know what its like to be alone and no one to look out for ya. It ain’t right.”

"You aim t' sit by planetside and make sure these folk you just met don't get a raw deal, is that it Kid?" Wyatt spoke before Willow could recover from her surprise. "Think it'll be easy? You might have to deal with Alliance, explain them that are recently made dead by our hands, maybe even hold off some before we're back to pick you up. You up for that, Asher? Truly?"

The young man was determined, however, and Willow felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes as she realized another friend was leaving her, even if it was only temporary.

She leaned over to take Asher’s hand, squeezing it hard, and nearly lost her composure when he turned that sweetly open and honest face to hers. “Oh Asher, honey, you don’t have to set everything right in the world all at once, you do know that? Promise me you’ll be careful!”

Once Wyatt determined that Asher was committed to staying, though, there was nothing more to do but to plan for their departure. As the Captain spoke of leaving as soon as the ship was ready, Willow remembered the luxury items they’d gotten from Dodger.

“Before we do leave, however, we do have some items that a shop owner or saloon manager may be interested in. We’ve twelve bottles (‘Eleven,” Sam interjected quietly) eleven bottles of fine rum,” Willow announced after throwing a narrow eyed glance at Sam,” as well as some glorious dark chocolate. Who’d like to make us an offer?”

Posted on 2009-03-20 at 14:17:53.
Edited on 2009-03-20 at 14:18:28 by Vanadia


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