Tom - I shortened your name because I was getting my tongue twisted trying to type that.
You can use established D&D characters if it helps you, and it will help me too as it gives me an better idea of what your character can do. Of course, there wont be any die rolling, and such. As for the rules, they’ll be more like guidelines than actual rules.
The only character that has expressed a type was an Eldritch Knight, which I’m waiting to fine out what that is exactly. So if you want to be a Rogue with some low level spell abilities, that will be fine.
Now for the world and situation, I’m not going to draw much attention to that and details. As far as the characters are concerned, it is their world. Much like people in the olden days, they only thought of it as the world, most people in our world back then thought the same way. There are most of the normal Fantasy races, Elf, Dwarf, Human, etc., as well as some stranger ones which are myth to most, but possibly exist.
You all will not be meeting in a tavern, but I will keep that a secret till the game starts. What I will need to know is if any of you know one another prior to this adventure. That will be left up to all of you to discuss and figure out amongst yourselves.
Dragon soul - Regarding spells and the like, I would like to stick mostly to known spells, you can use those from D&D for the most part, Fireball, flame, invisibility, etc. As for new spells, I would like to hear what anyone has in mind in that regard, but remember this is a mid-level adventure (equivalent Lv , so really powerful spells wont be available at the beginning.
You all can come up with whatever background you want, it’s your characters. Places, names, etc., are of little importance to me. In this Freeform game, your characters backgrounds are up to you to decide. Do what you will, just don’t be ridiculous or crazy and your free to make up what you will.