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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

a time for sleep

“How long will it take to get those rides, Charlie?” Vegas asks, assuming that Casino and Ghlahn are now on board with the reality of their situation having been fully explained.

I can get you guys that  Air Jeep in about 3 1/2 hours maybe sooner if I seal the deal with these other guys. As for the Bedouin Truck in maybe about 12-14 hours... maybe sooner, yet again no promises, just you you guys.... No promises. Explains Charile as watches the group for reactions. 

Luther Washington - Fixer: To Perceive29

I’ll be in touch via agent texting with potential drivers and where to meet your vehicles when they come in. Besides I need my rest and I have long day ahead of me tomorrow morning.

“Damn!” Vegas looks around in frustration. “OK, I say you get to work on those rides and we’ll use public transportation to make our way to the offices. No more wasted time, savvy? You’re with me, right, Casino?”

(OOC: Assuming a yes&hellip


(OOC: Assuming a yes&hellip

“All right,” Vegas nods, “Where’s the nearest terminal?”

“Two blocks south,” Blossom replies instantly. “This enclave’s got a hold of it but there’s still public access. We can take the train and it’ll put us within a block of the office.”

“OK, one last time… Everyone on board?”

“I’m good,” Bloodbank replies.

“Count me in,” Blossom remarks with a charismatic grin.

So for now.... Your on your own and it’s very late, that light lev-rail is ran by NCART and they stop running close to midnight or slightly afterwards, so you might want to consider getting by other means if necessary. I would suggest you finding a way to procuring wheels along the way. But I will leave the kids life in your hands, I’ve made my offers and that for now is the best that I can offer. Charile remarks as the group mills about. 

Well that kid isn’t going to rescue himself, so you guys better get started. Gods speed to ya.

Charlie **tips his hat to the ladies and gentlemen then returns to his agent and tapping away at the keys as he makes his way to the Giri board

(OOC: Time is 11:34 P.M. PST)

Posted on 2018-06-18 at 16:45:01.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:34 P.M. PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Fixer listens as the egos go back and forth: to steal or not to steal, to rent or not to rent, to work for Charlie or to walk... to act like a complete dick or to hold up your end of the deal...

Vegas finishes insisting that everyone join this little parade, so Fixer figures it’s time to add his two-cents. Sadly, two-cents is about all he has, which is part of the problem. But whatever problems this causes, they need to find a way to save the kid. As had been pointed out, their reputations depend on it. And after all this time he is beginning to feel like he knows the kid – and likes him. He wants to succeed at this thing and for the first time, feels like they have a real clue. The kid had disappeared and Upstairs Downstairs seems to be involved in some way.

He looks at the others, “Ok, folks. As Vegas said, we need to act. If that means trading a bit on our skills, then so be it.” At this point he looks directly at Vegas and Charlie, “But, I do want to know what we are promising. Yeah, I can fix things. Stuff. Gadgets. And sometimes ‘things.’ But I want to be sure we know what we are promising. I’m not signing on for a long-term gig on this thing. I’m in for the trade, but only enough to cover 1/8th of two days rental of two vehicles. And cash at the end may cover it. Plus...” and here he looks at the medic, “my trade is clean. If I’m doing dirty work, I want to control when, where, and for whom I do it. In other words, if I’m jacking a ride, it isn’t to pay off renting no damn ride. Right?”

“Ok, we need to get there and get moving. Also, we still have those walkie talkies from earlier. Let’s make sure those going by public transit and those arriving later with the rides can all communicate. And both vehicles need one. This is our best lead yet – we actually have reason to think this might lead to info. We need that data.” He rubs his hands together a bit. “I’m in. Let’s move.”

"If you all are set on a break-in, you are gonna need a lookout,” Ghlahn adds flatly. “Sure, I’m fine to stay outside and keep my eyes open. Bloodbank can join me so we have two sets of eyes."

“How long will it take to get those rides, Charlie?” Vegas asks, assuming that Casino and Ghlahn are now on board with the reality of their situation having been fully explained.

“I can get you guys that Air Jeep in about 3 1/2 hours, maybe sooner if I seal the deal with these other guys. As for the Bedouin Truck, in maybe about 12-14 hours... maybe sooner, yet again no promises... No promises,” explains Charlie as watches the group for reactions. Reading people is difficult enough when they aren’t wearing masks, but this group is geared up and only Vegas and Blossom are without a mask and Echo is the only other one with visible eyes.

“I’ll be in touch via agent, texting with potential drivers where to meet your vehicles when they come in. Besides, I need my rest and I have long day ahead of me tomorrow morning.”

“Damn!” Vegas looks around in frustration. “OK, I say you get to work on those rides and we’ll use public transportation to make our way to the offices. No more wasted time, savvy? You’re with me, right, Casino?”

(OOC: Assuming Casino is, like, Right on! Let’s ride!)

“All right,” Vegas nods, “Where’s the nearest terminal?”

“Two blocks south,” Blossom replies instantly. “This enclave’s got a hold of it but there’s still public access. We can take the train and it’ll put us within a block of the office.”

“OK, one last time… Everyone on board?”

“I’m good,” Bloodbank replies.

“Count me in,” Blossom remarks with a charismatic grin.

“So for now... you’re on your own and it’s very late. That light lev-rail is ran by NCART and they stop running close to midnight or slightly afterwards, so you might want to consider getting there by other means. I would suggest you find a way to procure wheels along the way. But I will leave the kid’s life in your hands, I’ve made my offers and that, for now, is the best that I can offer,” Charlie remarks as the group mills about. “Well, that kid isn’t going to rescue himself, so you guys better get started. God’s speed to ya.” Charlie tips his hat to the ladies and gentlemen, then returns to his agent and tapping away at the keys as he makes his way to the Giri board.

(OOC: Charlie’s evening continues below&hellip

Vegas stares at the man for a few seconds as though considering whether to address him further, but after shaking his head just a little, the solo turns and says, “Let’s go, folks. The band is winding down and the night is short.”

Leaving the relative safety of the enclave, the team (less Cred Stick Charlie) make their way across the remainder of the enclave courtyard and back towards the alleyway checkpoint where they are checked for any unregistered tech before being allowed back onto the wet streets of the Night City Integrate.

“Fixer,” Vegas calls ahead to the techie, “Hail us a cab, will ya? I don’t favor ruining my shoes any further with this rain.” Feeling that the quiet fellow would do as asked, the crooner turns his attention to his partner and proceeds to engage in a quiet conversation.

“Hey,” Bloodbank turns his masked face away from watching the pair of solos and addresses the techie. “I appreciate you siding with me back there. I’ve got no problem doing what’s necessary to get the job done but if I can do so without causing harm to people who aren’t involved… well, that’s my preference.”

(OOC: Fixer’s answer, if any, and I’ll assume Fixer will use his agent/app to hail a cab that can hold all seven of the current edgerunners.)

Crammed in a black City Traveller van, the team takes a little comfort from the momentary relief the dingy cab provides their weary dogs. Blossom spends the whole ride lost in her VR world doing—Bloodbank hopes—things that will help them in the long run. Vegas and Casino continue their private conversation but for his part, the medtech pulls up his agent and begins to run searches on news of missing children. Unfortunately, there are a large number of recent stories, the pure number of which have him lost in the forest for the duration of the ride.

Drawing near the destination, Vegas orders the AI driver to drive around the block. Peering through the rain-slick windows, the solo observes the street and the traffic thereupon. No exterior security that I can see, the crooner observes. But he’s never been the keenest eye so he turns to his companions.

