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The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


You are going to make me draw another map aren't you?

Posted on 2011-08-09 at 17:03:59.

Forever ♥
Karma: 86/11
1538 Posts

would be nice...

.. but we love your maps... they are wonderful... also is there anything in this room... furniture... anything that you haven't already mentioned in your post? Looking for anything that is moveable...

Ok .... any orders from the bosses?

Posted on 2011-08-10 at 22:04:39.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

First off

Lets get the gear sorted out so we know what we have and what needs to be distributed.

At present the Sarge has the following.

2 .45 acp 1911’s (in duel shoulder holsters w/3 clips each/1 loaded 2 extra)
1 Thompson SMG w/5 clips/1 loaded 3 extra)(*One used vs Maw creature) 2 Brass Knuckles per his specialty(unarmed Combat)
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
One MP40 (Schmeisser) with three full clips (32 rounds per clip)
1 Frag Grenade (From Dead GI's)
Jacket/Pants (Reinforced)
Jump Boots
First Aid Pouch w/ Carlisle Bandage
2 Canteens w/ Cover
Gas Detection Armband
Musette Bag
Entrenching Tool
Paratrooper Gloves (fingerless at the tips)
Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit
Thompson Ammo bandoleer (3 extra clips here)
1 50 round drum for Thompson (In back pack will use clips first)

My 1 issue frag gren was used vs Maw creature. So what do ye rest of you have??

Posted on 2011-08-10 at 23:28:49.
Edited on 2011-08-27 at 03:38:13 by TannTalas

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Drawing a conclusion.

Oh, we wuvs your maps. They are sooo artistic and informative.

How could we possibly draw a conclusion without one.

We don't want to get the Cart-ography before the horse!

Ok I'll check my gear.

Posted on 2011-08-11 at 00:55:27.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Doc's stuff

Doc didn't take any of German weapons or uniforms so he took the extra G.I. ammo for the M1 and 45 ammo.

Jacket/Pants (Reinforced)
Jump Boots
(2)Pistol Belt
(.45 Caliber Pistol with holster
One Colt M1911A1 with holster(From dead G.I.)
a 1917 Beholla 7.65mm automatic pistol with a separate 7 round mag and a box of 100 rounds (7 missing). (Doc)
Medic’s Pouch (was in a PM)
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
M1A1 Carbine w/ Folding Stock
Canteen w/ Cover
Gas Detection Armband
Musette Bag
Entrenching Tool
Paratrooper Gloves
Fragmentation Grenade (from dead G.I., medic weren't issued grenades)
Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit
(2)Carbine Ammo Pouch (Captain took German Rifle so Doc took his M1 ammo)
Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each (so ten in total) (From Dead G.I’s)
Five colt handgun clips
A compass Six K-rations
Two Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit

You guys can split up the 2 grenades Doc took one from dead G.I. and one from car trunk, gave it to Brutal.

Posted on 2011-08-11 at 02:59:53.

Forever ♥
Karma: 86/11
1538 Posts

Brutal's stuff...

I think below is what he is carrying.. I tried to go back through the posts to make sure... hope it is right...

Gear: Helmet
Jacket/Pants (Reinforced)
Jump Boots
First Aid Pouch w/ Carlisle Bandage
2 Canteens w/ Cover
Gas Detection Armband
Musette Bag
Entrenching Tool
Paratrooper Gloves (fingerless at the tips)
Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit
2 packs of swiss made cigarettes
Box of matches

Weapons: Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
One .45 Caliber Pistol with holster (one clip loaded, two extra)
1 Thompson SMG w/5 clips/1 loaded 4 extra)
Thompson Ammo pouch (The 4 extra clips here)
One Drum 50 rd Thompson
1930 Sauer 12g Double barrel Shotgun, two boxes of 12 double aught buck shells (22)
MP40 (Schmeisser) 2 full clips (32) - Had 3 but used one on Maw creature
Fragmentation Grenade (From Doc)


Also.. is there a map coming or a detailed description of what is in the room.. furniture? etc? Could be important.. or not..

I havent posted cause I am waiting to see if we are going to get one or not...

Posted on 2011-08-12 at 21:28:42.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

I'm the map, he's the map it's a trap

Here is main floor map
You are in #8. Please don't meta-map, work with what you have been given only.

There is a large rug on the floor, now staained. There are four chairs pushed back against the wall. Other than that, the room is very spartan. (Don't! Go! There!)

