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GM for this game: Alacrity
Players for this game: TannTalas, SilentOne, Bromern Sal, Nomad D2, Odyson, Chessicfayth
    Messages in Destiny's Flight - A Serenity RPG
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The Tired
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JC and Assante in Exercise Room
"So you knew Jon in the war huh, so what was he really like. I never really knew him though I was part of his unit, never was allowed too close to his "inner circle"."

"Honestly, we really only had the one night and that was all. I wasn't part of his unit and we just ... well we had a night. When I came abroad and saw him I thought it was a pure stroke of luck and things would be easy but you know the war changed us all. Back then, during that evening we had, he seem strong but venerable and more than a little human. "Asante sighed heavily and JC noticed the flirty mannerisms were gone now. She went on to say, �I meant what I said JC, you are walking into a death trap. The Baron and Templeton have a plan and an agreement between them and they won�t care about collateral damages. They can afford to find a deep hole to put the bodies in and when that happens, you will wish you listened to me.�

(i will leave it to Tann here to fill in conversation)

After an Hour in the Galley
The General comm link opened up across the ship and Grace�s cold and determined voice broadcasted, �If all members of the crew could come to the gallery, I got the info we need. And I mean crew only, guests can stay where they are and stay away from the gallery.�

Stephanie laughed and shook her head, �That�s our Gracie. Subtle as an anchor.�

A few minutes later, the mechanic appeared with printed papers and a dark look in her eyes. Grace groaned under her breath, muttering �I had a reason for wanting to talk without the guests� as she saw Lilianna, the brothers, Seth and Asante in the Galley.

�I know dear.� Stephanie said as she started to rearrange some medical kit, checking a few vials in the light, �But how about you, JC, Catie and Angela go to the Cockpit to talk and I will watch our guests. I am sure that no one will give me any trouble now, will they?� She said sweetly but the look she shot Asante was cold as ice.

(assuming you all go off without much ado)

�There now, � Stephanie said pleasantly and she put another vial into her hypo-spray. �How are you feeling Seth?�

�Much better Doctor. Thank you.�

�That�s good. Now hold still.� She said and brought the spray gun up but at the last moment she jerked it away from Seth and planed into the neck of Asante.


�You f�i f�i p� gu biǎo zǐ!� Asante said and then her eyes rolled in her head and she fell to the ground like a wet sack of rice. Stephanie nudged the fallen woman with her foot and then put the hypo-spray away. �There now. I feel a whole lot better. Anyone feel like more tea? Maybe we can make some more pancakes too � I�m starved.�

Lilianna and the Brothers all looked at Asante on the floor and then to each other.

�Remind me not to cross you Doc.� AJ said.

�Yes. I�d advise that too.� Stephanie said with a smile.

After an Hour in the Cockpit
Everyone arrived on the Bridge and spread out so that everyone could see each other. Grace went over to the controls and activated the camera monitor and synced it to the Galley. She did that just in time to see Stephanie slip a �mickie� of something into Asante and watch her fall to the floor.

�Whoa.� Tess said with a whistle, �Remind me not to cross the Doc.�

�Alright so the cruise ships info was easy to find but that is going to be the only easy part. While there are multiple entrances, some being the more impractical than others, we are going to have to go to this one,� Grace pointed to the Docking on the map, �Since we have to deliver Lilianna and the Baron will be waiting for us there. At that point, it will be up to us to come up with excuses why we want to get on the ship so we can help Juliet over there.� Grace says passing out the brochure and papers on the cruise liner. �Staying on the ship will be of little use for us. Ever since a group of space pirates attacked the Star of Sihnon to steal some sort of violin, security has been beefed up on all cruise ships. Ships have to dock via airlocks that are screened for all weapons, explosives and other dangerous items. Security has a presence at all air locks. Ships are locked on to cruise liners by grav clamps and will not be released without permission. Security systems on cruise liners are now locked systems and do not access the cortex so I can�t hack it through the cortex. It would be better for us to get on the ship with some sort excuse that the Baron isn�t going to find suspicious, like Stephanie wanting to bring a sick patient to the Infirmary or something similar.� Grace shrugged her shoulders, �If anyone has got a good excuse why they should go on the ship or if any names look familiar among the passengers, now is the time to be mentioning it.�

Posted on 2014-08-18 at 18:18:42.
Edited on 2014-11-17 at 20:06:46 by Vanadia

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

An Idea of sorts

Destiny Gym Day Two
“So you knew Jon in the war huh, so what was he really like. I never really knew him though I was part of his unit, never was allowed too close to his ‘inner circle’.” “Honestly, we really only had the one night and that was all. I wasn’t part of his unit and we just ... well we had a night. When I came abroad and saw him I thought it was a pure stroke of luck and things would be easy but you know the war changed us all. Back then, during that evening we had, he seem strong but venerable and more than a little human. “Asante sighed heavily and JC noticed the flirty mannerisms were gone now. She went on to say, “I meant what I said JC, you are walking into a death trap. The Baron and Templeton have a plan and an agreement between them and they won’t care about collateral damages. They can afford to find a deep hole to put the bodies in and when that happens, you will wish you listened to me.”

“Yeah I hear you, but Destiny’s his ship and we are his crew, so agree or not he has the last word. I tell you this, Asante, if things really go bad for us at least you warned us so thank you at least for that.” Taking her hand JC gave it a tender squeeze. “So ahh want to get changed before we go back to the cafeteria?”

