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Karma: 12/6
394 Posts

wood chucks

A wood chck can not chuck wood because it can not eat it. So that means no up and chucking wood chucks.

How fast can a Captian Sparrow fly?

Posted on 2008-06-30 at 17:13:07.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

aha! a trick question

A Captain Sparrow doesn't fly...a Captain Sparrow backstrokes or floats...depending upon the amount of rum consumed

why is it that the more people that are in line the less cashiers there are available?

Posted on 2008-06-30 at 17:20:51.

Fulla Wyrmstuff
Karma: 20/2
340 Posts

Unfamiliarity with Murphy

Murphy's Law 2317:
"The number of service personnel available will always be inversely proportional to the number required."

And its Corollary:
"The size of a crowd will always be directly proportional to the number of people present, and inversely proportional to the number of personnel available to help them."

How many strings in a quark?

Posted on 2008-06-30 at 23:05:26.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Quark is a Ferengi bartender on a popular tv show...the only strings he has (and there two) are pulled by Sisco.

where does time fly to?

Posted on 2008-07-01 at 11:49:10.

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts


It flies into the wormhole featured on said popular TV show.

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 07:50:47.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


never choked a Smurf...hang right back............................................................................................................................................................................... ::wipes sweat off brow::


where does bottled water REALLY come from?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 11:22:16.
Edited on 2008-07-02 at 11:22:42 by Lyskhala

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts


Secret bottled water trees.

Why is pecan pie so yummy?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 11:26:15.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

PECAN PIE! Nom Nom Nom Nom...

Has to do with Southern DNA.

is global warming REALLY happening?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 12:53:44.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 10/4
180 Posts

Yes but..

Yes but not for the reasons we are lead to believe. Originally the earth was on a race with the other planets to see who could get to the Sun first. Unfortunately, all planets have no "i"s (except Jupiter but it doesn't count because it is just full of hot air) and so were unable to target effectively, they have to do it by sense of touch. So ever since the beginning of the race (When the giant starting gun was fired aka "the big bang") the planets have been blindly heading toward the sun.

***the rest of this is just a rant.. continue to the bottom for your question*** Astrologers have been wrong for years thinking that we have been revolving around the sun. When, in fact, we have just been missing it again and again. Personally, I believe pluto will eventually win and plunge into our star far before any of these other planets can. It may have started out slowest due to its lack of overall mass but I think that its sense of smell will win in the end. That is, unless, some other planet has already "won" and our planets noticed the "Incinerated into an inferno" victory and decided against further competition. Ever since they may have intentionally been dodging the finish line just to not get second place prize... which may or may not be similar to first place's vicory dance, IF you can call melting into oblivion a dance.

*****End of rant, below is the next question****

Why do XXL clothes cost more when smaller/children's clothes don't cost less?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 15:10:20.
Edited on 2008-07-02 at 15:13:18 by EvolutionJ

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


XXL clothes are made with stretchy thread which costs more and kids clothes are made with extra strong thread which costs the same as stretchy thread.

why is gas/petrol so expensive?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 19:44:43.
Edited on 2008-07-02 at 19:44:58 by Lyskhala

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts

Dang leprechauns

It's the leprechauns.

They are driving up the cost of gas so they can line their pots with more gold. They have succumbed to an unfortunate pastry addiction and are spending all their existing gold on eclairs and doughnuts. Plus, Lucky was fired by Lucky Charms and is now on leprechaun welfare assistance. This is their heinous way of offsetting their costs.

Speaking of which, why are Lucky Charms magically delicious?

Posted on 2008-07-02 at 19:50:43.
Edited on 2008-07-02 at 19:51:13 by Duncan74

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts

Welllll ... ... ...

They're not. They only seem that way to some, and only in the South, 'cause they taste like chicken ...

... and why does everything taste like chicken?

Posted on 2008-07-04 at 03:11:52.

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts

(Best Keanu Reeves voice) "Whoa..."

Because there is a glitch in the Matrix.

The machines don't really know what anything tastes like except for chicken, because the resistance fighters throw chickens at their faces. Thus, they made everything taste like it...a little payback.

Why can you hear the ocean in conch shells?

Posted on 2008-07-04 at 15:39:15.

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts

Oh, gosh. You mean you don't kow?

You don't.

When a conch dies, it turns into a leeeetle, teeeeeeny black hole that gets lost way down inside the shell. What you actually hear is the air rushing by your ear and into the black hole ...

Is there any truth to the rumor that Branjelina are actually vacationing space aliens that see humans as two-legged cattle?

Posted on 2008-07-04 at 21:56:03.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

yes and no

Brangelina are in fact space aliens. They come from the planet "Beutimus" near the edge of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Their original mission was to beautify the planet with their prescence which they successfully completed shortly after arriving. Once that mission was accomplished they decided to stay on and become ambassadors which entails adopting children from every race on Earth and raising them in their own likeness.

why are baby animals so friggin' CUTE!?

Posted on 2008-07-07 at 19:32:46.


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