“See any sign of security out there?” he asks with a nod of his head to the outside.

“The offices we’re looking for take up three floors,” Blossom explains, coming out of her virtual world. “I couldn’t find the actual floorplans for the place but I was able to get a directory. The floor we’re looking for is the eighth.”

“Twenty-three-thirty-and-some-odd-minutes…” the medtech chimes in with little humor to his voice. “I doubt that the building is open at this time.”

“I agree,” Vegas acknowledges. “We need to get up close. Ghlahn, you need to find yourself a perch that will provide proper support for those going in. We also need to find out what else is in the building. What’s on the main floor? How can we gain entrance? Ideas?”

“There’s a garage, if that helps,” Blossom pipes up around her lollipop stick.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 01:38 A.M. PST)

Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:34 P.M. PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Figure out the vehicle situation. That’s the plan for the fixer. That’s the value he’s adding to the company of edgerunners. So, to the boards he navigates intent on finalizing the agreements.

Hitting the Air Jeep response first, Luther rereads the correspondence from another Edgerunner Enclave near the Central Valley Integrate. Luther will be working with a guy by the name of Fluke to pick up this ride and they aren't trekking anywhere, so he will have to go get it. The truck belongs to a nomad combi going by the name of Vagabond Santiagos. They are a ways north on the freeways and it will take hours for them to be within range of a connection. They'll meet Luther in the southern part of the SanFran Integrate at a fueling station called the Long Mile. The bloke Luther is dealing with in that group is called Nightowl. Cred Stick Charlie isn’t dealing in cash or credit… he’s dealing in favor; trading future services. He’s already worked what little magic he can manage. Now, he needs to bring the deals to fruition. The crew of edgerunners he’s currently teamed with are busy, so where is he to get his drivers from?

Posted on 2018-07-07 at 23:57:27.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Lets get things moving

Finally the group started to move out.  Fixer wasn't a big fan of sitting around.  And he certainly wasn't a big fan of sitting around arguing.  So he was eager to move and led the way back out into the city.  

And being in front he was well placed fro Vegas to get him to hale a cab.  He shook his head a bit, he had a feeling Vegas usually asked others to do the little stuff whenever he could.  But Fixer was further forward, so what the heck.  He hailed a ride.  Ego wars were for others.   

At this point the Medic added to the conversation.  “Hey,” Bloodbank turns his masked face away from watching the pair of solos and addresses the techie. “I appreciate you siding with me back there. I’ve got no problem doing what’s necessary to get the job done but if I can do so without causing harm to people who aren’t involved… well, that’s my preference.”

Fixer looked at the medic and nodded.  "I think I'm with you on that one.  Some things you have to do.  Some things you don't HAVE TO DO."  He put a bit of emphasis on the last three words to make his meaning clear.  "The job is to help the kid, not to stick it to others.  I don't want to do that."  But he did want to make sure the medic knew the score.  "But the clock is ticking and at some point what is necessary may change.  Lets do all we can to avoid impacting others, but be sure your solid if things change.  Do that and I'll continue to support you."   

At that point he found the ride and they all piled in.  

As they rode everybody buried their heads in the devices to try and gather more intel.  Fixer did the same.  He had some background in electronic security, so he tried to poke around for information on the buildings security systems - not the computer files and such - that was for others, but more the alarms, cameras and other such devices that might be on the building itself.  When they arrived the vehicle did a quick run around the building.  Fixer used the time to scan the area for any kind of security device that he could see.  Cameras, scanners, alarm systems, you name it.  What was there besides just the exterior walls of the place?  Or even what was abnormal about those?

When they arrived and finally got out of the vehicle he jumped out and said quickly, "I want to quickly scout for some security systems.  See what is out there."  He took off quickly into the darkness and looked at the two sides of the bjuilding closest to him.  (So 1/2 of the buildings periphery) He didn't stand and stare but moved along at a normal ratelooking for any action and any information.  Once he got to the end of the second side, he filpped around and moved back to his group with a shrug of his shoulders as if he had forgotten something.  


(OOC:  I'm not quite sure how big this builging is.  He doesn't want to be gone for a long time, but if it is only one city block he'd probably just do a quick circuit of the whole thing unless something prevented him from doing so.)

Posted on 2018-07-11 at 16:34:51.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Thoughts and mis-feelings


Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:34 P.M. PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

As they argued over trading this skill for that bonus item with Charlie, Fixer was the one to steer the conversation back to the main focus of the run.

“Ok, folks. As Vegas said, we need to act. If that means trading a bit on our skills, then so be it.” At this point he looks directly at Vegas and Charlie, “But, I do want to know what we are promising. Yeah, I can fix things. Stuff. Gadgets. And sometimes ‘things.’ But I want to be sure we know what we are promising. I’m not signing on for a long-term gig on this thing. I’m in for the trade, but only enough to cover 1/8th of two days rental of two vehicles. And cash at the end may cover it. Plus...” and here he looks at the medic, “my trade is clean. If I’m doing dirty work, I want to control when, where, and for whom I do it. In other words, if I’m jacking a ride, it isn’t to pay off renting no damn ride. Right?”

“Ok, we need to get there and get moving. Also, we still have those walkie talkies from earlier. Let’s make sure those going by public transit and those arriving later with the rides can all communicate. And both vehicles need one. This is our best lead yet – we actually have reason to think this might lead to info. We need that data.” He rubs his hands together a bit. “I’m in. Let’s move.”

"If you all are set on a break-in, you are gonna need a lookout,” Ghlahn adds flatly. “Sure, I’m fine to stay outside and keep my eyes open. Bloodbank can join me so we have two sets of eyes."

“How long will it take to get those rides, Charlie?” Vegas asks, assuming that Casino and Ghlahn are now on board with the reality of their situation having been fully explained.

“I can get you guys that Air Jeep in about 3 1/2 hours, maybe sooner if I seal the deal with these other guys. As for the Bedouin Truck, in maybe about 12-14 hours... maybe sooner, yet again no promises... No promises,” explains Charlie as watches the group for reactions. Reading people is difficult enough when they aren’t wearing masks, but this group is geared up and only Vegas and Blossom are without a mask and Echo is the only other one with visible eyes.

“I’ll be in touch via agent, texting with potential drivers where to meet your vehicles when they come in. Besides, I need my rest and I have long day ahead of me tomorrow morning.”

“Damn!” Vegas looks around in frustration. “OK, I say you get to work on those rides and we’ll use public transportation to make our way to the offices. No more wasted time, savvy? You’re with me, right, Casino?”

“Yeah better then sitting on our asses doing nothing but arguing over ‘trade issues’” With a look at Charlie he hoped his massage got through.

“All right,” Vegas nods, “Where’s the nearest terminal?”

“Two blocks south,” Blossom replies instantly. “This enclave’s got a hold of it but there’s still public access. We can take the train and it’ll put us within a block of the office.”

“OK, one last time… Everyone on board?”

“I’m good,” Bloodbank replies.

“Count me in,” Blossom remarks with a charismatic grin.

“So for now... you’re on your own and it’s very late. That light lev-rail is ran by NCART and they stop running close to midnight or slightly afterwards, so you might want to consider getting there by other means. I would suggest you find a way to procure wheels along the way. But I will leave the kid’s life in your hands, I’ve made my offers and that, for now, is the best that I can offer,” Charlie remarks as the group mills about. “Well, that kid isn’t going to rescue himself, so you guys better get started. God’s speed to ya.” Charlie tips his hat to the ladies and gentlemen, then returns to his agent and tapping away at the keys as he makes his way to the Giri board

A short time later Casino found himself crammed into a black City Traveller van, and he WAS crammed! With his weapons, armor, overcoat and just plan size there was just not a lot of space for him. A look of understanding from Echo helped ease the feeling of claustaphobia but it was still tight.