(AL I’ll let you fill in what happens in this time frame, if anything, between them)
An hour later the General comm link opened up across the ship and Grace’s cold and determined voice broadcasted, “If all members of the crew could come to the gallery, I got the info we need. And I mean crew only, guests can stay where they are and stay away from the gallery.”

As JC and Asante entered the cafeteria so to did Gracie, the mechanic appeared with printed papers and a dark look in her eyes. Grace groaned under her breath, muttering as she saw Lilianna, the brothers, and Seth had also arrived in the Galley.

“I had a reason for wanting to talk without the guests”

“I know dear.” Stephanie said as she started to rearrange some medical kit, checking a few vials in the light, “But how about you, JC, Catie and Angela go to the Cockpit to talk and I will watch our guests. I am sure that no one will give me any trouble now, will they?”

As JC turned to follow the rest of the crew, he reached out to give Asante a comforting squeeze on her arm. As he did so in his mind the thought ran Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
“If anyone has got a good excuse why they should go on the ship or if any names look familiar among the passengers, now is the time to be mentioning it.”

“Well as I told Jon, we may be in luck as I know someone on that Liner, gal named Annie Foy. Younger sister of some good friends back in my youth. If she still remembers me might be a way onto the ship or inside help once we get on. Now you said a med emergency to possibly get on it, what about a malfunction cyber arm? We make it look all bloody and life threaten, they let me, the Doc, and maybe Angela pretending to be my girlfriend, on board. While the Doc ‘works’ on me somehow Angela finds Annie and brings her to the sick bay for a reunion and talk? ”

JC waited for the thoughts of the others............

Posted on 2014-08-21 at 01:50:48.
Edited on 2014-08-21 at 01:57:32 by TannTalas

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

wait, there is more

"Yeah I hear you, but Destiny’s his ship and we are his crew, so agree or not he has the last word. I tell you this, Asante, if things really go bad for us at least you warned us so thank you at least for that.” Taking her hand JC gave it a tender squeeze. “So ahh want to get changed before we go back to the cafeteria?”

Asante seemed distracted, "Hmmm? Oh. No. I don't think so. I appreciate your situation but You have to believe me, I do want to help you and keep my client happy. I can see that the kidnapping won't work now but there has to be alternatives. Try to get Jon to trust me if you can."

After Asante has been put under
"So Seth. " Stephanie began, "You have heard a lot said at this point. We need to know where you stand on things."

Lilianna grunted, "He serves my dad and is here to make me go through with the wedding."

"That is not true," Seth replied, "I do serve your father and he has been very good to me and my family. However, what he charged me with was your protection and well being up to the point of your wedding. I am not here to force you to do anything."

"I don't believe you."

"I am sorry I have not earned your trust Lilianna. If you remember, it was I who kept my silence when you continued to see Daniel. I took the picture that you so cherish now. It was you who told me that Daniel was not a part of your life anymore and that you were moving on."

"I told you that to throw off my stepfather."

"Well then you were undone by your own deception then because I do not report to your father regularly. He trusts me to watch over you and protect you and has faith in me. I can only hope that one day you may have the same faith."

"You're lying!" Lilianna cried.

"Actually my dear, that is unlikely, " Stephanie said mildly while sipping her coffee. " The drugs that I gave Seth for his back have a peculiar effect on people that makes them more open and honest. However I can see where you might have thought that Seth was the enemy and did not realize it"

"I have no desire to force you into a marriage that you are not willing to be part of, nor are my instructions to carry you there unwilling." Seth said, "However I will not be party to any endeavours that put your father at risk and if you do choose to seek him harm, I will be forced to defend him with my life."

"Oh I am sure that Jon is coming up with the most diplomatic plan that he can right now." Stephanie said plainly. She looked over to the brothers, "Would you two be a dear and pick up Miss Asante her and carry her to her room? She might as well be comfortable as she sleeps."

Posted on 2014-08-28 at 01:09:06.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

What Could Possibly Go Wrong.......

Jon had mulled over the recent events but his conversation with Steph kept rolling back.

“Do you remember why I came abroad with you – besides how much you made my heart flutter? I wanted to see the verse and the people in it. I have seen people and I have seen a lot of violence with them as well. Violence that took Ken and Jason away from us. Violence that scarred a man like JC and created Angela without thought of the ethics and ramifications. Angela killed six people not long ago and no one seemed phased by that. You just accepted a job from a Crime Lord in order to get in his good books – am I right? I look at that and the life we had before you discovered Destiny was intact and I wonder why you choose this life?”

“Steph, you know better than that…running a ship is what I do.. it’s all I know how to do…….We can still make a difference in good people’s lives….but we have to keep going…it ain’t never been easy for me, but I know we have to keep trying…..You came back into my life and filled an empty space I hadn’t realize existed. ”

He knew it was mostly about him and Steph, but he truly believed they could make a difference in good people’s lives.... and Lillianna was good people. The girl may have had every advantage growing up but she needed help now and he knew they could do it, he just didn’t how…yet.

Jon was shaken from his thoughts as Grace’s voice came over the comm, “If all members of the crew could come to the gallery, I got the info we need. And I mean crew only, guests can stay where they are and stay away from the gallery.”
Ah..Grace must have found something good. Jon checked the controls and sensors as he prepared to leave the bridge. Before he could leave he heard the lift open and the voices of his coming to the bridge.

Everyone arrived on the Bridge and spread out so that everyone could see each other. Grace went over to the controls and activated the camera monitor and synced it to the Galley. She did that just in time to see Stephanie slip a “mickie” of something into Asante and watch her fall to the floor.

