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Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts


Should I keep posting New poems or let the thread die?

Posted on 2010-04-13 at 21:30:25.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

never say die

I think this is a good forum for your creative works.

Posted on 2010-04-14 at 19:21:37.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8878 Posts

Quit posting?!?!?


And deprive us Innmates of your creativity and such?!?!

I think not, young lady... in fact, I believe you should post more.

Seriously, MMV... I know I don't comment a great deal on the poetry and such that gets posted by our Innmates but I do read and enjoy them. I'd hate to see yours stop showing up.

Posted on 2010-04-14 at 19:26:25.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts


Our nation’s greatest joy
Lasting from Past to the Present
Young athletes racing against the clock
Making history through speed and skill
Placing in the top three while fans scream your name
Inspiring other people and encouraging other athletes
Courage is need when facing tragedy or an opponent
Savouring the victor of the medal until next time.

Thanks for encouragement, Eol and Dad. This was a past homework assigment but I really like this one.

Posted on 2010-04-14 at 20:20:11.
Edited on 2010-04-14 at 20:21:13 by MMV

Karma: 16/4
218 Posts


Hi! Definitely keep the thread and continue posting your work. It is very good. In fact I am inspired to try to find some of my old works and post them. Maybe even come up with some new stuff. Thanks!

Posted on 2010-04-14 at 22:22:45.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Your welcome.

Teenagehood It is both wanted and feared time.
When we wish for independence
But long for the carefree ways of childhood;
We seek acceptance from others
Yet we want to leave our own mark;
We say we don’t care about love
And we secretly wish for it;
We tell ourselves we are fine
When we really want to cry;
We say we’re grown up
Even though we want our parents love;
Teenage hood is like a battle
Against others, against the world,
And against ourselves
That is what it’s like.

Glad I could inspire you, Dakarta. Hope you like this one!

Posted on 2010-04-15 at 11:53:31.
Edited on 2010-04-21 at 11:58:36 by MMV

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Two poems at once

Feelings I hate it when you ignore me.
I hate it when you say Hi
And my face goes red
I hate that part of me melts when I see you
I hate how your smile affects me
I hate how you notice every girl
But Me
I hate that how my eyes are drawn towards you
But What I hate the most
Is that it isn’t hate
But a silly crush

Boys Why do you look at me?
I’m not that pretty
I know of girls who like you
So why pay attention to me?
You treat me horribly but
You’re sad when I don’t talk to you
You say you’re happy when I’m sad
But you seem to listen to my laugh
You constantly flirting with your crush
But you ignore her when I’m beside you
What’s in your head?
I’m pretty much invisible
So why are you noticing me?

These are some poems for me to vent steam. Hope you don't mind.

Posted on 2010-04-21 at 11:59:58.
Edited on 2010-04-21 at 12:00:48 by MMV

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
150 Posts


You are amazing. You're poems sound very meaningful and are fun to ponder. Continue wih your amazing works.

Posted on 2010-07-26 at 20:00:14.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Thank you!

What happened to the sun?
All I see is the rain.
What happened to the day?
The sky is dark
I guess it shows what I knew
Please tell me

Was I just another grain in your hourglass?
Or was I, a diamond in the rough?
Was I just another face that you saw?
Or was I, a flame you held dear?

I really thought the time we had was special
The memories, the smiles and the tears
They were dear to me
What were they, to you?
Please tell me

Was I just another grain in your hourglass?
Or was I, a diamond in the rough?
Was I just another face that you saw?
Or was I, a flame you held dear?

I really thought we were friends
I guess I was a fool
You repaired me but I broke again
I must have been not worth it
Just tell me!

Was I just another grain in your hourglass?
Or was I, a diamond in the rough?
Was I just another face that you saw?
Or was I, a flame you held dear?

Please tell me
Please tell me
Just tell me.

I wrote this as a song for camp. I hope you like it.

Posted on 2010-07-31 at 00:23:13.
Edited on 2010-10-21 at 01:52:28 by MMV

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

not sure nice is proper word

A very well done song MMV. How about something a bit more cheerful and uplifting?

Posted on 2010-08-04 at 16:31:02.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8878 Posts

Well done indeed..., like "Dad" says, how about something cheerful... This one, for some reason, makes me wanna choke out a teenage boy or seventy.

Posted on 2010-08-04 at 16:33:43.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

This one called Confusion

Standing under a blooming tree
Waiting for someone to come
A piece of paper held tightly in one hand
Suddenly hearing foot steps behind me
Turn around to see him stop beside me
He smiled and said “I’ll tell you again some other time"
James then turned and ran away
I watched him leave, puzzled by his words.
I leave the area confused but hoping
He would come back and explain
Why he wrote ‘I love you’

(No I didn't pass this on something that happened to me or anyone I know. This just popped into my head today. Hope you like!)

Posted on 2010-09-02 at 22:44:29.
Edited on 2010-09-02 at 22:45:10 by MMV

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8878 Posts

I do like...

...a lot!

Good stuff as always, V.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted on 2010-09-03 at 16:23:41.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts

Sorry about the delay!

Before that day, when the leaves fell
My footsteps were small
My voice quiet
I was barely present
The wings I had
stay to my back
I was small
and crippled

Then the day came
You notice me
and called out to me
You pushed me forward
You listened for my voice
When trouble came
you were there
You help me get to my feet

Today as the rain pours
My steps are stronger
My voice a little louder
My feet don't always touch the floor
My wings are stretched
and are waiting for that wind
to come and guide me.
I am strong and proud

However before the wind comes
Before our time is gone
I must say one thing
I can never thank you enough
For the strength
For the courage
And the friendship
You gave to me.

(This one is for the new friends I have made. I hope everyone likes)

Posted on 2010-10-21 at 01:53:54.
Edited on 2010-10-21 at 01:56:27 by MMV

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Love it

Wonderful poem, and I am so glad you have found such good friends.

Posted on 2010-10-21 at 02:22:08.


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