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Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


OK Al just how many Gargoyles were there I thought four but it seems like more and are any still "Living"?

Also how bad is doc really hurt better or worse then the Sarge was?

Posted on 2011-08-23 at 03:36:28.

Forever ♥
Karma: 86/11
1538 Posts

Alan Alda in the house... or is it Jamie Farr???

.. too much detail.. head exploding!

Hey ... whatever works for you man... but I really think you should let Brutal sew you up... I think he did read Frankenstein as a kid

But a description of the wounds might help to post about handling them...

Posted on 2011-08-23 at 10:53:17.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

The eyes have it

There were 8 gargoyles (8 "sets" of eyes)and you have destroyed them all.

The Doc has three deep claw wounds in his shoulder. They are approx. 4 inches long going from shallowon the back up to gouges near the collarbone. He is bleeding badly, and the wound shows signs of particulate matter within - small micro-barbs that were on the surface of the talon. He also has some bruising and scrapes from being dropped but no broken bones.

In the Light/Serious/Critical world of D&D rules, I would say that the Doctor is seriously wounded.

Not sure everyone sounded off on equipment. I want to put this issue to bed so by end of day I hope to properly list everyone equipment and ammo.

I have not posted the ammo used yet in the combat but I will.

Side note: I picked up the Supernatural RPG rules the other day. Wish I had them when I started this as they would have worked well here.

Posted on 2011-08-23 at 12:15:52.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Only got half done....

I'll post the rest of my story tomorrow, I just ran out of time tonight. But I wanted to get something up. I'll be posting the inter action of Doc and Brutal on trying to help Doc's wounds.

Posted on 2011-08-25 at 02:52:41.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


What gear does Greta have on her at present. I'm trying to organize who has what of the found gear per posts and what was had in the beginning.

Also a few questions.........

Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each (so ten in total) Are these Thompson Clips, M1A1 clips or a combo of both types.

Of the 4 extra Frags only Ody has claimed one that I can see as we all but him started with 1 so that should leave 3 unclaimed correct?

Once I have Greta's invintory I should have a better idea of who has or gets what.

Also should have a post up tonight or this weekend

Posted on 2011-08-26 at 14:12:16.
Edited on 2011-08-26 at 14:13:46 by TannTalas

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


I don't think I gave you a list yet. I'm sure the captain only needs to stock up on bullets and grenades, so if there are any left, he'll refill. Otherwise, he is good with the list he has. He's not the kind of guy who grabs 6 different guns under each of his armpits.

Posted on 2011-08-26 at 15:24:34.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Ok, so I'm not so hot in combat, but I can write volumes on putting on a band-aid, lol.

Now we need to find iron and fire, Greta's little lighter did better them Doc's M1.

Posted on 2011-08-26 at 23:13:39.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Ok here is what I came up with

Going through the posts and issued gear here is what I think is correct to the best of my knowledge as to the found gear. If anything is incorrect my apologies.

