t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Posted on 2021-03-10 at 12:50:18.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Hey folks,
I felt like we set things up pretty well to give people things to do. But if you're not feeling it, let me know. I'll be happy to work with you, set up some prompts, brainstorm, do another Captain post, whatever I can do to keep things rolling.
Posted on 2021-03-11 at 15:45:23.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
I'm good...
...got the beginnings of a post going, anyway. I'm just suffering from a bit of Eol FefaLAG... work's been busy, home's been about the same, and, by the time I sit down to write, my brain goes
If I don't have a post for Tochi up later tonight, I imagine I should have it ready by tomorrow.
Posted on 2021-03-11 at 15:57:57.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
No worries. We all can get busy, I get that. I'm always a day later to post than I plan to be.
I just don't want people sitting around saying "I don't know what to do" and not posting if I can help!
Posted on 2021-03-11 at 16:08:59.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Patiently waiting
I'm waiting for replies from the Doc, got two post in to him and waiting patiently.
I might make a back post though, not sure.
Posted on 2021-03-11 at 16:43:56.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
I've got a few ideas as to what Tochi's going to get into following the meeting but, like Olan, I can always divert, assist, and/or collab with anyone who might need a nudge or whatever. You all know where to find me.
Posted on 2021-03-11 at 17:21:44.
Alverstar Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 65 Posts
Next Post
Hey have my next post in progress...Is there a length limit?
Im just struggling to get the right tone and techno babble amounts in
Posted on 2021-03-12 at 08:12:54.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Length limit
Yes there is a post length limit.. no less than 2,000 words, but there is No upper limit, as you can tell.
Posted on 2021-03-12 at 08:32:39.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Length lmit is 65,535 characters. Let me know if that's not enough.
If you need hekp with Trek terminology, tech terms, etc - feel free to reach out to myself, Eol, and/or Bromern.
Posted on 2021-03-12 at 09:35:08.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Working on it...
Got caught up with life as well... hope to get something going tomorrow, ideas bouncing around.
And Eol... I've been trying to get ahold of you, need some help with these Trek terms, but I just can't get you to respond... So... you know when you get a moment, PM me or something.
Posted on 2021-03-13 at 00:13:19.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
It's a post... I admit I cheated, your CEO doesn't actually know a darned thing about tech or physics and it's been a rough day here, but I wanted to get something up for you.
Hopefully we can finalize a plan and get into action, I'll do better then I hope.
Posted on 2021-03-13 at 18:17:09.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
So sorry...
...work was a bit crazy at the end of last week and the wife had me enslaved to her whims over the weekend. Getting ready to see what I can do about finishing up a post, now.
Posted on 2021-03-15 at 10:55:41.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
No worries. Looks like we all had a rough week.
I'll wait a bit longer, then I'll make a bump post. Maybe I'll do an NPC post in the meantime.
Posted on 2021-03-15 at 13:23:44.
Alverstar Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 65 Posts
Have just put up my next post and I think the word count is incorrect
@Ragnar let me know if you want to add any Eilal contributions.
Posted on 2021-03-16 at 08:21:30.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
...I'm almost glad that my ability to post has been hampered these past few days! You folks are touching on almost every bit of the thoughts I had traipsing about in my dusty old attic!
Well done!
That said; I think I might be finally caught up on work, recuperated from the never-ending honey-do list, and able to sort thoughts without fear of interruption. Let me go and see where I can piece the XO into all of these delightful nuggets, hm?
Posted on 2021-03-16 at 16:29:05.