Let`s call the Bugbear Leader Bob, The one with the crossbow is Fred, and the two with shields are Ernie and Bert.
Did you mean Mal, played by Sal ? So the Swashbuckler is with Crow and Dudley?
Yes I got my Sals and Mals mixed up. Mal, Crow and Dudley are facing Ernie and Fred. Al, Wem, and Gam are facing Bert and Bob. Yes, I will put it on the map.
So if I've got it right, the Big Bugger and another are after Mal Crow and Dudley?
No. Bob Attacked Wembley, Wembley ran, Mal stepped in to attack Ernie, Al toasted Bob and Bert, Gamard clocked Bert on the head. Crow attacked Fred, Fred attacked Crow, Dudley attacked Fred, and Ernie never attacked (because the Dm forgot about him to be honest)
Dudley managed to bop the little Bugger but didn't hurt it, just got its attention?`
No, Dudley is engaged with Fred (as in combat ...don`t make the joke) and you did get his attention
Crow is staggered and hurt by the big bugger?
No. That was Fred
Mal has hurt the big bugbear by cutting its leg, does that slow it's attack?
No. Not that deep of an attack. (light wound)
Does Dudley get to act before the bugbears now?
That depends on initiative and what he plans on doing.