Dead GI's One Colt M1911A1 (Doc) Five colt handgun clips (Greta) Two M1A1 Carbines w/ Folding Stock (1 to Doc / 1 Unclaimed One Thompson SMG ?? Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each (so ten in total) (Doc) Two 50 round drums for Thompson (Sarge / Brutal) Four fragmentation grenades (Doc / Sarge / Brutal / Captain) A compass (Captain) A musette bag (Doc) Six K-rations (1 each person, extra one to Greta) Two Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit (Doc: In above Musette bag)
Farmhouse: 1930's Sauer 12g double barreled shotgun, two boxes of 12 double aught buck shells (so 24 in total). (Brutal) few match boxes, some candles, a bar of soap, a silver hip flask, and some iodine.?? a 1917 Beholla 7.65mm automatic pistol with a separate 7 round mag and a box of 100 rounds (7 missing). (Doc) a pair of Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars 8 X 24 with leather carrying case. (Captain)
Cabin: One SS dress uniform (Left behind somewhere) One SS field uniform (Left behind somewhere) Two black overcoats, leather ( 1 to Sarge as sort of Armor due to it being leather. / 1 unclaimed) Numerous civilian clothing items (Shirts, pants, socks, undies, etc) (Left behind somewhere) Numerous large knives, cleavers and bonesaws.(??) One luger with one full clip (8 rds) ?? One MP40 (Schmeisser) with three full clips (32) (Sarge) One Gewehr 98 rifle (old -1898, but well cared for, holds five rounds) with 100 rounds in box (McGuiness I think) One hunting crossbow with 8 quarrels (one in major) (Greta maybe?)
On Dead Major One blood stained uniform (Left behind somewhere) One luger with a full clip ?? Wallet ($100 RM, some ID) (Left behind somewhere) Keys to car, briefcase and cabin (Someone's pocket )
Car: One briefcase locked, paperwork inside and two spare clips for Lugar (Unsure if anyone took Luger clips maybe Greta?)
Guardhouse: Three G41 rifles with six 10 rounds clips, two of the clips have 6 rounds left (I don’t think any were claimed so left behind) A Schmeisser with two 32 rd clips (Brutal) 2 packs of swiss made cigarettes (two were ruined by blood and mud) (Brutal) Three bayonets with metal belt holsters (Someone has 1 I believe its McGuiness or Doc)
Guardhouse A tool kit with various tools (Hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaw) ( Sarge) Two bottles of booze labeled "weinbrand", one full and one half gone ?? Three "Torches" (heavy flashlights - all working) (Sarge / Brutal / Captain)

Also I noticed you have Brutal listed with the same weapons as the Sarge including the Brass Knuckles.

Posted on 2011-08-27 at 03:36:11.
Edited on 2011-08-27 at 21:54:04 by TannTalas

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Doc has some of this.....

One Colt M1911A1 (Greta) Doc took the extra Pistol so that he has two.
Two M1A1 Carbines w/ Folding Stock ?? Doc took one M1.
Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each (so ten in total) ?? Doc took the extra M1 ammo, as the guys switched to German weapons Doc loaded up on the GI ammo for his M1.
few match boxes, some candles, a bar of soap, a silver hip flask, and some iodine.?? Doc took these
I posted that Doc took an extra grenade from the car trunk and then gave that to Brutal, but that was assuming it was left with the GI equipment in the trunk when the other switched to German uniforms. If everyone kept their grenades then we'll just pretend that part of the post happened a little differently. Each of you had or have two grenades and Doc has one.

Posted on 2011-08-27 at 15:39:26.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

To Ody

So Doc is, along with his issue M1, carrying a second M1 correct??

Also Ody are you sure all that ammo was for the M1's I would think if we found a Thompson there would be some ammo to go with it. If that's the case someone should have claimed the Thompson as its a better weapon in this situation then an M1.

Posted on 2011-08-27 at 21:58:26.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Only one M1...

Doc wasn't issued a M1 so he took one from a dead guy, he only has one M1. He only took M1 ammo.

He was issued a .45 and took a second from the dead guy.

I'd say you all through all your GI stuff in the trunk and then got it all out with your German when we got to the Castle. Doc never took any of the German soldier's gear.

Posted on 2011-08-28 at 02:43:00.
Edited on 2011-08-28 at 02:44:25 by Odyson

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


First off, I would like to thank Tann for the research and work that he put into this list. I truly appreciate it. I made my life a lot easier. As to the brass knuckles, I did copy and paste Sarge's list to Brutal so it will be fixed now.