“Whoa.” Tess said with a whistle, “Remind me not to cross the Doc.”
Under his breath Jon muttered, “I think she enjoyed that a little too much.”

Grace pulled everyone’s attention back and displayed the diagram of the liner. “Alright so the cruise ship’s info was easy to find but that is going to be the only easy part. While there are multiple entrances, some being the more impractical than others, we are going to have to go to this one,” Grace pointed to the Docking on the map, “Since we have to deliver Lilianna and the Baron will be waiting for us there. At that point, it will be up to us to come up with excuses why we want to get on the ship so we can help Juliet over there.” Grace says passing out the brochure and papers on the cruise liner. “Staying on the ship will be of little use for us. Ever since a group of space pirates attacked the Star of Sihnon to steal some sort of violin, security has been beefed up on all cruise ships.”
Tess winced a bit as she remembered that incident way too clearly.

Grace continued, ”Ships have to dock via airlocks that are screened for all weapons, explosives and other dangerous items. Security has a presence at all air locks. Ships are locked on to cruise liners by grav clamps and will not be released without permission. Security systems on cruise liners are now locked systems and do not access the cortex so I can’t hack it through the cortex. It would be better for us to get on the ship with some sort excuse that the Baron isn’t going to find suspicious, like Stephanie wanting to bring a sick patient to the Infirmary or something similar.” Grace shrugged her shoulders, “If anyone has got a good excuse why they should go on the ship or if any names look familiar among the passengers, now is the time to be mentioning it.”
”As to Asante Okoro – according to records she did fight with the independence side. but her division is listed as 101st.” Grace explained that she had come across the 101st reference before – it usually mean the dark side of the war, assassination and black ops – the stuff no one wanted to admit but both side did. “She went very quiet after the war and then started working as a Damage Control Specialist, Freelance , but it was likely she was working for someone like Blue Sun.
The crew looked over the information and JC mentioned that Asente tried to seem sincere about her warning. That she felt Steele and the Baron were working together and wouldn’t let anyone interfere. As Jc looked over the crew list he noticed an Annie Foy that looked like someone he knew on the crew. Jon knew it wasn’t much but who knew, maybe she could be of some help.

Step back Jon crossed he arms, “Well then the plan is simple. We get Lillianna on the line….stop the wedding without looking like we stopped the wedding and then get off the liner alive.” Holding as sincere a look on his face as he could Jon watched the blank stares from his crew.

After several seconds of silence Tess grabbed Jon’s empty mug and flung it at him, “Ghuh-Ghuh, (big brother) you’d better have a better plan than that!”

Jon blocked the projectile, “What? …..So now you want details? …..Ok let think about this.

We won’t be able to take weapons so this will take some nerve.

Tess and Catie you get Lillianna to send a message that she wants to thank us for getting her there safely and add you two and me to the guest list, that should get us out of the landing bay without suspicion.

The brothers are already clear as Badger’s muscle to handle Daniel so they’ll have limited access but still can get on the liner.

Seth is still a bit of a wild card and Steph may have to keep him neutralized so he doesn’t alert security.

I sort of like Grace’s idea and we can try to have Steph get use of their sick bay to check out an issue with JC’s arm. Once you’re on board she can do a little show and tell then release you from care. Try to have them contact Annie that can add credit to your story and maybe she can help some way. After that if you can hang with the brothers, try to get them to snatch Daniel first and stow him back here. Lock him up to make it look good. With him safe see if you can find where the Colt is.

Jon remembered what Grace had told him and Tess about “Uncle Templeton” and knew she wouldn’t want him to know she was there….., if possible. The other still didn’t know Grace’s connection and until she was ready to tell them it would be either their Ace or Joker. “ can stay with the ship… try to figure a way around the grav locks….maybe it you can find an open data port in the bay or wander around all stealthy like,….maybe that Annie person could you around the boat.”

Jon spoke, just sort of thinking out loud, “If somehow Steele could be made to look bad in front of the guests…he does seem to have an issue with women…then that could let Lillianna stop the wedding without the Baron losing face. The Baron and Steele gotta do something stupid…and…well maybe we can help.”

“As for Asente…I can’t really trust her. She out for herself and we are means to an end. Her story about disgruntled Browncoats would only make sense to Alliance folk cause they believe anything bad about the Rim. The rim folk love Lillianna as much as they dislike Steele and would have joined the hunt to find her. Finding me here didn’t give her time to change the story with her people. So now we need to her to need us to keep’r from turning against us.”

Tess looked to Jon,“How about helping her steal Steele yacht? It should have a lot of his collections for showing off, worth a pile credits…..We let her folks on board and then they make off with it after Grace figures out the grav clamps.”

Jon looked at her for a second, “I like the idea of the yacht, but we ain’t letting them on board…too much chance she may try to go with her first plan…….. I’d bet she’s covered them by having them hauling some last minute supplies. That way they got a reason to in the area and if she’d snatched Lillianna there would have been two ships to find making the search harder….no we’ll tell her about the yacht and that Grace will get her the codes to release it……….JC, if it turns out the Colt is on the yacht let the brothers go after it, you try to stay off out of it so you don’t get linked to the boat going missing and really don’t want have to go pull them away from Asente’s folks.

The sort of absorbed what Jon had laid out. Tess narrowed her eyes at Jon, “So just what are you going to be doing while all this is going on?”

Jon let out a deep sigh, “I’ll be being gracious and charming so no one notices what ya’ll are doing.”

