Hey folks,
Post from me is in process. Sorry, this is my on call week, AND I'm working out of a different office. AND baseball practice has started.
I wanted to take a moment to talk about post formatting. Trek is funny in that we regulate this more than typical games, I get that. But here are a few reminders:
Character speech goes inside of quotes, no matter who they are talking to - it can be someone in the same room, someone over a communicator, the computer.
"Hello, Doctor," the Captain said.
"Drake to Engineering, damage report!"
Character thoughts go in italics.
What sort of hare-brained scheme was he up to this time, Bob wondered.
Speech coming from a communicator or intercom, or comuter speech, gets the little =/\= markup.
=/\=Stand by, Captain=/\= Kennedy replied over the intercom. =/\=I'm trying to figure out just how bad it is!=/\=
=/\=There are no known contacts between the Federation and the sentients on Calican II =/\= came the computer's report.
You don't use the little =/\= symbol to dictate your own character's speech into the communicator unless you are writing from someone else's perspective. If you're confused, just ask, I'll be happy to hekp you format!
Also - please refrain from rainbow posts. Don't use color to indicate who is writing; handle that with your narrative skills. You don't buy the latest George R.R. Martin, then have five different font colors to indicate each character. The author lets you know if it's John Snow, or Cersei, or Seamus the dirt farmer speaking through words. Please do the same!
Yes, I know. I'm prickly and picky and a big ol' meanie. But please do try to follow these, and if you are confused at all, pleae reach out - I'll be happy to help!