TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Wolf will take 2 Frag, 1 Concussion, 1 Flashbang.
Al do I need to post that?
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 00:51:03.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
It Wouldn't Hurt.....
I'd say go ahead and post it. Wolf could see Ash sent them out and help himself.
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 01:07:52.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Well reason I ask
Is they were on the shuttle most of the time Wolf and Wyatt were on it so was just wondering if I needed to add that to my next post sometime this week.
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 01:14:36.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Post them if you got them.
I will ask everyone to give me a breakdown of gear taking before merc land. Do not give me a bullet by bullet count - I really don't track things like that unless necessary.
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 13:56:29.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
I've no problem with the timeline.
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 17:48:06.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
I have updated the game to get everyone in the same room. This is your chance to tell everyone what news you have and give your input on the plan.
My plan is to have everyone post their thoughts by the end of next weekend so I can do a post bringing things together for getting the plan ready and we can pause for the Christmas holidays.
Posted on 2013-12-13 at 19:39:46.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
List what each of you want, I'll have Asher put the rest away so the if the Merc get on board they aren't setting out for them to use.
John may need another gun too so check Ashers list and let me know here what you'd like, we can put it in storey then.
If we succeed enough to head to the Merc main shio then the small arms will be handier.
Anyone up for taking suits of battle armor from the dead Mercs?
Posted on 2013-12-14 at 16:18:31.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
You may want to look at John's character sheet before you start handing him more guns or expecting to start blazing gunfights.
Posted on 2013-12-14 at 17:07:24.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Yes, yes....
I know John is the non-violent type and he has a Glock, but just saying this is not a regular rodeo. The Mercs are trained killers and he may feel he could use some smoke or flash bang, even the Uzi to protect himself and others. Not the time to go into this gunfight with a knife.
BTW, I'd think most of us would have an item like this. At least Asher might, just saying.....
Posted on 2013-12-14 at 21:20:27.
Edited on 2013-12-15 at 23:32:09 by Odyson
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Ok heads up
First of all John is not UNARMED except for his Glock he is also carrying, thanks to my short playing of him, Ash’s SPAS30 Combat Shotgun with 2 magazines.
As for me along with my 2 Barretta’s and cut down pump shotgun. I’m carrying the Justice Arms JC39 Assault Rifle & Shotgun also with 4 mags for it 2/2
Add the grenades to me and that’s what’s on my big guy frame
Posted on 2013-12-14 at 21:46:04.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
The Grenades.....
In case you wanted to know more about the grenades.
Grenade, Concussion: Used offensively
because their smaller blast radius is less dangerous in
the open, these grenades can still clear an area very
Grenade, Fragmentation: Sharp fragments of
metal rip through everything and everyone in the
area. The only effective protection usually involves
diving behind something—or someone—big and
thick and heavy.
Grenade, Flashbang: Designed to stun
enemies, flashbangs do relatively little damage,
but everyone within 20 feet of the grenade is
automatically stunned for one turn, and then they
have to make a Survival roll against a Difficulty
of 15. If they fail, they are stunned for 2d6 more
turns. If they succeed, they are stunned for only 2
more turns. The only way to deal with this effect
is complete ear and eye protection, which gives
a +2 Vitality Step bonus to the roll. Flashbangs
don’t always have to be grenades. Certain creative
individuals have disguised these explosives in such
innocent lookin’ objects as a stick of incense.
Grenade, Gas: The grenades release a special
nerve-gas designed to knock out those who breathe
it. The effects are like several hours of hard drinking
on an empty stomach. An NBC mask will prevent
the damage. The gas dissipates in a few rounds.
Grenade, Smoke: Inhaling the smoke does
some damage, seeing as you get less air that way,
but mostly the smoke obscures vision inside and
through the cloud (counting as Thick Smoke, giving
+8 to the Difficulty to hit any target through more
than 10 feet of smoke). The smoke fills the blast
area and dissipates slowly (usually in about two
minutes). NBC masks prevent the damage.
ChemPlast (CP-HE) Charge: A high-yield
plastic explosive, these charges let loose their energy
in a relatively small area. Shrapnel isn’t an issue
(unless whoever set the charge packed it full of
nuts and bolts and the such), but the blast wave is
apparently a lot like being struck by a cruiser.
Mining Charge: Used to blast mine shafts,
these charges are perfect for demolition of all kinds,
and often come with a remote detonator or a timed
electric fuse.
(What Tess and Ma have)
Mag Charge: A short-range, electromagnetic
pulse charge, about the size of a large battery.
Unless the electrical equipment is hardened against
EMP waves (which is extremely difficult, if not
impossible to do fully), all electrical equipment
in the 10’ affected radius will short out and stop
working until repaired. Most ships possess enough
redundancies so that one of these will not cause
fatal problems, but using them aboard a space vessel
or atmospheric craft is not advised.
Posted on 2013-12-15 at 23:48:41.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Asher's Gear......
2 x Python 6 LG Combat Revolvers
8 x Speedloaders of Ammo
2 x PK12 Peacekeeper Pistols
8 x Magazines of Ammo
1 x Combat Knife
2 x Bandoleers
1 Grizzley GRZ 1 Assault Rifle
4 Magazines of Ammo
3 Concussion Grenades
1 Frag Grenades
4 Flashbang Grenades
1 Gas Grenades
3 Smoke Grenades
1 Mining Charge
Asher’s pistol rig, but has a pistol under each arm.
The ammo is in a bandoleer.
Posted on 2013-12-16 at 00:31:46.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Speed Draw Holster
Combat Knife
Grenade, Flashbang (10)
Goooood Whiskey
Fruity Oaty Bars for good measure
Do I need a full list of lucky charms?
Now, I’m a little confused. Which part of this box of goodies that Asher brought out was left for Tess?
[(1 x Boxes of Concussion Grenades (6 grenades) 1 x Box of Frag Grenades (3 grenades) 2 x Boxes of Flashbang Grenades (12 grenades) 1 x Box of Gas Grenades (6 grenades) 2 x Boxes of Smoke Grenades (12 grenades )1 x Box of ChemPlast Charges (3 charges) 1 x Mining Charge (1 charge)]
Posted on 2013-12-16 at 02:07:26.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Check What's Been Claimed......
Check what Wolf and Asher say they have and figure it was
taken from the boxes. If you don't claim before Brom or Van post you'll have pick from whats left. But if you claim it now they have to take what's left.
I'll be posting soon that Asher puts what's left away so they aren't out in Roc gets boarded.
BTW, there are still 2 Uzi's available.
Did you mark that you have an EMP grenade? You never wrote that you gave it back to Asher.
Posted on 2013-12-16 at 02:39:05.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
emps that are listed...
are from Tess's personal stock.
Posted on 2013-12-16 at 02:41:31.