“See I told you it was simple.”

Tess choked, “And if it doesn’t work?”

Jon smiled, “Improvise!”

After an Hour in the Cockpit
The crew gathered back in the galley and the guests were brought back to be informed. Stephanie caught Jon in the gangway and informed him of what Seth and Lillianna said. Jon nodded, the plan was already changing but maybe for the better, Seth could be an asset.

Jon went over how they needed to get on board, he looked at Catie and then to Lillianna.

He addressed the brothers and told them by getting Daniel locked up on to Destiny it would look like they were following their orders. Then they were free to find the Colt and that JC might be around to help.

Looking to Seth and Lillianna again. “You two need to bury that hatchet…. Seth I know you will protect Lillianna and the Baron, but to help Lillianna might cause the Baron some embarrassment. Steele will treat the Princess as just another item in his collections. You know family is more important than money, maybe you can help the Baron see the light.”

This brought him too Asente. “We seem to be at odds a bit here, but we thought so something that might help us all.” Jon went on to describe the idea of the yacht. “Now we ain’t been none too trusting of you.” he glanced at Stephanie as she sat there holding her serene smile, but Jon saw the satisfied look in her eyes. He continued, “If you can get your crew on the liner, we’ll get you the code to the snatch the yacht. That should give your people the leverage they want against Steele,” glancing back at Lillianna, “without putting innocents at risk.”

“So as I told the crew, it’s simple, get on the liner, stop the wedding without looking like we are stopping the wedding and get off……any questions?”

Posted on 2014-08-31 at 19:10:49.
Edited on 2014-08-31 at 19:20:33 by Odyson

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Plotting away

Grace went over to the controls and activated the camera monitor and synced it to the Galley. She did that just in time to see Stephanie slip a “mickie” of something into Asante and watch her fall to the floor.

“Whoa.” Tess said with a whistle, “Remind me not to cross the Doc.”

Grace laughed before turning to Jon and saying with childish glee “Seriously, give her a ring already.”

After J.C put in his two cent about the singer, Grace continued on with her list of info. ”As to Asante Okoro – according to records she did fight with the independence side but her division is listed as 101st. She went very quiet after the war and then started working as a Damage Control Specialist, Freelance for Blue Sun.”

Done with her list, Grace looked back at the captain and asking “So what the plan, Captain?”

Step back Jon crossed he arms, “Well then the plan is simple. We get Lillianna on the line….stop the wedding without looking like we stopped the wedding and then get off the liner alive.”

“Ahh, a genius idea, I wish I had thought of that one.” commented Grace in a very dry tone. Tess grabbed Jon’s empty mug and flung it at him, “Ghuh-Ghuh, you’d better have a better plan than that!”

Jon blocked the projectile, “What? …..So now you want details? …..Ok let think about this.”

“Tess and Catie, you get Lillianna to send a message that she wants to thank us for getting her there safely and add you two and me to the guest list, which should get us out of the landing bay without suspicion”

“Counter-argument, if we need to run, we need Tess here. Why not send Angela instead? That way if we need any muscle, Angela’s got our back.” countered Grace

“I sort of like Grace’s idea and we can try to have Steph get use of their sick bay to check out an issue with JC’s arm. Once you’re on board she can do a little show and tell then release you from care. Try to have them contact Annie that can add credit to your story and maybe she can help some way. After that if you can hang with the brothers, try to get them to snatch Daniel first and stow him back here. Lock him up to make it look good. With him safe see if you can find where the Colt is.”

“Let’s ask the brother first about the details of how they were supposed to dispose of Daniel. It will be suspicious if they were supposed to stuff him out the air lock and now they want to move him to our ship” Grace suggested to J.C

“ can stay with the ship… try to figure a way around the grav locks….maybe it you can find an open data port in the bay or wander around all stealthy like,….maybe that Annie person could you around the boat.”

“Thankfully, I have already thought of that. I have a little bug system that I made to hack into closed systems. All I need is someone to plug a little deceive into a wi0fi receiver and I am in. Plugging it in Annie’s private room, will make sure no one unplugs me while I am in” said Grace with a small smirk.

Jon spoke, just sort of thinking out loud, “If somehow Steele could be made to look bad in front of the guests…he does seem to have an issue with women…then that could let Lillianna stop the wedding without the Baron losing face. The Baron and Steele gotta do something stupid…and…well maybe we can help.”

“As for Asente…I can’t really trust her. She out for herself and we are means to an end. Her story about disgruntled Browncoats would only make sense to Alliance folk cause they believe anything bad about the Rim. The rim folk love Lillianna as much as they dislike Steele and would have joined the hunt to find her. Finding me here didn’t give her time to change the story with her people. So now we need to her to need us to keep’r from turning against us.”

Tess looked to Jon,“How about helping her steal Steele yacht? It should have a lot of his collections for showing off, worth a pile credits…..We let her folks on board and then they make off with it after Grace figures out the grav clamps.”

Jon looked at her for a second, “I like the idea of the yacht, but we ain’t letting them on board…too much chance she may try to go with her first plan…….. I’d bet she’s covered them by having them hauling some last minute supplies. That way they got a reason to in the area and if she’d snatched Lillianna there would have been two ships to find making the search harder….no we’ll tell her about the yacht and that Grace will get her the codes to release it……….JC, if it turns out the Colt is on the yacht let the brothers go after it, you try to stay off out of it so you don’t get linked to the boat going missing and really don’t want have to go pull them away from Asente’s folks.”

