GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
Hmm. points to ponder
Yes, pacing is important and clarification of the text as much so. The last lines ... hmm ... yes ... perhaps I gree there. I will reread that and see what I can come up with.
Thanks for your input!
Posted on 2007-08-14 at 17:13:08.
Vilyamar Glorious Emperor Karma: 28/16 428 Posts
no problemo
Posted on 2007-08-14 at 18:46:23.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
The Pitfalls of Getting Published
I have had another one of my short stories accepted for publication online.
However, it was with an ezine and they offered no true compensation for the acquiring of First North American Serial Rights nor did they offer copyright protection.
Matter-of-fact, I had to educate them on the importance of registering their accepted works and magazine with the US Copyright Office. I then withdrew my manuscript and requested them *not* to post it online or put it into print.
If you are a budding writer, do not allow your vanity to prostitute your works just for the sake of getting them "published". Make sure that when you submit and someone accepts your work for publication, that you are compensated and your work is protected.
Posted on 2007-08-28 at 20:47:28.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
Writing Blog
If anyone wants to read about my writing exploits (or lack thereof) for information on writing, getting published, and even for a laugh, check out my blog:
What is good about my ranting, is that I give out all types of literary info and contacts. If any of you are trying to get published, you may find it worth reading.
Posted on 2007-10-11 at 19:31:56.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
As It Goes...
So, it looks like I'm signing with WriteHigh Literary Agency - but for my "Ghost Hunter" series rather than Dark Water.
I'm trying also to peddle some short stories based on the Ghost Hunter series; that'll help sell it. I'm still awaiting on final revisions, however, before I can sell the novel.
Posted on 2007-11-06 at 20:00:02.
Vilyamar Glorious Emperor Karma: 28/16 428 Posts
Way past cool, meng.
Posted on 2007-11-06 at 20:27:03.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
What's happening
So, I have formally signed with WriteHigh Literary Agency, and have been, for the last 3 weeks, immersed in deep revisions for my novel, Dark Running.
This novel was changed from its original title (Shadows in an Empty World), and should not be confused with my other work about the ocean.
Monique, my agent, has already compiled a list for my work of markets for her Spring push. She is strongly confident that my first book about Artemus Dark will sell. Monique is a powerhouse in the literary field, so she has tons of experience and contacts all over the big publishing houses.
As soon as I've completed my revisions on the new draft, I will also send her my digi-pic and bio, along with the manuscript and some samples from my other published works.
So - onward and upward.
Posted on 2007-12-20 at 23:34:58.
Edited on 2007-12-20 at 23:35:44 by GreyGrey
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
You must let me know when it comes out. I shall purchase it posthaste.
Or you could just mail me a signed copy. Either or.
Posted on 2007-12-21 at 02:29:38.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
Blogg'n About Me?
I know my agent Monique is a good agent, because she certainly knows how to sell the snake oil:
"From Reno comes Michael Cid D'Angelo, creator of the Artemus Dark fantasy series; Mike has a razor-sharp wit, and his character is a magician who is just too cool for words. In Artemus's world, magic is taught at Duke, and forensics includes sorcery."
Razor-sharp wit! Ha! I've certainly fooled her! How we can all decieve our peers ...
... wait ... what were we talking about again?
Posted on 2007-12-28 at 22:02:35.
Vilyamar Glorious Emperor Karma: 28/16 428 Posts
Hella cool
I don't want to clutter your other thread. That's awesome! I just submitted an article to the UW Alumni Journal (a semi-annual publication that goes to Alumni of the University). Around 32,000 readership with that. Yay for amateur writing skills!
Or in your case, professional!
Posted on 2008-02-23 at 22:31:15.
Edited on 2008-02-23 at 22:31:28 by Vilyamar
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Still want to read this whenever it gets out there.
And dude...your last name rocks.
Posted on 2008-02-24 at 02:52:39.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
Ah shucks ahhh...
Well thanks guys, for your good words.
Vilyamar - great news! It's good to hear you're moving on up. There's nothing like being a pro and getting recognition for it.
The arts are a hard career, though. You may be talentd, but you'll have to get recognized. Some artists were geniuses, and never got recognized, or, if they did, it wasn't until after they had shuffled off this mortal coil.
Art has to come from within - a calling. It's almost a religious experience. The paycheck isn't always steady, and no doubt you'll have to work several jobs before you make a penny at writing.
Anyhow, stay posted to my other thread (and feel free to post there any questions or exclamations). It's for anybody.
Posted on 2008-02-24 at 15:48:05.
Ginafae Kool Killer Kitty Karma: 64/6 1685 Posts
Just read the other thread and the news that your work is getting published. Congrats!
Posted on 2008-02-24 at 16:16:55.
GreyGrey Resident Karma: 17/24 213 Posts
Progress!! Success!!
My agent, Hali, called me last night to tell me a major editor at Penguin Books is keen on Dark Running! Yay! She sent off the whole kit and kaboodle last night via email (the editor wanted to get to it right away), so there is great elation and excitement!
Posted on 2008-03-05 at 15:07:52.
Vilyamar Glorious Emperor Karma: 28/16 428 Posts
Posted on 2008-03-06 at 03:28:12.