Catching a look from Vegas he moves as best he could closer to his partner.

Now that the group is underway, Vegas glances towards his counterpart and bites the inside of his cheek as he considers his next move. Something has been eating at Casino ever since they took this gig and the crooner knows he needs to get to the bottom of it sooner rather than later. Sure! He'd made his mistakes over the past few hours, but they had seen worse together and the big viking-like man had been willing to split their partnership already. Whatever the problem, Vegas has to resolve whatever he can as soon as he can or their chances of success on this run are slim to none. Drawing in a stinging breath, the well-dressed solo leans closer to his friend and says in a very low voice,

"What was that back there?"

Looking at his longtime partner and friend he could not help seeing the questioning concern in Vegas’s eyes. With a sigh the big solo started whispering and explained himself

“This whole job seems, I don’t know, wrong. Main issue I don’t trust the wanna be johnson, something just does not click. When he first joined us, he had nothing like what he is offering now for this trade of ‘services’. Where did all this sudden ‘wealth’ come from, whose suddenly backing him, and who is the asian girl?”

"Brother," Luke shakes his head just a bit and counters with his lopsided grin, "do you remember Southern Belle? Whitefish? What about Boss Blood? I'd think that with as often as you've been in bed with fixers, you'd be used to them not laying all their cards on the table...and I mean, like ever. You gotta chill, blood. Starlight hooked us up with Charlie. Her neck is still on the line despite him coming in to take her place and I seriously doubt that she would put someone she doesn't trust in this position."

Looking at Vegas Casino knew it was a good chance he was right yet how well did they really know Starlight. After all this was a first time job situation and in his gut something still felt off about the guy.

“Yeah she is but maybe just maybe this time with him she got it wrong.”

A deep sigh and he was for the moment back to business.

“So whats up with Fixer and Bloodbath, they gonna be a problem?”

Vegas shrugs, "Law-abiding edgers? Always a problem. But..." breathing out a blast of hot air, the crooner raises his eyebrows in consideration and continues, "It's a bad rep to have, eliminating team members, I mean. Besides... we need their skillsets. With this being Starlight's show—now under new management—it ain't our call anyways. We just see what we can accomplish under their noses."

With a nod the big solo let the matter of Charlie and the two edgers drop and moved ahead. Though he still had his doubts about the group around the two of them, except for Vegas and maybe Echo. He did feel that they could succeed at this thing and for the first time they all needed to work together.

Drawing near the destination, Vegas orders the AI driver to drive around the block. Peering through the rain-slick windows, the solo observes the street and the traffic thereupon. No exterior security that I can see, the crooner observes. But he’s never been the keenest eye so he turns to his companions.

“See any sign of security out there?” he asks with a nod of his head to the outside.

“The offices we’re looking for take up three floors,” Blossom explains, coming out of her virtual world. “I couldn’t find the actual floorplans for the place but I was able to get a directory. The floor we’re looking for is the eighth.”

“Twenty-three-thirty-and-some-odd-minutes…” the medtech chimes in with little humor to his voice. “I doubt that the building is open at this time.”

“I agree,” Vegas acknowledges. “We need to get up close. Ghlahn, you need to find yourself a perch that will provide proper support for those going in. We also need to find out what else is in the building. What’s on the main floor? How can we gain entrance? Ideas?”

“There’s a garage, if that helps,” Blossom pipes up around her lollipop stick.

Jumping out of the van Fixer turned to them. "I want to quickly scout for some security systems. See what is out there." He took off quickly into the darkness only to return a few minutes later with a shrug of his shoulders as if he had forgotten something.

Having also exited to stretch cramed muscles Casino not saying much quietly listened in on the sounds around them and on the idea’s being discussed................................

Posted on 2018-07-11 at 19:16:57.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Where art thou driver?

Where art thou driver?

For Luther it was a quick check on the Giri board about a reply to his for trade. A answer can in the form of a edgerunner called " Fluke "...

The Air jeep was to be picked up and it was hours away and Luther needed sleep but he was determined to start a few hours into his new study of the Chinese languge before his first day of class with the children.

It was sunday morning and he needed to find a place to stay till morning. His agent signaled a "chime" and Luther responded with tap of his agent.

" Dígame " ( Talk to me, Translated from Spanish)

" Hello? " Hui asked

" Hey Hui, Whats happening little lady" Luther asked

" I have your things in transition right now, you didn't have alot for the space that you occupied".

Luther rubbed the back of his head for a second " awh.. yeah... I'm still working on what decor I should use"

" Awh ha, I see. Well I have dropped you a pin so that you can find your way to your new penthouse suite".

" Wow... sounds fancy"

" *giggles " it is on the top floor but it will meet your needs under this contract, but its not a penthouse suite. Hui giggled again"

" Awhhhh you got jokes for me, I see Hui "

" I thought that you would like something to make you luagh or smile after dealing with your associates earlier"

Luther smiled to himself " can I head over and get some sleep?"

" Yes, and you might find some very small gift near your door, you do know what that means right?. Becuase I know that your not going to mess his nice job for me, right Mr Charile?"

"Awhhh... I was just getting to that part in the --"

" Well you better start to read when you get to your new home, I will be...thier soon" Hui says. Luther understood that maybe she conudn't say it was your "home".

** agent updated with a new travel location that was shared

" See you soon hui " Luther spoke then hung up the agent.

Using his agent he made his way to his new abode....

the place was very crowded below and even at this hour of early morning gave a uneasy feel that people where watching from afar. Luther was a stranger in a strange land as he used his agent to nvigate the passageways.

Luther spied a few youths following him and that began to make him nervous as his pace quickened.

Luther made his way into the building as a vehicle with younths drive by, close and quickly.

The man catcher area of the building held Luther so that he could be "veriefied" and gain access to yet another guard waiting.

" Nǐ hÇŽo, WÇ’ néng bāng nǐ shénme ma?" The guard spoke (Hello, can I help you with something?)

" Nǐ hǎo" Luther replied ( Hello )

pregnat pause

The guard stared at Luther and waited

" WÇ’ kÄ›yǐ kàn nǐ de zhèngjiàn ma?" He asked ( Can I see your ID, please)

Luther didn't have a clue... so he started to speak in english to the man

the guard just shook his head and lifted a finger for Luther to wait.

the guards phone rang, he answered and spoke in chinese and started a conversation.

Luther's agent rang ... it was Hui

" Hui!...I need your --"

" put me on the speaker, I know that your with the guard"

Luther complied and Hui spoke to the guard thru Luther's agent for bit. The convesation seemed good.

The guard buzzed Luther in and bowed to him, Luther bowed back in responce.

" Mr Charile, I'm almost to the apt... Mr Jian the guard will ring for my girlfriend "Shu" to meet you, Okay?"

" Yes and thank you" Luther replied



Luther is escorted to the elevator and a woman is waiting near the elevator door. Shu guides with using broken english to the door. Before entering inside another door opens and an older chinese woman looks Luther over as he is learning how to code his agent. Luther looking up sees the old woman as well other much younger ladies looking at Luther in the hall.

The chinese woman speaks chinese in a hurried speech at Shu

The door finally is opened and luther nods.