“Why not let the brother’s steal the yacht instead of Asante?” asked Grace. Grace frowned while crossing her arms as the thought began to pop into her heads. “We know that the brothers were hired by the Badger, and Badger was hired by the Baron. A great way to turn them against each other is to make them look like they are trying to steal from each other. So if someone was hired by the Baron to steal Templeton’s ship and we make it look like someone that Templeton either knows or has hired steals something from the Baron, the two might turn against each other. From there, it’s just a matter of playing our cards right”

Posted on 2014-09-09 at 18:09:27.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

going forth

Much is discussed by the crew but in the end, the plan is simple enough until the time that they get to the cruise liner and then they will see what can be more specific, but truth be told, a lot of it will be made up on the fly as the chips are falling.

JC lucks in finding a name on the entertainers list that he recognizes- Annie Foy. Although he has not seen her for a long time, JC remembers helping her as a kid and she is now listed as a stage singer for the cruise liner - specifically opening acts before the bigger performers. If there is some way that JC can work that angle, then you'd have a person on the inside of the ship.

Returning to the galley, The brothers carry Asante back to her room and lay her on her bed to sleep off the effects of the drug. (I leave it to Grace and Jon as to whether you wish to lock her in her room or not.) When she does wake up a couple of hours later, she is not anger but seems to find the ordeal very funny - laughing it off completely. She once again asserts her intention to not harm anyone on the ship and that she is willing to work with you against the machinations of the Baron and Templeton

Lilianna, Seth, Rick And AJ hear you out on what you tell them of your plan. Lilianna is happy you are willing to help her and offers the valuable necklace as payment if you can get Daniel free along with here. The brothers have no desire to kill Daniel and are willing to do whatever it takes to get out of having to do so, but AJ is determined to get the Colt back from Templeton.

Seth agrees to help as long as it does not break his oath to protect Lilianna and his oath to protect the Baron. On the idea that the Baron is plotting something, he adds his thoughts plainly, "I know the Baron is a man who likes his money and what it brings him. I have no doubt that he can be ruthless in his business dealing but there is a honour considered in doing so in the verse. Most people speak of it with great pride. As well, it is completely within the law for a father to select a husband for the daughter, even if I do not agree with it. But the Baron has always treated my family and other families of his workers generously and fairly. He expects us to work hard but he is not a evil taskmaster or one to demand more than a person can give. I seen him pay for sick workers' treatment, give a dowry to daughters marrying ranch hands so they could afford to start out. So I stand before you dubious of your assertions. Lilianna assumed I was a henchmen of her father with the desire to force her to marry. If she misunderstood my intentions, perhaps the same holds true here."

With not much else to work out, the ship returns to a somewhat regular day in the black. The Brothers are only too happy to help out in any way, although Rick is most interested in help Grace in the engine room. Lilianna doesn't mind helping out with cleaning and chores despite her nickname of Princess. It seems that merely talking about her fears has made her more cheerful. Seth continues to watch Lilianna like a Hawk and if you let Asante out, he his way of her as well.

Day Two of Journey, Destiny's Galley, 5:30 pm ST
Catie and Lilianna take the steaks and start to prepare them for dinner. With all the tension and talk of plans over the course of the day, the thought of a sit down dinner with a delicacy rarely had is a joyous one. Catie has onions and dried mushrooms to make up a nice sauce that will go well with rice and peas plus some fresh bread that they can make. Once the steaks hit the grill, the smell whaffs it way through the ship and everyone is salivating soon with stomachs growling. Soon dinner is ready and everyone is treated to a lovely meal of porterhouse steaks that would have cost you a month's ages at a restaurant.

Posted on 2014-09-20 at 18:18:09.

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Keep your friends close, enemies closer

Destiny Day Two
JC had sat quietly throughout all the discussions of plans, who was to do what, assts available and their chances? But when the matter of Asante came up he finally voiced his thoughts.

“I think we should let her out. I’ll talk to her; let her know what we have planned in a non-specific way. I’ll gauge her reaction and if she seems like she could be helpful I’ll stay close and keep in an eye on her. However even though we let her roam we keep her unarmed for now.”

Pausing he looked at Jon to get his ok. ((Assuming an uncertain ok maybe Ody and I RP the merits of letting her roam free and so on))

As JC sat in the crew quarters where they had locked up Asante waiting for her to awaken from the sedative, he organized the general plan in his head. Convincing her to help was not going to be easy and if it was he’d know she was lying to get free. AS she started waking up he leaned forward.

“Welcome back”

Posted on 2014-09-28 at 19:23:21.
Edited on 2014-09-28 at 19:23:45 by TannTalas

Den Mother
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Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

a new beginning for Catie

Catie knew she could live too much within her head...lost in the pursuit of some intellectual puzzle, she could forget about others around her or the passage of time itself. This was not one of those times, but she let the others discuss options while she considered what she had learned. It was maddening to not have all the facts, like plotting a curve on insufficient data, but the real world was often in coflict with the purity of the lab. Standing quietly on the bridge, she fanned her fingers out as if they were playing cards on a table, and studied each one intently: a finger/dossier for the Baron, one for Steele, one for Assante, one for Lilliana, one for the Winchester boys (as they seemed inseperable), and one for each of the new crew she'd joined.

Distantly, she heard John instruct her to have Lilliana contact the ship and inform the Baron that she wanted John, Tess and herself added to the wedding's guest list. She frowned, still deep in thought, and was about to counter when Grace expressed the same thought she did.

