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Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2532 Posts

If you really want to know...

1. What is your name? Kira
2. A 4 letter word: Kept
3. A vehicle: Kayak
4. A city: Kansas (City)
5. A boy's name: Kenneth
6. A girl's name: Kara
7. Alcoholic drink: (I don't even know any!)
8. An occupation: Kindergarten teacher
9. Something you wear: Kimono
10. A celebrity: Keira Knightley
11. A food: Kebab
12. Something found in a bathroom: Kleenex
13. Reason for being late: the Key broke...
14. Something you shout: Kaboom!
15. An animal: Kittens!
16. A body part: Keratinocytes
17. Word to describe yourself: Kind

Posted on 2008-06-19 at 04:18:42.

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts

My stuff

1. What is your name? Duncan
2. A 4 letter word: Dolt
3. A vehicle: Dodge Durango
4. A city: Dallas
5. A boy's name: Dennis
6. A girl's name: Diane
7. Alcoholic drink: DiSaronno
8. An occupation: Doctor
9. Something you wear: Dockers
10. A celebrity: Dom DeLuise
11. A food: Dill pickle
12. Something found in a bathroom: Doody-hehe
13. Reason for being late: Demon goats. They attacked.
14. Something you shout: Dang!
15. An animal: Deer
16. A body part: Dorsal fin (not MY body part-hehe)
17. Word to describe yourself: Dedicated

Posted on 2008-06-20 at 03:53:55.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


1. What is your name? Samantha
2. A 4 letter word: Sand
3. A vehicle: Solus
4. A city: San Fransisco
5. A boy's name: Samuel
6. A girl's name: Sandra
7. Alcoholic drink: Southern Comfort
8. An occupation: Sales Professional
9. Something you wear: Silk Panties
10. A celebrity: Sylvester Stalone
11. A food: Strawberries
12. Something found in a bathroom: Soap
13. Reason for being late: Slipped and fell down
14. Something you shout: Slow Down!
15. An animal: Snow Crab
16. A body part: Soft Pallet
17. Word to describe yourself: Sexy

Posted on 2008-06-20 at 18:44:03.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8878 Posts

Rock on!

1. What is your name? Robert
2. A 4 letter word: Rope
3. A vehicle: Rover
4. A city: Rapid City
5. A boy's name: Randy
6. A girl's name: Rachel
7. Alcoholic drink: RUM!!!!
8. An occupation: Rodeo Clown
9. Something you wear: raggedy jeans
10. A celebrity: Ray Romano
11. A food: rhubarb (would go great in a pie with Meri's strawberries)
12. Something found in a bathroom: Razor
13. Reason for being late: Repeated use of the snooze alarm
14. Something you shout: R U insane!?!
15. An animal: Raccoon
16. A body part: retina (thought I was gonna say rectum, dincha?)
17. Word to describe yourself: Ragin' Lunatic

Posted on 2008-06-20 at 19:03:53.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


1. What is your name? Brian
2. A 4 letter word: Bark
3. A vehicle: Bike
4. A city: Barcelona
5. A boy's name: Bob
6. A girl's name: Better
7. Alcoholic drink: Beer
8. An occupation: Boxer
9. Something you wear: Belt
10. A celebrity: Bob Barker
11. A food: Banana
12. Something found in a bathroom: Bathtub
13. Reason for being late: Battling Aliens
14. Something you shout: BANANARAMA
15. An animal: Bat
16. A body part: Bone
17. Word to describe yourself: Ballerina?

Posted on 2008-06-20 at 19:33:28.

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