" She wants me back, I must go" Shu explains
Luther nods just as Hui exits the elevator and a heated discussion between the hui and the older woman starts and stops.

Hui pushs Luther into his room and closes the door behind her.

" I hate that witch..."


" that is madam Xiu, she sells us " with vemon in her voice. " you need to start studying if your going to do well here, you can sleep later, study now".

" Its after 0100... I should sleep"

" No.. study then sleep it's better"

" Fine... let's do one hour then sleep. I have some things that I need to do with those people earlier."

**Luther spends 01 hour studying chinese with Hui then sleeps but ot beffer asking about the terms of the Giri and what is wanted in return**

study time 01 hour Chinese language / 01 total study hours
Luther checks rates to fly to this southern part of the SanFran Integrate at a fueling station called the Long Mile and meet "Fluke" that has arranged a giri deal for a group called
"Nightowl". The Air jeep belongs to a nomad combi going by the name of Vagabond Santiagos. Luther attemps to find out the terms of the Giri
Sleeps around 0100 in the morning till 0700 ( 6 hours of sleep )
Morning comes early and hui is already up. Luther realises that his personal belongings have arrived and have been placed in a feng shui manner. Luther begins to get up...
Hui asks if he is ready to study culture / history this time for a few hours?.

I got this thing..

Do you want to keep this deal.. I mean all of it, YOU need to get ready before monday, you nee to test the kids to know what problem they have, that areas they need help in and --

okay, slow your roll.. I haven't eaten yet

Eat later study now, look at this. Hui explains
** agent chimes **
looks this over and I will send out as homework, you will not fail me Mr. Charile, do you understand?

" yeah, yeah, but -- "

I like staying here, you will study, I will cook, answer calls and help you... help me.

"fine...I'll transfer certian calls to you and I"ll need you to track down a few people and set up a few things for me". Luther sends via agent his task / to do list

Luther agrees with a nod and chooses to study before taking a flight via taxi to SF hub or train? air taxi rates vs train rates / travel times. include one extra drop off ( Yo Suk-Chul / passports )

Luther looks over the "pretest" and the 1st test and approves to send it out via agent.

spends 1 hour of the morning "wheeling and dealing" with:
pricing on machine that will aloow me a mod roll for making passports ( shoes ) and altering credit chips

study time xx hours Chinese language/ 01 total study hours
Departing his new nest

A asian driver rang the the intercom from below at the gruad desk.

" Mr Charile, Ride here " the guard spoke in broken english

"coming" Luther answered

** Did I book one this early?

Hui. I'm leaving

So soon?

My rides here, charlie answered as he walked over to get his armored jacket.

Becareful Mr Charile Hui smiled as she walked him to the door.

Luther rode the elevator down and exited out to the waiting taxi with it's door open. After getting in and the doors locked the taxi lighted up and began to acend above the cloulds.

"Driver, I'll be going to --"

"Relax Mr Charile... I'll have you at long mile before you know it" the mechanical voice answered " Please don't be alarmed, you wanted to contact us and here we are".

" Look I don't want any trouble and I'm sure that I'm the one that you are looking for"

"So are you telling me that your not the so called "Mr Charile of chinatown?"


Please place your enclave dog tags into the slot and verify your ID please

Luther complied

"Much better Mr charile, I'm UWC.1897 Enclave recruiter and you were looking for giri to trade, yes?"

Luther relaved a bit and leaned back before answering "yes"

" Did you have any preferance to which voice or looks so that this parley can begin?"

"No preferance, but could you give a guy a bit of more warning?"

" Would you have walked into this taxi if you thougth that it might be your last ride, Mr Charile?"

" You metal...people have been know to be .... harsh with us"

" We could say the same Charile, people treat machines like things that are dispoable and easy to replace, right?"

" Yeah.. I got the point, Parley Niner seven"

" This unit requests that you purchase some electronics parts and have them sent to a TBA loctaction once the goods have been aquirred"

" What we talking? Hot items, dicounted used wares or the primo stuff?"

" Transmitting infomation now" ** Luther's agent chimes

Luther looks over the list

" Seems simple..."

" Your POC will DMX.187.11B, call sign "Reaper_921", that unit is a full corg conversion. Your vital signs have changed, are you still willing to --"

" I was hoping that you guy would take me on in a different capacity and that--"

" These are are terms, will you accept as they are well within your skillset Mr Charile"

" I'm not the greatest errand boy nor parts jockey"

" We understand what you want but the collective needs are greater then one, Mr Charile. We need to see if oyu will be an asset to the collective before letting you dance in our brians, fair enough?"

" understood and I will comply Niner Seven"

** chimes

" sign the undersign so that we can begin"

** reLooks over the terms then signs

Charile then returns to his language studing as the taxi travels

xx hours of travel time
Task / To Do list:
Contact: 2 fixers for transportation from contacts (Japo'on and Feather)

Kelsey dawn for a battle of the bands gig

Rates for monthly pass taxi / AV / Train rates

pricing for: pharmacology, Braindance (editing) and Cyberpsychologist (Brain dance is a big part of the therapy so I would want to specialise is braindace as well.

Posted on 2018-07-16 at 11:06:02.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

   Ghalan once more is to provide overwatch.  In the old days they called ones like him "arch-angel" as they protected others from on high.  "Come on blood-bank" lets find a nice overwatch spot."  Having another along complicated things a bit but it was the only way to keep blood-bank way from the thefts tht were going to occur to cover the incursion.  Prospects for a position were scarce but persistance usually pays of and in time Ghalan found a spot for bith of them and settled in to watch and wait. 

Posted on 2018-07-21 at 05:37:35.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 1:38 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Drawing near the destination, Vegas orders the AI driver to drive around the block. Peering through the rain-slick windows, the solo observes the street and the traffic thereupon. No exterior security that I can see, the crooner observes. But he’s never been the keenest eye so he turns to his companions.

“See any sign of security out there?” he asks with a nod of his head to the outside.

“The offices we’re looking for take up three floors,” Blossom explains, coming out of her virtual world. “I couldn’t find the actual floor plans for the place but I was able to get a directory. The floor we’re looking for is the eighth.”

“Twenty-three-thirty-and-some-odd-minutes…” the medtech chimes in with little humor to his voice. “I doubt that the building is open at this time.”

“I agree,” Vegas acknowledges. “We need to get up close. Ghlahn, you need to find yourself a perch that will provide proper support for those going in. We also need to find out what else is in the building. What’s on the main floor? How can we gain entrance? Ideas?”

“There’s a garage, if that helps,” Blossom pipes up around her lollipop stick.

Not waiting on the others, Fixer jumps out and says quickly, "I want to scout for some security systems. See what is out there." He takes off quickly into the darkness and looks at the two sides of the building closest to him providing a 1/2 periphery of the structures.

Exiting the tight van to stretch cramped muscles, Casino quietly listens in on the sounds around them and on the various idea’s being discussed, watching through his new combat mask as his teammate strolls off. Vegas follows him into the rain and the broad-shouldered solo picks up his partner’s uttered curse, but just barely.

“Brother,” the dapper solo places a hand on Casino’s soaked leather-covered shoulder—not the wounded arm, thank goodness, though the blonde gunman’s Pain Editor is still functioning. “Call me paranoid, but would you mind keepin’ an eye on that fella?” he dips his head towards Fixer’s retreating back causing the collected water on his fedora’s brim to cascade before his iconic fae. “No knowing what kind of trouble might be lurking about.” (OOC: Going to assume Casino has no problem with the task.)