So let's break this down and move on. Now I don't play encumbrance hard and fast but there is probably a common sense limit to the number of weapons a soldier can carry, especially long arms. In my mind, that would be two, one in hand, one on back before you'd start tripping over things. so everyone (except Greta) is assumed to be wearing:

Jacket/Pants (Reinforced)
Jump Boots
Pistol Belt
First Aid Pouch w/ Carlisle Bandage
Canteen w/ Cover
Gas Detection Armband
Musette Bag
Entrenching Tool
Paratrooper Gloves
Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit
Ammo Pouch (holds 4 mags)

Now each of you has the following (after combat with the gargoyles) weapons and ammo (I was generous all things considered and rounded up on what you had). I made some decisions on placement (like giving the one thompson to the captain). If there are no strident objections, I will reassign the equipment.

Captain Luke Edintore (Almerin) Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
M1A1 Carbine w/ Folding Stock with 3 mags (10 each)
Thompson SMG w/1 clip
A compass
A pair of Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars 8 X 24 with leather carrying case
Keys to car, briefcase and cabin
Heavy flashlight

Master Sgt Troy Romo (Tann'Talas) 2 .45 acp 1911’s (in duel shoulder holsters w/3 clips each/1 loaded 2 extra)
Thompson SMG w/5 clips/1 loaded 4 extra)
One MP40 (Schmeisser) with three full clips (32 rounds per clip)
1 round drum for Thompson (30 rounds left)
1 Fragmentation Grenade
2 Brass Knuckles
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
black overcoats, leather
Wallet ($100 RM, some ID)
Heavy flashlight

Corp. Jake ‘Brutal’ Clements (YeOlde) Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
One .45 Caliber Pistol with holster (one clip loaded, two extra)
1 Thompson SMG w/3 clips/1 loaded 2 extra)
Thompson Ammo pouch (The 4 extra clips here)
One Drum 50 rd Thompson
1930 Sauer 12g Double barrel Shotgun, two boxes of 12 double aught buck shells (22)
MP40 (Schmeisser) 2 full clips
1930's Sauer 12g double barreled shotgun, 12 double aught buck shells (22)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy flashlight

Cpl. John Stewart (Doc) Reid, (Odyson) 2X .45 Caliber Pistol with holster
Five colt handgun clips (in bag)
M1A1 Carbine w/ Folding Stock (4 mags of 10)
Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each
few match boxes, some candles, a bar of soap, a silver hip flask, and some iodine
a 1917 Beholla 7.65mm automatic pistol with a separate 7 round mag and a box of 93
Two bottles of booze labeled "weinbrand", one full and one half gone

Private First Class Corban McGuinness (Nomad D2) USMC M1903-A1/Unertl (x8 optical)
Colt M1911A1 - (pistol - 7 round magazine - .45ACP)
One Gewehr 98 rifle (old -1898, but well cared for, holds five rounds) with 100 rounds in box
Ammo Pouches - (belt)
- Two rifle pouches holding 4 magazines each (10/clip)
- One pistol pouch holding 2 magazines (7/clip)
One Bayonet with metal belt holster

Greta Hofstetter (NPC) Two lugers with four full clips (8 rds) (belted on with pistol holsters from guard)
1 G41 rifles with 4 clip (10 rounds)
One hunting crossbow with 7 quarrels (on back)
One bayonet (on side as knife)

Left in the car: One briefcase locked, paperwork inside
Three G41 rifles
One bayonet with metal belt holsters
A tool kit with various tools (Hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaw)

Posted on 2011-08-28 at 16:22:54.
Edited on 2011-08-28 at 16:25:18 by Alacrity

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Medical Kit.

Don't forget Doc's med kit.

Roger, I sent you a link that shows where this detail geek got his information on med kits, lol. You'll see I did cut and past.

Want to see what found on the German weapons? lol!

Posted on 2011-08-28 at 16:49:27.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

yeah yeah

There is no debate on the med kit. I want to get the weapon and ammo issue to bed.

Posted on 2011-08-28 at 17:07:20.

Forever ♥
Karma: 86/11
1538 Posts

Looks good....

.. thanks for the clarification... thanks for all the 'legwork' Tann..

The only thing I see in Brutal's is that the shotgun is listed twice but I know that he doesnt have two of them..

Posted on 2011-08-28 at 17:13:31.


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