Posted on 2011-08-12 at 21:58:09.
Edited on 2011-08-12 at 22:00:04 by Alacrity

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


I can honestly say I don't know what Corban has on him. I'll try and go back and look. He'd have one of the two sets of equipment, plus his sniper rifle, which I assume isn't standard. Plus he got a machine gun from a dead German, I think. And I know he wanted and asked for one of the bayonet/machettes.

Posted on 2011-08-15 at 19:47:18.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


The character sheet online is quite detailed.

Posted on 2011-08-15 at 19:50:53.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Take Two Aspirins and get the heck outta there....

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.

Physician heal thyself!

Number Item Quantity
1463600 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 12 5-Gm Envelopes 1
7624000 Pencil, Lead 1
7878000 Pin, Safety, Medium 1
9102500 Ammonia, Aromatic, 10 Ampules 3
9112200 Iodine Swab, 10-minim, 10 2
9115500 Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes 2
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-Inch by 6 Yards, 72 10 Bandages
9204000 Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, White 6
9206000 Dressing, First-Aid, Small, White 4
9705000 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Complete 1
9707500 Kit Component, Insert Type II 1
9708000 Kit Component, Litter Strap 1
9708500 Kit Component, Pouch 1
9767500 Container, Metal, No. 1 1
9961500 Vial, 1/2-oz: 1 each for the following 6
1006000 Acetophenetidin, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
1010000 Acid, Acetylsalicylic, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
1084500 Atabrine, 100 Tablets 50 Tablets
1150500 Compound Cathartic, 1000 Pills or Tablets 36 Pills or Tablets
1223000 Glycyrrhiza and Opium Compound, 1000 Tablets 25 Tablets
1463700 Sulfanilamide, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
Form 52b Emergency Medical Tag (20 in Booklet in Duplicate) 1

9705100 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Empty 1
9705200 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Metal Container for 2 Knives 1
3008500 Bistoury, Sharp-Pointed, Straight 1
3228800 Forceps, Hemostatic, 4 3/4-Inch, Straight, Abbey 1
3229500 Forceps, Hemostatic, 5-Inch, Straight, Jones 1
3269500 Forceps, Tissue, Spring, 4 1/2-Inch, Straight 1
3335600 Knife, Operating, 1 1/4-Inch Blade 1
3393500 Needle, Surgeon's Regular, Size 6, 3/8-Circle, 6 1
3394500 Needle, Surgeon's Regular, Size 10, 3/8-Circle, 6 1
3401100 Needle, Uterine, Size 5, Half-Circle, 6 1
3474500 Scissors, Operating, 4 1/2-Inch, Straight, 1 Point Sharp 1
9377000 Suture, Silk, Braided, Non-Capillary, 3 Sizes 1

That what's in Doc's Med. Kit.

It sounds like he has multiple puncture or rip wounds to the left should, possible dislocation. The wounds should be checked, medicated with Sulfanilamide powder, bandaged as best as possible to stop the bleeding. Doc needs to takes about 5 sulfanilamide tablets to prevent infection from the claws. This could be a good place for Brutal to pop Doc's shoulder back in place. At least then Doc will be able to hold stuff. Then he needs to take about 8 Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirins) tablets for the pain. We'll save the Morphine for later.

I'll post this self diagnosis in my post.

Posted on 2011-08-22 at 02:33:37.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


This is WWII rpg, not MASH! I'm not sure I needed that level of detail. I'm geeked out, don't get me wrong but sometimes you need to keep it simple.

Posted on 2011-08-22 at 12:13:10.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


When the mind can't seem to make up a story, then flood the the place with trivia.

I was going to let Brutal sew up Doc, but YeOlde would have too much fun with that.

You should see the rest of the stuff I've got for background.

I guess it's my version of "maps", lol.

Posted on 2011-08-22 at 18:14:35.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 379/54
7186 Posts


Attention to detail geeks rock. I don't care what anyone says otherwise.

Posted on 2011-08-22 at 19:47:43.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Now Serving "Bartles & Jaymes"....

"And we thank you for your support."

If I ever figure more about posting links I can share this stuff. There are pictures of the med kits and the weapons.

That helps me "mind picture" so stuff makes sense.

Posted on 2011-08-23 at 00:29:54.

Den Mother
RDI Staff
Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

Don't listen to him....

Alacrity loves details, they make it all come to life. He just isn't wild about medical details

Posted on 2011-08-23 at 02:24:29.


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