So... I've done some reading of the rules and wanted to clarify a few things.
Before I do, I would like to refer you to the DM Disclaimer found on page 1.
So... Force Points... the book says that you can only use one per round. But... I haven't been playing by that rule. So, we will continue with mine for this combat scene,and I will review it for future scenes.
My Rule is that you can spend as many force points as you like on a single action/ roll per round (except for damage rolls and force powers). This means you can spend 3 force points to add 3d6 to your attack roll, but could not add any points to any other action that round.
Damage rolls or force powers can only have 1 force point applied to them each round.
A force point can also be used to avoid death (leaving you unconscious on the floor instead). This can be used at any time and is a reactive used of a force point.
Unless you guys want to go right away to the rules as written in the book... which is fine by me too. I'm just looking to be fair.
Stunning... you can add a force point to stun damage, however, I will add it to the total and then divide it in half (as per the "Stunning" rules).
Not saying Karra should, but she can switch her pistol to lethal as a swift action, allowing her to still shoot and scoot.
Hope that helps!