Please refer back to the original recruitment thread.
I expect one to two posts per week. If you miss posting, your clone may die.
You want to know the rules? Knowledge of the rules is limited to Ultraviolet or higher security clearance. Since you are a lowly Red, such knowledge is treason.
So, are you interested? I need six players who can commit to posting. You don't need long, drawn-out posts... but be prepared to be creative and/or entertaining, or else die for your boringness.
We have some players who are killing it - let me give a quick round of applause to Breebles, Bud, and Eol Fefalas.
If your name is not in that list, you are either not posting often enough, or are not posting ENOUGH enough. Keeper, I'm going to pick on you.
I love how you're plotting and scheming already. Great stuff! You added an entire scene that was not part of the game (the death of poor Dweebs). But sometimes, it seems like you rush to get a post up and revert to the tabletop gaming mode of giving a rapid fire response so as to move on. You post as often as anyone, but a lot of your posts are a sentence or two only. That doesn't meet the requirements quoted above.
Folks - I don't expect novellas. But 2-3 short paragraphs should be the default. That's enough space to let us know what your clone is thinking and feeling, how they perceive the events through their eyes (you need not reveal your treason, feel free to send that to me directly), and make the game fun to read.
Single sentences are BORING. A bored Paranoia GM finds excuses to kill clones.
C'mon, ya'll.