So Zhay-la needs to figure out how to do a full rack break into a three cussion bank shot around the eight ball.
Will we get a better reaction to full impact body blow or a high energy sustained push to drive the astroid a few degrees off current couse?
We need Engineering and flight ops to figure how many degrees is needed to miss the planet and send the astroid on it's merry way?
Or Science to figure how small of bits it need to be pulverized into to render it harmless? (1-20m)
Knocking it off couse has to figure the impact in just the right location to push the whole thing and not just start it spinning like one Eol's pinwheels.
Or can it be broken into chunks that can be more easily moved with shuttles and trackor beams.(1km ???)
The holodeck might be a good place to run simulations for time inhanced reaction and viewing.
These are ideas that Reid would suggest to Taissud as they review.
C2P we can collab if you want or you can run with some of these.
Any one else may like to run with any of these too or just use them to sead better ideas.
BTW..was it said if the astroid is round, oblong, cigar shaped.....that would help (at least me) in figuring what attackes on it may do.
Maybe we can speed up the Yarkovsky effect?