Ghlahn is once more to provide overwatch. In the old days they called individuals like him "arch-angels" as they protected others from on high.

"Come on Bloodbank, let’s find a nice overwatch spot." the Cee-metal sniper invites, ignoring the techie’s actions and focusing on his own task.. Having another along complicates things a bit but it is the only way to keep Bloodbank away from the thefts that are likely going to occur to cover the incursion.

“I’ll take this side,” Echo drops from the interior of the van to the gutter causing dirty rainwater to splash up around the top of her knee-high boots. Motioning towards the opposite way the techie and Casino just hastened, the nomad shoulders her bag and rifle and then strides off to make her way around the block.

Blossom makes a slurping sounds producing the lollipop from her mouth and steps daintally to the curb, slinging her large duffle over her small shoulder as she does so. “Guess that leaves you an’ me, canary,” she smiles broadly at the crooner.

“As much as I’d enjoy a dalliance with a tomato such as yourself—” Vegas winks and grins his signature lopsided smile. “And believe you me, I would very much enjoy such an encounter—I’m afraid we’ve work to do.” Motioning toward a covered storefront in the adjacent building, he offers his arm. “Care to join me?”

Peering pointedly through her heart-shaped sunglasses at the offered gallantry, the netrunner raises her eyebrows incredulously. “I ain’t no wrinkled skin bag needing to be helped across the street, gato. Let’s go.”

The techie doesn’t stand and stare but moves along at a normal rate while Casino catches up. Fixer is looking for any action and any information as he scans the street level of the structure. As is the case with most of the buildings within the Night City Integrate, this tower is a continuation of the construct from the lower levels of the city maze and it continues up and up into the upper zone. It rises up high enough that the next full-fledged street level blocks his view of anything further.

Made of dingy gray New-crete, stained by the rodent and pigeon population, weather, and street gang tags, it was once a grand edifice to the construction AI’s brilliance. The software controlling the nanobuilders had decided on the Streamline Moderne architectural style which means a lot of long horizontal lines and curves. The building takes up the whole of the block with various alcoves and protrusions helping to break apart the monotony of form. Fixer manually guesses a distance between two rounded cement columns that cut right up the face of the building in front of him. Them, proceeding on course, he uses his optic splice to quickly calculate the total distance of the block. Two-hundred-and-seventy-four meters. Knowing the city layout as he does—as any of the edgerunners do—the techie is able to conclude that the side of the building facing the group is the long side.

Each of the cement pillars juts out from the otherwise smooth face by less than one meter and between each pillar stretches a good ten meters of rain-slicked navy-colored glass paneling. Just above the navy-colored glass sits another row of clear glass which at this point is mostly reflecting the neon and holographic signs from across the street and is proving difficult to peer through. There are two general entrances to the structure on this side spaced so that they are each in the middle of one half of the building. Designed as alcoves with very rounded corners leading into them on each side, metal grids act as canopies offering little to no protection from the elements. Three and a half meter tall double doors are set side-by-side in each of these entrances making for a total of eight doorwards. Made of the clear glass framed by rustic steel metal, the halls behind these doors are lit with soft yellow interior lighting revealing dull charcoal gray carpeting and wide spaces furnished with stylized simplistic furniture. Placed on either side of the initial entrance are very easy to see and recognize holographic emitters. Likely producing genial directory AIs once a person approaches, they are currently inactive.

Having successfully navigated the small but steady stream of humanity, delivery drones, and service bots to the end of the block, and having seen not a hint of visible security measures for the building, Fixer glances at Casino and flips around to move back to his group with a shrug of his shoulders as if forgetting something.

Alone with her task, Echo makes her way to the opposite corner of their target structure, her sharp brown eyes staring out above the brick red balaclava wrapped about her lower face and head intent in their search. Arriving at the steeply rounded corner, the nomad takes it casually and works her way into the alley that is just wide enough for a trash truck to traverse in one direction without tearing off their side mirrors.

Gusts of wind tease the corners of sodden bags, strewn ripsheets, and howl in the mouths of discarded glass bottles. The rain is lighter here, broken apart by the ample amount of protruding edifices from the two towering structures on either side. Growling gives her pause, but just for a moment as the creature delivering the warning is a small, wire-haired terrier that looks ridden with disease. Backing away from her advance, the poor creature swings about and darts further ahead.

Here, the building is only two-hundred-and-fifty to two-seventy-five meters end to end. Still climbing well into areas beyond her vision, there’s no visible end to its height. Cautiously continuing her scouting, Echo passes a rounded cornered alcove similar to the street-facing entrances only with a single door instead of two double doors. Pausing with the pretense of getting something in her eye, the young woman tilts her head forward to get a better look just inside the door.

The interior light is faint, but there’s enough for her to see a small black box centered on the roof just inside the door. Is it a security camera, motion detector, glass break sensor…? She has neither the experience nor the knowledge to be able to tell. Rolling her head back, she blinks rapidly to bring her ruse to a close and is greeted by the lower platform of a fire escape some seven meters overhead, its ladder is lifted and locked out of the way making the bottom rung parallel with the platform. Continuing forward, she turns about and walks backwards once she’s out of the way of the door and registers that the system climbs up at least fifteen stories before it’s end.

Achieving the end of the alley, Echo glances to her right and then left before stepping out onto the adjacent street. Plenty of late night traffic on the ground including cars, drones, and people but nothing threatening. An equally busy sky as drone traffic whizzes past below the aeroodyne level.

Hanging a left, Echo makes her way down the same direction as Fixer and Casino had gone but on the opposite side of the building, committing what she passes to memory. Rounding the far end, she does the same thing for that side of the street and then rounds the final corner bringing her on a trajectory to rejoin her team.

M’haru Ghlahn leads the way, though Bloodbank is only a step behind and to the side. City streets are full of possibilities no matter what a person is looking for and it isn’t long before a prime overwatch position is spotted. Two blocks north of the team’s location is a covered parking structure. Seven stories high, the top of the drab gray cement—tagged, and tagged, and tagged, and tagged again—melds right into an American Square styled structure that continues to climb another twenty or thirty stories before rounding itself off with a dome. The upper story of the garage should be relatively easy to access even with the medtech tagging along and it should provide decent cover for the team at the front of the target building.

The pair are forced to make their way down the street the same direction and on the same side as Echo, at first. Finding an opportunity to cross when a lull in traffic occurs, they jog through the tumbling water of the gutter and trot onto the sidewalk in front of a hunched woman who is obviously off her rocker as she’s mopping the sidewalk in front of a fast food dispensary and humming happily through her rib-breaking coughing.

Above the sounds of the street, the symphony of engines, tellurian presence, and the storm, Ghlahn picks up what initially sounds like a fervent bellowing; the words of which are indiscernible until he draws closer to the garage.

The entrance is, of course, manned by security, but the Cee-metal soldier is counting on there being a way in from the side alley, or at least a position from which he can fenagle his ascent. But, there’s a problem with that plan that emerges just as the two edgerunners pass in front of the alleyway entrance.

“There ain’t no way we’re gonna let them bring that filth into our communities!”

“No way!” A cacophony of excited voices follow the declaration and the edgers find themselves being pressed into a crowd of rainswept citizens swilling about like water circling the drain.

Standing atop some article that places him head and shoulders above the crowd is a man of caucasian coloring with a shaved head that’s tattooed with various symbols reminiscent of the Nazi movement. Clenched fist held high over his shiny head, optic splices lit up, he sweeps his hand over the crowd and bellows, “We have a right to sleep well, secure in our freedom to defend America!”


