Going through the posts and issued gear here is what I think is correct to the best of my knowledge as to the found gear. If anything is incorrect my apologies.
Dead GI's
One Colt M1911A1
Five colt handgun clips
Two M1A1 Carbines w/ Folding Stock
(1 to Doc / 1 Unclaimed
One Thompson SMG
Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each (so ten in total)
Two 50 round drums for Thompson
(Sarge / Brutal)
Four fragmentation grenades
(Doc / Sarge / Brutal / Captain)
A compass
A musette bag
Six K-rations
(1 each person, extra one to Greta)
Two Supplemental tie-on First Aid Kit
(Doc: In above Musette bag)
1930's Sauer 12g double barreled shotgun, two boxes of 12 double aught buck shells (so 24 in total).
few match boxes, some candles, a bar of soap, a silver hip flask, and some iodine.
a 1917 Beholla 7.65mm automatic pistol with a separate 7 round mag and a box of 100 rounds (7 missing).
a pair of Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars 8 X 24 with leather carrying case.
One SS dress uniform
(Left behind somewhere)
One SS field uniform
(Left behind somewhere)
Two black overcoats, leather
( 1 to Sarge as sort of Armor due to it being leather. / 1 unclaimed)
Numerous civilian clothing items (Shirts, pants, socks, undies, etc)
(Left behind somewhere)
Numerous large knives, cleavers and bonesaws.
One luger with one full clip (8 rds)
One MP40 (Schmeisser) with three full clips (32)
One Gewehr 98 rifle (old -1898, but well cared for, holds five rounds) with 100 rounds in box
(McGuiness I think)
One hunting crossbow with 8 quarrels (one in major)
(Greta maybe?)
On Dead Major
One blood stained uniform
(Left behind somewhere)
One luger with a full clip
Wallet ($100 RM, some ID)
(Left behind somewhere)
Keys to car, briefcase and cabin
(Someone's pocket
One briefcase locked, paperwork inside and two spare clips for Lugar
(Unsure if anyone took Luger clips maybe Greta?)
Three G41 rifles with six 10 rounds clips, two of the clips have 6 rounds left
(I don’t think any were claimed so left behind)
A Schmeisser with two 32 rd clips
2 packs of swiss made cigarettes (two were ruined by blood and mud)
Three bayonets with metal belt holsters
(Someone has 1 I believe its McGuiness or Doc)
A tool kit with various tools (Hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaw)
( Sarge)
Two bottles of booze labeled "weinbrand", one full and one half gone
Three "Torches" (heavy flashlights - all working)
(Sarge / Brutal / Captain)
Also I noticed you have Brutal listed with the same weapons as the Sarge including the Brass Knuckles.