“Counter-argument, if we need to run, we need Tess here, "Grace interjected. " Why not send Angela instead? That way if we need any muscle, Angela’s got our back."

"Indeed," Catie spoke up, almost surprised at the sound of her own voice," if we need to be prepared for all contingencies, we need to have a pilot on board. If you want the measure of the man, John, then yes, you and I should meet with the Baron, since we have to arrange for our payment, in any event. You and I should be safe enough - he needs us alive to leave the ship intact. Any danger to us will be once we are away. That's why we need Grace at her most devious to think of how she'd destroy this ship from a distance, and be ready to counter those methods.

"Assante and Angela go with Lilliana, meanwhile, and act as if they are getting her ready for the wedding. If there's a way to double her back onto the ship, they will need to find a good reason for Lilliana to be hidden away and unreachable for a while. Perhaps the usual hair and makeup preparation?

"Our escort was intended to dispose of Daniel, so they should be expected to meet Templeton on his yacht to accept and return to the ship a rather large "package", yes? It might be reasonable for JC to attend them, as a member of the crew, to ensure the package is properly secured for travel. JC and the boys can look for their opportunity to look for the father's gun. A man of JC's reputation may be intriguing to Steele, so we should use that to our advantage."

Catie stopped, surprised she'd spoken so much before she had a solid thesis, and tilted her head to consider another thought - this fiend of JC's. "I'm still not sure how we can bring this "Annie" into the mix," she confessed," but we have time to think on it. She can be our ace in the hole, should we need to gamble."

Posted on 2014-09-29 at 18:44:25.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Yeah, Just Like I Planned.....

Jon knew things would get moving as Tess, Grace and Catie all pictched ideas.

"Good, I'll agree that Grace and Tess stay with Destiny. Catie you'll need to be able improvise if things get dicy, Angela is natural with that so she'll stick with us.... Now the brothers and Asente are out of our control, I don't feel great about the wedding planner, but she is the best trained to pull off a string. Let's hope she'll remember that the Browncoats didn't put innocents at risk....JC you keep an eye on her until we get there.... Let her know I remembered she was an Independent and that is worth something."

Jon hoped Asente would do the right thing. If anyone could break up the wedding and come out smelling like a rose, it's her.

Posted on 2014-09-30 at 00:58:26.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Adventures in Cooking

Grace had followed behind everyone as they carried Asante back to her room, hoping no one would notice her locking the wedding planner in her room while she 'napped.' However that plan had been foiled when J.C went into Asante's room and stayed in there, most likely to wait until she awoke. Mentally wondering if he had done that on purpose, Grace clicked her tongue in annoyance as she left to go find something to do. The engines were fine so she locked up the engine room (and ignored any puppy eyes from a certain passenger) and went to the workout room to check that J.C hadn't accidentally broken any of the machines in there. Pleased that everything was working, Grace decided to use the treadmill for a while.

After some time had passed, Catie found her in there, apparently needing Grace's help with dinner.

"Ah Grace, there you are! Lilanna and I were about to make dinner."


"Since we are having steaks, I was thinking of grilling them."

"But we don't-oh right. Hold on, let me go find some sterno cans."

"Wha-? Sterno cans?"

Once, Grace had found where she had put them, she constructed a simple grill for the two cooks with as many sterno cans as she could find.

"This is certainly the most...unusual grill I have ever used"

"It will do the job" assured Grace mentally adding I think. It was not often that she had to make grills... Next Grace worked on the air filters, mostly due to a lack of desire for smoke to fill the ship. She ended up hanging around the kitchen, simply because she wanted to stay near if her simple grill started acting funny, but Catie roped her into helping with some of the cooking.

"If you have nothing else to do, we could use your help."

"I can't really help, I will burn anything you give me."

"That's fine, you can wash the rice than."

Any protests that Grace made was ignored by Catie and she was handed a bowl of rice. She tried to made sure she didn't touch anything involving heat (she wasn't joking about burning things, she really can't cook) so Grave ended up washing the rice, peas and doing other basic aspects of the cooking. Grace actually enjoyed it more than she had expected to (but she was not going to admit that to Catie or Lilanna, no way).

Day Two of Journey, Destiny's Galley, 5:30 pm ST
Grace helped set the table and as soon as dinner was served, she purposely sat between Tess and Angela (Grace had no desire to repeat what had happened at breakfast) and dug in. The food was delicious and soon enough conversations were going. Since the plan had already been shared with the guests, Grace really didn't know what to talk about so she mostly just listened, enjoying a rare moment of things NOT going wrong.

Posted on 2014-10-04 at 19:32:22.
Edited on 2014-10-04 at 19:33:01 by MMV

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

And so we go on

Asante sleeps off the drugs and wakes up in the early afternoon. JC stays with her to keep an eye on her.

"Welcome back." JC says as he sees Asante awakening.

She rolls her head and stretches before her hand goes to her neck where Stephanie had stuck her. Asante looks at JC and then shakes her head and starts to laugh. "She drugged me! Oh that is beyond rich. I would have done the same if the situation was reversed." she says as she chuckles away.

(assuming some reaction)

"This has been an interesting trip. I have underestimated you and the crew around every turn. Oh well. Am I to remain a prisoner or are you going to take me on my word that I won't act against you?"

(assuming that JC fills her in on a vague idea of the plan with the possibility of her helping)

She shrugged at the idea, "That sounds all very well and good but I still thing the baron will attempt to put us out of the picture as soon as possible. But if I am wrong and you are right - I am willing to try. Could be the Baron is gonna underestimate you too."