“They can’t take that from us!”

“Down with those towel-headed b*****s!”

“Get ‘em out!”

“Are you gonna let them sit up there to plot their next attack?”

“Hell no!”

“Burn ‘em!”

“We’ll stop ‘em!”

Forced to slow their gait due to the swaying throng of bodies, Ghlahn and Bloodbank find themselves quickly being enveloped by the crowd, their vision of even the entrance to the garage blocked by shaking fists, yelling faces, and jostling shoulders.

Once all by Glhahn and Bloodbank are back together again huddled beneath the awning that Vegas and Blossom had commandeered, the crooner speaks up.

“Ok, everyone, let’s have it,” he presses his hands together and rubs for a moment to massage some life back into his fingertips before shoving his digits into his dripping overcoat pockets.

(OOC: He’ll get a report from each of you by looking to you in turn&hellip

“There’s a number of public hotspots available and I’ve found external IPs for net service,” Blossom explains what she has been doing while the others were searching the building’s parameter. “The IPs are all ghosted, so I can’t tell which belongs to which entity, and I don’t imagine any of them are hooked up to their intranets. I was able to discover a heavy datafeed, and I mean heavy. Were I to guess, I’d say that it belongs to a security entity and a powerhouse one at that. Probably a couple of wardrivers on staff to man constructs and digital defenses for whatever company they work for.”

“Long and short of it, folks,” Vegas adds with raised eyebrows, “we’re gonna have to get inside just as we had thought. Ideas on how we do that? Way I see it is that we’ve gotta break into the street level and deal with whatever security they have there, then work our way to the eighth floor and do it all over again.”

“Other businesses within this complex are…” Blossom pauses while her deck brings up the data within her optic splice. “...on the street level; sporting goods, hobby—um, leatherworking—fuel cell retailer, costume store, cosmetic surgery, dentistry, a pharmacy, a steakhouse, a law office, a coffee shop, and a psychic.

“The eighth floor has Upstairs Downstairs, a theater, a kitchen and bathroom display room, a vet, a VR arcade, a consignment shop, a female clothing retailer, a smoke shop, and a laundromat.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 02:03 AM PST)


Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:36 P.M. PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Where art thou driver? For Luther, once the rest of the party leaves, it is a quick check on the Giri board looking for a reply to his post for trade. The fellow, Fluke, that the fixer had initially been in contact with concerning the air jeep had left another post confirming delivery and terms. The air jeep is to be picked up and it is hours away. Luther “Cred-Stick Charlie” is very aware that he needs sleep but is determined to start a few hours into his new study of the Chinese Language before his first day of class with the children come Monday morning. He’s rolling up on Sunday rather quickly (about twenty-minutes off until midnight) and he needs to find a place to stay. His agent signals with a chime and Luther responds with a tap to its screen.

"Dígame," he commands in Spanish, delivering the order for the person on the other line—Hui according to the contact information displayed through his optic splice—to talk to me.

"Hello?" his newly appointed assistant asks in confusion.

"Hey, Hui, what’s happening, little lady?" Luther clarifies, eyes darting about as some of the tents are being closed for the night and the bustle of activity in the courtyard increases.

"I’m at your place. You don’t have a lot for the space that you occupy," the Chinese woman accuses. “Where should I put my things?”

Luther rubs the back of his head for a second, "Aw, yeah... I'm still working on what decor I should use. Uh… I got an office—"

"Awh ha, I see,” Hui interrupts, “Well, I will make myself at home. Your place is a bit of a shambles, but I’ll see it is cleaned."

"Wow…," Charlie exclaims in appreciation. Maid service is included in this arrangement, apparently.

Hui giggles, "It will be once I’m through with it."

" Awhhhh, you got jokes for me I see, Hui."

"I thought that you would like something to make you laugh or smile after dealing with your associates earlier."

Luther smiles, "I may head over and get some sleep."

"Yes, and you might find a small gift waiting for you. You do know what that means, right? Because, I know that you’re not going to mess this nice job up for me, right, Mr Charlie?"

"Awhhh... I was just getting to that part in the—"

"Well, you better start to read when you get home. You have a lot to learn," Hui interrupts again using a chastising tone.

"See you soon, Hui " Luther remarks before hanging up the agent.

Activating the cab-hailing app, he pulls his overcoat about him and reclaims his drone case from the wet ground near his feet. The ride back to his apartment would take over two hours if he were using a ground car service, but his default setting is for an AV so it will be more like a half hour from when he is picked up. Despite the AV’s versatility, it isn’t going to be able to land in the courtyard, so Cred Stick Charlie makes his way back to the enclave gate, through it, and onto the swarming street of the Mid-City Urbanzone.

Waiting for the AV to arrive, Luther kills time by producing his agent once more and going about his work maintaining his business. A countdown display in the peripheral of his left optic keeps him notified of the taxi’s time of arrival. With about a minute remaining until his ride appears, his agent’s call notification lights up… the contact information running in front of his right eye belongs to Starlight.

(OOC: I’m assuming Luther answers the call…”

“What’s the 411?” his boss sounds tired but alert.

(OOC: Luther’s answer.)

“You’re not with them?” Starlight sounds a little surprised. “You trust that they’ll get this job done without any further mishaps needing your oversight?”

(OOC: Luther’s answer.)

“Listen, Charlie,” the tiny fixer remarks dryly. “I think Santa may be bringing on another team. It’s been two—going on three—days since the contract was inked and Santa is growing impatient. I want you on-site helping to see this thing through. Understand?”

(OOC: Luther’s answer. Assuming compliance.)

“Good. Now, this business with the Chinese—Ya, I know about it—Jack doesn’t like it,” Starlight is referring to her superior in the organization, Springed-Heel Jack. “He says you’re cutting in on the Tong’s dance partner and they’re likely gonna strike back. How deep are you into this? Can you get out?”

(OOC: Luther’s answer… and I’ll leave it off here so we can play this out further.)

(OOC: March 8th, Day 2 - Saturday, Time is 11:53 PM PST)

Posted on 2018-07-27 at 12:46:15.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Dear Santa, please cancel don’t Christmas this year…..

Dear Santa, please cancel don’t Christmas this year…..
Contris: Open
Tag: Open
Msg Team Ldr (Vegas) “ All of our butt are on the line and a clean up team might be coming to all of us if results are not satisfactory to “Mr Santa Clause”. No chance of using an “Escape Clause” due to Elf hirelings that are very effective in wrapping up “gifts”. I’ll be on scene after acquiring transportation to assit with air assest and egress”. Starlight wants me in a more active role in this “procurement” So I looking forward to working more closely together with you on this assignment.
By direction of Ms Starlight,
Mr Charlie
Change vector with A-4 and possibly will be drop off the shoes for xxx and then make the “time hack” for the fuel point to acquire transportation assets
Msg to Blossom “ Blossom, Charlie — Can you query the response time of LEOs to your area so that I can make preplans for egress if the the balloon goes up, please”.
Have Hui make calls for Mr. Charlie to:

Yo Suk-Chul, for some “shoes ( Passports) so that Charlie can make a stop to drop them off before going to the SF fuel point
Fixer Tomás Japón to assit with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
Fixer Flore "Feathers" Messier to assit with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
Rocker "Kelsey Dawn" to sign for a “Gig” for the battle of the bands at a venue (Good roll from prior r20 log)
Msg “Fluke” three minutes out before landing

Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:36 P.M. PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Where art thou driver? For Luther, once the rest of the party leaves, it is a quick check on the Giri board looking for a reply to his post for trade. The fellow, Fluke, that the fixer had initially been in contact with concerning the air jeep had left another post confirming delivery and terms. The air jeep is to be picked up and it is hours away. Luther “Cred-Stick Charlie” is very aware that he needs sleep but is determined to start a few hours into his new study of the Chinese Language before his first day of class with the children come Monday morning. He’s rolling up on Sunday rather quickly (about twenty-minutes off until midnight) and he needs to find a place to stay. His agent signals with a chime and Luther responds with a tap to its screen.
"Dígame," he commands in Spanish, delivering the order for the person on the other line—Hui according to the contact information displayed through his optic splice—to talk to me.
"Hello?" his newly appointed assistant asks in confusion.
"Hey, Hui, what’s happening, little lady?" Luther clarifies, eyes darting about as some of the tents are being closed for the night and the bustle of activity in the courtyard increases.
"I’m at your place. You don’t have a lot for the space that you occupy," the Chinese woman accuses. “Where should I put my things?”
Luther rubs the back of his head for a second, "Aw, yeah... I'm still working on what decor I should use. Uh… I got an office—"
"Awh ha, I see,” Hui interrupts, “Well, I will make myself at home. Your place is a bit of a shambles, but I’ll see it is cleaned."
"Wow…," Charlie exclaims in appreciation. Maid service is included in this arrangement, apparently.
Hui giggles, "It will be once I’m through with it."
" Awhhhh, you got jokes for me I see, Hui."
"I thought that you would like something to make you laugh or smile after dealing with your associates earlier."
Luther smiles, "I may head over and get some sleep."
"Yes, and you might find a small gift waiting for you. You do know what that means, right? Because, I know that you’re not going to mess this nice job up for me, right, Mr Charlie?"
"Awhhh... I was just getting to that part in the—"
"Well, you better start to read when you get home. You have a lot to learn," Hui interrupts again using a chastising tone.
"See you soon, Hui " Luther remarks before hanging up the agent.
Activating the cab-hailing app, he pulls his overcoat about him and reclaims his drone case from the wet ground near his feet. The ride back to his apartment would take over two hours if he were using a ground car service, but his default setting is for an AV so it will be more like a half hour from when he is picked up. Despite the AV’s versatility, it isn’t going to be able to land in the courtyard, so Cred Stick Charlie makes his way back to the enclave gate, through it, and onto the swarming street of the Mid-City Urbanzone.
Waiting for the AV to arrive, Luther kills time by producing his agent once more and going about his work maintaining his business. A countdown display in the peripheral of his left optic keeps him notified of the taxi’s time of arrival. With about a minute remaining until his ride appears, his agent’s call notification lights up… the contact information running in front of his right eye belongs to Starlight.

(OOC: I’m assuming Luther answers the call…”
“ Charile here, what’s up Boss Lady?”
“What’s the 411?” his boss sounds tired but alert.
(OOC: Luther’s answer.)
Your team is on thier way to check out the last know position of the kid and I offered a few things but most of them didn’t want anything to do with my offers so I sent them on their way. I’ll check in on them after picking up some transportation for them just in case they get lucky, let alone some sleep. The whole thing is a cluster muck, I can’t send feelers out because it’s either going to take too much money or will take weeks to get some information.

“You’re not with them?” Starlight sounds a little surprised. “You trust that they’ll get this job done without any further mishaps needing your oversight?”

(OOC: Luther’s answer.)
Luther Washington - Fixer: To Perceive: 15 Meh....

They don’t need nor want a babysitter Starlight
I can’t do much overseeing unless they are willing to work with me Ms starlight, you left a big vacum hole after leaving but your boots on the grounds man is doing the best that he can. I have been told by several members of your team that “ I’m doing too much” (Blackfolk slang) as they have grown a conscience while edge running, to me they are not combat effective and don’t recognize my role within the team’s hierarchy food chain. I have offered to assist them with UAV support but when I attempt to establish --

“Listen, Charlie,” the tiny fixer remarks dryly. “I think Santa may be bringing on another team. It’s been two—going on three—days since the contract was inked and Santa is growing impatient. I want you on-site helping to see this thing through. Understand?”

Wait… your not really going to adding me to this group, right? I mean , I thought that you wanted someone to replace you temporary till you healed up and……Yeah, I understand the brevity of this… so how many hours before santa’s elves come to gift wrap us and place us under the Christmas tree?.

** reply

Fine… I’ll convince them and if you would be so kind to send out a group msg that everyones butt is on the line and I’ll get more active with the group as a whole. I’m picking up one vehicle and I’ll hold and operate the vehicle for them, till someone out of that group understands what is at stake besides thier lives.
Starlight, I’m not trying to mess up your street cred or reputation that is on the line. I’ll do whatever it takes to finish the contract and get the train back on the rails.

“Good. Now, this business with the Chinese—Ya, I know about it—Jack doesn’t like it,” Starlight is referring to her superior in the organization, Springed-Heel Jack. “He says you’re cutting in on the Tong’s dance partner and they’re likely gonna strike back. How deep are you into this? Can you get out?”

(OOC: Luther’s answer… and I’ll leave it off here so we can play this out further.)
Luther Washington - Fixer: To Perceive: 15
Meh....again ( I ment to use  persude here instead )

I needed some resources but your group didn’t want to play ball so I went off the reservation for a bit and I have only just one contact in the corps for resources. Can I ask for a sit down before going toe to toe with the dance partner?. I’m not trying to start a tong war or even a little conflict, I’m just trying to make deals, make profit and not end up sleeping on the ground like your group.
As for how deep… “get in where you fit in” ( Blackfolk ) as us Asian folk say. I quickly made a “niche” for myself already because the yoke was already taunt and I saw opportunity to open a door with those that are willing to bargain with me.

As for investments… I’m getting my vehicle fixed and a gal that is a good resource for me as a secretary. I got the better end of the stick and willing to fight for this one but if Jack says that I must cut things off then I’ll cut my losses and find a deal… if possible.
So in short… I could get out of it but I’m willing to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight for these people, if you don’t mind Starlight. I’ll roll the dice, move my mice and take some lumps but I think that these people in the long run would be a good assets and I would like to keep them… please let me try to work this out.

** reply

“ I’m willing to deal with the tong rep if you think that Jack is willing to give me time to clean up a mess, do you think that spring hill jack will give me a shot at this title?. Hey, I’m willing to do a “sit down” and work things out before they are broken, all that I’m asking for is some time to sit down with jack’s permission to clean up this mess and to make a few deal along the way.

** reply

Well, I want to try to cut a deal and trade not giri necessary but “action” in the area that I’m working. No percentages but flat fees monthly and I think with what I might be able to offer them , they might want to hear. I don’t have “juice” but I feel that the dynamic for the economy could be changed mutually to the benefit for all, if given the chance to layout my business plan, just sayin…

(OOC: March 8th, Day 2 - Saturday, Time is 11:53 PM PST)

Posted on 2018-07-29 at 22:28:31.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 1:38 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Exiting the tight van to stretch cramped muscles, Casino quietly listens in on the sounds around them and on the various idea’s being discussed, watching through his new combat mask as his teammate strolls off. Vegas follows him into the rain and the broad-shouldered solo picks up his partner’s uttered curse, but just barely.

Brother,” the dapper solo places a hand on Casino’s soaked leather-covered shoulder—not the wounded arm, thank goodness, though the blonde gunman’s Pain Editor is still functioning. “Call me paranoid, but would you mind keepin’ an eye on that fella?” he dips his head towards Fixer’s retreating back causing the collected water on his fedora’s brim to cascade before his iconic fae. “No knowing what kind of trouble might be lurking about.”

