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Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
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You are correct

Good job and here I thought that would a hard one .

As to your Question as I myself am unfamilier with 3.5 I will let another answer that.

Posted on 2007-03-18 at 05:44:45.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts

Wis instead of Dex

Skari... I believe that'd be the Zen Archery feat, yes?

Posted on 2007-03-19 at 15:20:04.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts

It would

It's in a couple of books, I think. Sword and Fist was the first if I recall correctly, though.

Posted on 2007-03-20 at 06:15:37.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts


Okay, then, next question... (should be fairly easy)

Creature Question: In which D&D module were phanatons introduced?

Posted on 2007-03-20 at 14:18:22.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts

I so cheated...

I had to check google on that one... "to keep this game going" would be my excuse

The Isle of Dread? Is that correct?

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 09:52:54.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts

That's the one!

The Isle of Dread it is... first AD&D mod I ever played. I thought that was gonna be an easy one.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 11:56:21.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts

newest question

Alright then. YAY!

the new question is:

What name has been given to mages that draw magical energy for their spells from the life around them?

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 12:23:48.

Karma: 0/0
1 Posts

Ooh, ooh ooh, I know this one!

That would be a Defiler. They showed up in the dark sun setting, my favorite.

Next question: What class was omitted from Dark Sun? Why? What replaced them?

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 12:39:13.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


There were a number of new classes introduced in DarkSun: Gladiators, Elemental priests, the diplomat/assassin (thought they called it a bard), etc.

I'm going to guess, though, based on the use of the word "replace" that you are referring to the removal of the cleric for the elemental priest...

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 19:01:01.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts


The class to which I refer is not of the priest group, but since you included the right one, I'll leave you one more post to get the class it replaced.

Posted on 2007-03-28 at 03:57:42.
Edited on 2007-03-28 at 03:58:23 by Miko_Ayune-sama

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


Didn't they dump the paladin as well?

Posted on 2007-03-28 at 04:27:26.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Close enough

Yes. That was the class they replaced with gladiator.

So, what's your question?

Posted on 2007-03-28 at 05:00:14.
Edited on 2007-03-28 at 05:03:16 by Miko_Ayune-sama

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


Aww... well crap. I tend to kill these sorts of games with my questions... Ummm... What 2nd edition book allowed a player to make a 1st level PC who deals 2d6 unarmed damage and how is it accomplished? (Bonus points if you know more than one.)

Posted on 2007-03-29 at 23:05:08.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


You do tend to kill these. I remember the Ice Knife question. I dunno.

Posted on 2007-03-30 at 01:31:55.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


Wow, it's been really really long ago that I've done anything like that. But it could be the 'Skills and Powers' book, using an Alaghi as a fighter. Those things kill!!
I don't know about unarmed damage, but I used two 2-handed swords, with a bunch of fighting styles that I don't remember, and he kicked butt.

Tell me if I'm anywhere near the correct answer.

Also: Let's try to keep the questions Singular. That way there's only one answer, and no back-and-forth posting about extras. You can always make a new question out of those.

Posted on 2007-03-30 at 17:53:11.
Edited on 2007-03-30 at 17:55:26 by Almerin


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