JC watches her to gauge her reaction but he really cannot get a good reading from her. She seems sincere enough but she is also very glib and smooth. On the other hand, she is the only passenger not armed since the beginning and JC knows that very few vessels can catch Destiny on full burn.

Day Two of Journey, Destiny's Galley, 6:00 pm ST
Dinner is served and everyone gathers around the table. It is a larger crowd than normal but you move some furniture around to get everyone around the table. The steaks smell go good and the accompanying dishes are well done as well. Catie seems to have a knack for cooking that is well received and Grace's Sterno grill certainly made the steaks.

Tess puts the ship on auto-pilot with the proximity detectors on maximum. She has not found a sign of the ship Asante alluded to and she is wondering if Asante is bluffing or the fact that they are cruising at a speed that would be full out hard burn for a firefly was another factor.

Asante came to the table with JC and stop a moment before she sat down to say, "I want to apologize to everyone for perhaps getting off on the wrong foot with you. I want to help yo uall and I want to nail Templeton to the wall. I think our motives are the same and I am willing to try whatever plan you have to achieve our goals."

OOC: Dinnertime conversation? Anything people want to speak on or up about, this is the time.

Posted on 2014-10-13 at 18:53:17.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Mmmm, Mmmm Good........

Asante came to the table with JC and stop a moment before she sat down to say, "I want to apologize to everyone for perhaps getting off on the wrong foot with you. I want to help you all and I want to nail Templeton to the wall. I think our motives are the same and I am willing to try whatever plan you have to achieve our goals."
Jon took a bit of juicy medium rare steak, the tender beef gushed a flavor he’d missed, though living with Stephanie had had its privileges. Jon guess his crew was in downright heaven as if they’d been allowed to be part of the upper crust. The Captain smiled at Catie as he enjoyed meat, this could turn into an interesting crew after all. Jon waved Asente to sit and slide the platter of steak to her.

“We seem to have been at odds a bit here, but we thought of something that might help us all.” Jon went on to describe the idea of the yacht. “Now we ain’t been none too trusting of you.” he glanced at Stephanie as she sat there holding her serene smile, but Jon saw the satisfied look in her eyes. He continued, “If you can get your crew on the liner, we’ll get you the code to the snatch the yacht. That should give your people the leverage they want against Steele,” glancing back at Lillianna, “without putting innocents at risk. I’d figure you are the best trained to covert activities so I’d guess not matter what we planned you’ll handle what comes your way. …Now eat up and if you have any ideas on how to help Lillianna and Daniel now’d be the time to pitch them out.”

Posted on 2014-10-19 at 23:47:50.

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

No Rules just rt Outback!

"Welcome back." JC says as he sees Asante awakening.

She rolls her head and stretches before her hand goes to her neck where Stephanie had stuck her. Asante looks at JC and then shakes her head and starts to laugh. "She drugged me! Oh that is beyond rich. I would have done the same if the situation was reversed." she says as she chuckles away.

“Well don’t blame her too much we have had many a run in with not quite honest people in our dealings. As you just said yourself you would have done the same.”

"This has been an interesting trip. I have underestimated you and the crew around every turn. Oh well. Am I to remain a prisoner or are you going to take me on my word that I won't act against you?"

“That’s up to you Asante wether your willing to help us or not.” Outlining the chosen plan he took a chance in telling more then was nesscerry but yet not enough to compromise it. When he was finished she shrugged at the idea.

"That sounds all very well and good but I still think the baron will attempt to put us out of the picture as soon as possible. But if I am wrong and you are right - I am willing to try. Could be the Baron is gonna underestimate you too."

“Well if things turn out bad, and if we live through it, you can always tell me Told You So” Trying for a bit of humor the gunfighter watched her to gauge her reaction but to his dismay he could not get a better reading on her. She seemed sincere enough but JC already knew she could be quite glib and very smooth. Though still unarmed JC was not about to let his guard down around her and he would nonetheless keep a consent eye on her.

Day Two of Journey, Destiny's Galley, 6:00 pm ST
Dinner is served and everyone gathers around the table. It is a larger crowd than normal but a quick move of furniture to get everyone around the table was successful. The steaks smell so good and the accompanying dishes are well done as well. Catie seems to have a knack for cooking that is well received and Grace's Sterno grill certainly made the steaks.

As JC walked with Asante at his side to the table, she paused momentarily before sitting down. Looking over everyone already there she spoke.

"I want to apologize to everyone for perhaps getting off on the wrong foot with you. I want to help yo uall and I want to nail Templeton to the wall. I think our motives are the same and I am willing to try whatever plan you have to achieve our goals."

As he sat down JC gave a quick look to Jon, nodding his head letting him know he felt she was telling the truth but his raised eyebrows also telling the captain he was not sure 100% Sitting down next to her he filled his plate as Jon described what JC so far had not.

Quietly eating a very, very good med well steak the Gunfighter had really nothing to add to the plan. He knew his job and what it would entail and was more then capable at his job. After all why ruin a good steak dinner with more mission talk. For right now the time to relax was available so why not enjoy it................

Posted on 2014-10-23 at 05:03:39.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Pardon me Boys, Is this the catatonic choo choo?

It was a wonderful meal. It was extremely rare for the crew to be able to sit down and enjoy such good food at the same table and for the time of the repast, it was like family coming together for a celebration. Even the “guests” were in good spirits as you enjoyed the steaks and the other dishes that Catie had prepared. She obviously had a talent for cooking that would be well appreciated.

