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True, but I am still not too happy about the lower AC.
This is why I need to run your characters through a dungeon, actuly test out my rules. I've got some guys with low AC and good DR and hopefully a character comming in with good AC but low DR... be interesting to see how it goes.
If nothing else, you could also rule that we get a reflex save against melee attacks to avoid them (or half the damage) similar to traps or other effects. That would play off neither AC or DR, and make for more survivable combat situations in my opinion. It also adds an almost cinematic quality to the flow of combat, giving the impression that a quick moving character can dodge blows. A bonus could even be given on the save when fighting defensively to show that the character is more apt to notice an attack coming and be better able to dodge (or parry) it.
Suddenly been lumbered with quite a bit of unexpected work from uni, start of the game is postponed until Tuesday next week (after the deadline for the work)
Posted on 2011-03-09 at 13:39:42.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8874 Posts
...I was all ready to lurk and everything!!!
Now what am I gonna do with all this popcorn? It'll go stale before next Tuesday....
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