Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Bromern - Yes, after d12, you go to d12+d2 then +d4 etc etc
Posted on 2014-11-26 at 07:21:54.
Edited on 2014-11-26 at 07:22:06 by Alacrity
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
I need to redo the maintenance stats on Rocinante but I know there was an Errata on the rules that stated the complexity was done wrong in the first set of books. I am looking for that errata.
It does not effect gameplay because you will not need to do serve for at least 6 months.
Posted on 2014-11-26 at 09:12:08.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Maintenance is done
Upgrades to the ship are always possible. There is armour you can add, but that adds to your maintenance costs. One point of Wound armor (damage resistant hull plating) weighs 5% of ship tonnage, takes up 1% of ship's tonnage as volume, and costs 10 credits per ton of weight. One point of Stun armor (electronic hardening, radiation shielding, etc.) takes up 1% of ship's tonnage (both mass and volume) and costs 1,000 credits per ton.
You could look at a hidden weapon system but that is extremely risky and if discovered by alliance will put you in a world of hurt.
You could look at some internal upgrades:
A Sonic Shower
3d Imager for the Infirmary (like in series but a smaller version)
A bio-lab for Infirmary (for analysing materials)
A Core dump drive - a large hard drive that backs up essential information from the cortex daily. If you lose the cortex, then you can use the dump drive. It only saves what you tell it to though (astrogation, latest news, etc.)
A portable fusion generator for power backup
A security system (cameras in the hallways and cargo bay, passcodes for doors, lockdown commands)
New equipment for the galley
Exercise equipment
Entertainment system non-cortex reliant
A bigger Hover mule
Posted on 2014-11-26 at 13:13:50.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
This Could Get Nasty......
I think I see a setup coming.....
Straight Laced, by the book, Purple Bully Lady Alliance Commander from a prominient family that needs to make her mark.
A group of Browncoats coming in to "Glorify" the Rebel Cause and start trouble.
Keep Asher away...or get him and bullet proof vest.
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 10:43:43.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Ody apparently has twitchy on his character sheet.
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 11:00:13.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Reputation is good
Keep in mind that you are currently considered heroes of the Alliance. You saved 72 high class alliance members.
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 11:06:23.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
for reference
Just so you have a list to keep on who likes you and who does not.
Griffin - Captain of the Royale (a Dragonfly class ship.) Former independent that has so much bad luck that you'd think he's cursed
Dodger - A Boss out of Beaumonde. Known for his ability to ship things (smuggle) and not a dabbler in other criminal actions. Gets you jobs on occasion for a fee.
Sheriff Andrew Bowman - Sheriff of Frisco on the Planet Regina. Relative of Wyatt and a good man with a gun.
Kora Ling - Former crew (mechanic) that fell in love with Sam Hawkes, co-owner of the Lullabelle Mine on the Angel-Hair Comet
Tinkerbelle - A ghost on the cortex, this cyber hacker can get into and out of any system known in the verse. She sees and hears all but only helps out a choice few. No one has ever seen Tinkerbelle and some say she doesn't exist but then again, you have to believe in fairies, right?
Sheriff Weaver - Newhouse Beylix, the deputy became the sheriff.
Sheriff Buford T. Justice - Sheriff of Eisley Moss, A lawman more worried about what is right than what is the law.
Colonel Sanders, Lt. Hicks, Lt Vasques and Prv. Hudson - Federal Marshalls who are sitting pretty right now because of you, but as well if they had not shown up you might be dead by now.
Adelei Niska (Asher) - A businessman who has a score to settle with Asher Talhone
Miko - A commander of the Mercenary army you assisted in taking out. She is the only one to make it out alive and not captured.
James Blake - The son of the Banker on Frisco, Regina. Felt that Willow betrayed him and all of the crew assisted in the death of his parents.
Bridget (?) - Ahh, Bridget, where to start ....
Commandant Herbert Ludlow of the 21st Grenadiers - Wyatt killed all three of his sons. Now they were actively trying to kill him at the time but blood is blood.
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 13:19:40.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Gee just because in another story the good deed turned into a rain of poisonious leeches, why would should we be twitchy?
Just because a cute girl shot Asher in the back and then tried to blow him up, why should that make up twitchy?
No Marshells around to vouch for us, nah.. no need to be twitchy.
We are doing a good thing to bring Havelock to his final rest.
So as they say, "No good deed ever goes unpunished!"
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 13:40:45.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
All my players end up like this. I really don't understand why.
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 13:45:20.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Not me!
I don't end up twitchy Roger. I do, however, love the idea of upgrading Roc's infirmary. I hate to be a stinker, but would you mind letting me know the price tag and benefits (in game terms) of the following?
A Sonic Shower
3d Imager for the Infirmary (like in series but a smaller version)
A bio-lab for Infirmary (for analysing materials)
A portable fusion generator for power backup
A security system (cameras in the hallways and cargo bay, passcodes for doors, lockdown commands)
Posted on 2014-11-28 at 21:25:48.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
A Sonic Shower
A basic Sonic Shower which uses low res sound waves to clean off dirt - 150 credits
A mid-range Sonic Shower with multiple settings and a detachable massage head. - 200 credits
A TOL Sonic shower with water filtration and recycle system - runs water with sonic and is the height of luxury - 300 credits
3d Imager for the Infirmary (like in series but a smaller version) - 6000 credits (The book lists this at 2 Million credits which seems ridiculous to me. You can buy an MRI unit now for 150 thousand so I went on that basis.
A bio-lab for Infirmary (for analysing materials) - 200 credits
A portable fusion generator for power backup - 500 credits
A security system (cameras in the hallways and cargo bay, passcodes for doors, lockdown commands) - 300 credits
Posted on 2014-12-01 at 12:10:22.
Edited on 2014-12-01 at 12:11:06 by Alacrity
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Well if we even get any credits in Destny Jon wants the fancy show in his cabin.....that should keep Steph happy.
Don't tell Grace about that other stuff....shhhhhh.
Posted on 2014-12-01 at 18:11:26.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Bk sorta
Sorry for the posting delay am working on posts for all games now.
Posted on 2014-12-01 at 20:09:51.
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
Thanks for speaking up Bromern
Willow is also willing to fund the upgrades out of her share, especially the infirmary and shower Once she gets her frilly foo-foo shopping fix (which she did, in spades, at the hotel), she doesn't really care about hanging onto money.
Bad habit from always being taken care of by somebody, but useful for the ship
Posted on 2014-12-02 at 11:25:24.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
I posted back on Nov 8th and I have two people post so far. I realize this is a marathon not a sprint but can we stay in the same lane at least?
Tann? Vanadia? Jade?
Posted on 2014-12-05 at 12:44:14.