“We seem to have been at odds a bit here, but we thought of something that might help us all.” Jon went on to describe the idea of the yacht. “Now we ain’t been none too trusting of you.” he glanced at Stephanie as she sat there holding her serene smile, but Jon saw the satisfied look in her eyes. He continued, “If you can get your crew on the liner, we’ll get you the code to the snatch the yacht. That should give your people the leverage they want against Steele,” glancing back at Lillianna, “Without putting innocents at risk. I’d figure you are the best trained to covert activities so I’d guess not matter what we planned you’ll handle what comes your way. …Now eat up and if you have any ideas on how to help Lillianna and Daniel now’d be the time to pitch them out.”

Asante smiled at the idea, “I think that we could work with that plan but until we get to the cruise liner, there will be a lot of unanswered questions. Maybe if you let me contact my crew after dinner we could work something out?”

Conversation turned to lighter topics and soon the meal was at an end. You all leaned back feeling pleasantly stuffed and more than a little tired.

In fact, very very tired.

Maybe too tired.

Lilianna was the first to fall, just slumping down in her chair. Catie dropped almost as quickly. The two brothers jumped up to catch her but ended up crashing on the floor unconscious beside her. JC tried to move quickly away from the table but he too could not keep from going under and fell to the floor. Jon, Angela, Stephanie, Seth and Tess all slumped onto the table or in their chairs.

Grace clung hard to consciousness, her mind desperately doing math problems to try and stay awake. But she couldn’t resist it long. As she lost consciousness, she slammed her hand hard against the table dramatically and then dropped to the floor with everyone else.

Assante leaned back and smiled. She took another bite of the steak and laughed to herself at the silly dramatic gesture of the Mechanic, slamming her fist down, like some sort of final defiant gesture. She was still chuckling as she got up and headed to the bridge. “Naive. Jon. Very naive.”

She sat herself down in the chair of the bridge and pressed the buttons for the comm. to signal her ship, “Papa Bear this is Mama, Come in.”

Silence. Asante frowned and looked at the command console. On the view screen was “Emergency over-ride engaged. Please enter the 108 character password for access.”

Asante’s eye went wide. “108 character code? Who uses a 108 character code? And how did ....” Suddenly the defiant fist slamming down of the mechanic was no longer that funny. “Wo de ma he ta de fengkuang de waisheng dou! Tamade! Ta shi suoyou diyu debiaozi de ma! Tamade! Si san ba! Tamade! Tamade!" she shouted.

After taking a moment to regain her composure she returned to her room, picked up her bag and dug out her make-up kit and quickly broke apart the pieces needed to assemble her own come unit. While she was at it, she pulled out the bracelet and put it together to form her dart shooter, just in case someone woke up early.

“Papa Bear this is Mama Come in.”

“Mama this is Papa. What’s the sitc?”

“Plan A is a wash. Do gooders and angels for a crew. Move to B. I’ve goldilocked the crew.”

“Will move to intercept. The ship is damn fast. We’ve been on hard burn to keep up.”

“Well I can’t stop it. The Si san ba! mechanic locked the system. Don’t try to board either. The paranoid Si san ba probably has the dock rigged as well. I’ll try the shuttle but chances are I am gonna use the tracker and a suit. Find me in the black.”

“Right Boss. We are on the way.”

Asante packed her bag back up and headed down to the cargo bay, swearing to herself all the way. She passed through the galley to make sure everyone was still down and disarm any potential people who might wake up early. She briefly thought of some terrible revenge she could do but dismissed them out of hand. She would need these people again later and best not to make them too mad. However, an impish idea came to her that she could not resist.

Destiny Galley Day Three of Journey. 1:00 am ST
Jon woke up on the floor feeling like a very ugly dwarf was inside his head banging on a drum while marching back and forth with heavy boots. His vision was blurred buit he forced himself awake and to move upright. His crew was asleep around him as well as the passengers. He fought hard to make sense of what was happening when he realized someone was missing – Asante.

JC, Grace, Catie and Tess start to move tentatively. Then Jon sees Angela asleep on the floor and all that could imply hit Jon like a espresso coffee. She would wake up with no memories.

Jon stood up and his sight came back into focus. It was then he saw his clothing was folded neatly on the table. All of his clothing.... which meant ... Jon was completely naked.

Posted on 2014-11-05 at 18:28:12.
Edited on 2014-11-05 at 18:28:47 by Alacrity

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

My Bad :(

WTF JC knew something was wrong the minute he started feeling tired. Not once in his life had he become this tired this fast not even during the war. As he tried to move away from the table he saw Asante smiling.

“You bi**h” He was able to mutter as he tried to move towards her but instead fell face down onto the floor out cold.


As he slowly came awake JC for all his grogginess knew Asante was gone. Somehow the Wahg-ba bi**h had drugged the meat, most likely before it had been brought aboard. As he finally stood he knew he would get a ton of duh kwong-run from Gracie for letting her out of the room.

However as they all started to shake off the drug, and after his initial anger eased, he realized they had got off lucky. Asante had just escaped and not killed them all, thus taking the Destiny as her own. Of course she’d stripped Jon naked but that was more a childish ex-lover type stunt then any real threat. Moving to Jon’s side he helped the captain gain his bearings, and yes his clothes, and with that taken care of went to check over the rest of the ship for any obvious damage or theft.

Posted on 2014-11-07 at 05:22:04.


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