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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


There's the "Mosic post" I promised. As usual, plenty of space for interjections and such throughout and, of course, feel free to place these events/conversations at any point before, during, or after whatever you ladies might have in the works.

P.S. It looks as if whoever posts next gets the top of page 5. PAGE 5!!! Already!!! Lookit us go!!!

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 13:03:31.
Edited on 2019-11-04 at 13:05:50 by Eol Fefalas

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts


I'm thinking Kith might bounce for some fresh air, maybe stumble into a goon or two, thoughts?

But again, I need some Aranwen posts in my life first

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 13:58:50.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

Funny you should ask...

...I was just sitting here randomizing the following possibilities:

  • Could "Mother" have been one of Adedre's whisperers?
    • Result: She wasn't
  • Could Mother have been "caught and co-opted" by Adedre's minions?
    • Result: Caught and questioned - Yes... Gave information - No (More on that to come in a future post)
  • Was the serving girl possibly playing "eyes and ears" for the necromancer?
    • Result: Yuuuuuup! (Though by a very slim margin... Possibility was 75%... She rolled a 76)
  • Also determined there was a 48% chance of other patrons/staff of the Countess and Cockatrice being "agents" of Adedre.
    • Rolled a 6 - Not likely that anyone outside of the waitress was covertly employed, so a message would have to have been sent.

So, yeah... Given the time it's taken for the healing and such to have taken place upstairs, if Kith steps out for some air, there's a good possibility she'll run into a goon or two. I'll leave it up to you to decide whethere they're coming or going or what. Run with it, kibibi! I trust you to make it an entertaining read.

Also, I considered throwing Saina into the mix but, as I'm not 100% sure what Reralae had in mind for the wee snippet, I left her out of the possible spies.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:13:32.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


I'm rather curious, myself, as to how Aranwen's going to react to being "kitty cuddled." Looking forward to whatever might come of that. 

And, not to toot my own horn, at all, but I was rather proud of and amused by Ch'dau's “Perhaps your monkey-gods are not as strong as ours and so you need more” line.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:19:13.
Edited on 2019-11-04 at 14:21:13 by Eol Fefalas

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

Haha yes

I didn't trust that old crone for a MINUTE. And also was slightly suspicious of Sai being a Adedre youth, but was hoping not.
And yeeesss Ch'dau's slight on the gods got a good little giggle out of me haha *cat fist bump*

I'll see if Ara engages with Kith at all, but likely she'll get into her head while the others are talking and hop outside.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:28:12.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts


Please leave Saina with me

Maybe she'll appear again

Maybe she won't

Who knows?

And to amplify the paranoia - did anyone actually see her enter the tavern?

(The answer is yes; she didn't appear out of nowhere. She just walked directly up to Aranwen after entering, so people assumed the child was with her. Also now I'm wondering if the waittress will comment on Saina when she reports back... there's a ponder)

PS I loved the 'maybe they're not as strong' also Ch'dau hugs are very heartwarming

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:48:40.
Edited on 2019-11-04 at 14:50:26 by Reralae

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

I thought so... Glad I left Saina out of it!

Aaaand, if you leave it up to the "Eol method" of randomosity, there's a 45% chance that the waitress mentioned the child when she reported her findings to Adedre's minions. Roll 1d100 and, if it hits 46 or above, Saina was mentioned. 45 or below and the girl doesn't come up.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:53:41.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

I was thinking about that sneaky little girl when we were talking how good Aranwen is at catching Kith stealing stuff. She catches her every time, but this kid just walks up and scares all of us?

Maybe Kithran should take to training her up. She's got potential!

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 14:56:27.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

*sound of rolling dice*

76 - that's a yes

Maybe they'll end up with a hostage situation on their hands...

Also to be fair, Aranwen did catch on to the fact that she was being followed, but didn't look down to see that it was a child following her and she already had suspicions of Kithran's skill set after the previous evening, so was extra alert to Kithran's movements

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:01:04.
Edited on 2019-11-04 at 15:01:39 by Reralae

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts


She's gonna get Aranwen, you'll see!

Though I could also see Aranwen letting her get one by just to placate her lol

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:06:40.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


  1. The "Eol method" of randomization
    1. I roll percentile dice (d100) ten times and average the results
    2. I roll d100 once and compare against the average
      1. Higher result = "yes"
      2. Lower or equal result = "no"
        (You don't have to use this if you choose to randomize, of course, just wanted to clue you in as to how I do it)
  2. Hostage situation: Entirely possible.
    1. As I mentioned, "Mother" turned out not to be an active informant but, in a future post, Mosic is going to find the blanket he gifted the woman discarded somewhere.
    2. Not sure that Mother will be found alive, of course, but she's certainly found her way into our necromancer's grasp.
    3. This, if nothing else, will "secure" Mosic into our party for the duration.
  3. I've had thoughts/designs since Reralae introduced Morgana as to how to tie Adedre and Morgana together, somehow. If it gets to the point where that happens and you'd like to discuss/plot/scheme with me, Butterfly, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll PM you in that regard when I get there. 

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:12:46.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts


My inbox is always open for scheming

That reminds me... we've not seen a post from the Puppeteer in a bit...

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:19:13.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

We have not!

And I wouldn't hate a glimpse.

I may be getting in touch with you soon... Have a feeling that Adedre's next bit might just lead quite smoothly into such a conspiracy.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:25:20.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1858 Posts

I'm Your Puppet

Definitely not the same tone, but Kithy's adolescent love song has some very puppety themes to it on accident. I just loved the cover

And of course, to cite the original.

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 15:38:25.
Edited on 2019-11-04 at 15:39:13 by breebles

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2530 Posts

As much as she denies being a demon...

I get very demonic vibes from Morgana...

Or is it infernal? Can never get them straight in my head...

Posted on 2019-11-04 at 16:02:12.


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