Looking in the direction Fixer had moved off to, Casino quickly nodded to Vegas in acceptance and set out to follow the young man. A quick look to Echo, a smile sent, and he was quickly following behind the techie trail. It was easy for Casino to catch up as even though The techie wasn’t standing still and staring but moving along at a normal rate the big solo moved fast and found himself watching as Fixer checked out the walls and building.

Knowing nothing of architecture Casino had no idea that the walls were made of dingy gray New-crete, stained by the rodent and pigeon population, weather, and street gang tags, it was once a grand edifice to the construction AI’s brilliance. The software controlling the nanobuilders had decided on the Streamline Moderne architectural style which means a lot of long horizontal lines and curves. Then with Fixer and himself having successfully navigated the small but steady stream of humanity, delivery drones, and service bots to the end of the block, they both could see that there was at least no visible outside security measures for the building, Seeing Fixer glance at him he follows the techie as he flips around to move back to the group with a shrug of his shoulders as if forgetting something.

Keeping his eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary he pondered on Fixers last words before coming here and his acting almost on his own. Could he be trusted, Casino wanted to, but yet he had his doubts. Reaching the rest of the party he awaited to report what everyone had found..................

Posted on 2018-07-31 at 22:00:51.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Getting in

Fixer wandered the street looking for signs of security.  Unfortunately, the only thing he was able to see was Casino keeping an eye on him.  Was he there to protect the techie or to keep an eye on an unreliable?  Geez, who the heck had he gotten himself in with?  Weren't they capable of listening to an entire sentence?  He hadn't said he wouldn't do the job, he'd just said that for the trade he wasn't going to steal a car to pay off a car they were renting to avoid stealing a car.  On the edge, he wanted to control his own business, that was all.  And committing extra crimes just for the heck of it was just plain dumb.  And one thing Fixer didn't think he was, was dumb.  But somehow avoiding creating extra troubles for themselves might have made him a weak link.  Seriously?  Well, it seemed he might need to be cautious about those around him.  If they were dumb enough to question his loyalty, well, dumb wasn't something he was loyal to.  

But he was loyal to the job and he wanted to save the kid.  So he turned around and headed back to the group.  Once there he gave his report, not that there was much of it, and listened as the others gave theirs.  Not much there either.  

"Ok, so we go in.  As expected.  What about that fire escape?  Was it covered by the camera inside the door, if that's what it was?"  He thought for a few moments.  "We just don't know much right now.  Once we go in a door we don't know what we will find.  What we could use is a diversion of some sort.  It might allow us to get a better look at what is inside or distract people while we get all the way in."

Posted on 2018-08-01 at 17:58:00.
Edited on 2018-08-07 at 21:52:10 by Bromern Sal

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 2:03 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“And I went the opposite direction,” Echo adds after Fixer reports his uneventful stroll. “There’s a side entrance to the building down that alley. It’s kinda tucked back into this alcove and I think there’s some sort of security camera there, but that’s not really my specialty. There’s a fire escape above the door though, and that might be promising.”

“There’s a number of public hotspots available and I’ve found external IPs for net service,” Blossom explains what she has been doing while the others were searching the building’s parameter. “The IPs are all ghosted, so I can’t tell which belongs to which entity, and I don’t imagine any of them are hooked up to their intranets. I was able to discover a heavy datafeed, and I mean heavy. Were I to guess, I’d say that it belongs to a security entity and a powerhouse one at that. Probably a couple of wardrivers on staff to man constructs and digital defenses for whatever company they work for.”

“Long and short of it, folks,” Vegas adds with raised eyebrows, “we’re gonna have to get inside just as we had thought. Ideas on how we do that? Way I see it is that we’ve gotta break into the street level and deal with whatever security they have there, then work our way to the eighth floor and do it all over again.”

“Other businesses within this complex are…” Blossom pauses while her deck brings up the data within her optic splice. “...on the street level; sporting goods, hobby—um, leatherworking—fuel cell retailer, costume store, cosmetic surgery, dentistry, a pharmacy, a steakhouse, a law office, a coffee shop, and a psychic.

“The eighth floor has Upstairs Downstairs, a theater, a kitchen and bathroom display room, a vet, a VR arcade, a consignment shop, a female clothing retailer, a smoke shop, and a laundromat.”

"Ok, so we go in. As expected. What about that fire escape? Was it covered by the camera inside the door, if that's what it was?" Fixer pauses to allow his thoughts to formulate for a few moments. "We just don't know much right now. Once we go in a door, we don't know what we will find. What we could use is a diversion of some sort. It might allow us to get a better look at what is inside or distract people while we get all the way in."

Staring directly at the building, Vegas chews on the inside of his cheek considering their options. “Is that fuel cell retailer open, by chance, love?”

Blossom freezes as she accesses the Web again. Waiting impatiently on the information, Vegas tries to keep from holding his breath. This run is proving to be difficult at best and he can certainly use a break, especially as a leader in this fractured company.

“No bueno,” the Asian woman shakes her head causing her wet platinum tresses to roll about on her jacket shoulders.

“Damn!” Vegas drops his gaze to the pavement underfoot and rubs the back of his neck just below his hairline. “Okay, so it’s like Fixer says; our best bet is that fire escape.

“Echo, what’s the best approach so we can get a look?”

“From the other side,” the nomad woman quickly states. “If we go down the alley from this side, we have to cross in front of the entrance and if that’s a camera in there…” she shrugs.

“Right,” Vegas nods. “Then we have a little walk ahead of us. Unless there’s any objections, that is.”

(OOC: Assuming no objections&hellip

Sloshing through the rain, the group of edgers proceed in the direction Fixer and Casino had originally gone. The hour of the day has reduced human traffic a little, but not much, and street traffic (both on the ground and overhead) is barely impacted. Their new course, however, is unobstructed and they soon find themselves standing in front of the alley entrance.

Vegas holds the team up with an outstretched hand while he assesses the path ahead but seeing nothing alarming he abruptly decides to continue. A couple of minutes later and they are standing just outside of the opening to the alcove beneath the fire escape some three body-lengths overhead.

“What do you think?” the crooner poses to his companions while staring into the misty rain at the metal platform above them. “Looks like it could go all the way to the eighth floor…”

“The ladder is on the side over the—” Blossom waves her dainty hand towards the bow in the face of the building’s wall wherein sits the door. “—place where the door is. How’re we going to get up there?”

Fishing his agent from his pocket, Vegas intends to reach out to Ghlahn and see how he and Bloodbank are doing. The sniper can’t see down the alley and the solo feels that he should let the pair know where they are in case he wants to relocate. Just as he’s remembering that they still haven’t really shared their agent numbers with each other, he catches sight of the message icon. While keeping one ear open to the discussion concerning gaining access to the platform, he mentally commands the message open and reads through the contents.

“Sh**!” he hisses into the toxic air.

“What?” Blossom reacts with a startled tone.

“Cred Stick Charlie sent a message some time ago and I’m barely seeing it now. Got one from Starlight too. Looks like we may have another team to deal with. Santa thinks we’re moving a bit slow. Dammit!” Looking up to peer upon his companions, the solo continues with the bad news. “Starlight’s message confirms Charlie’s. She’s also pushing that Charlie is on our team and we’re to make good with him. Cred Stick Charlie says he’s procuring vehicles for us and then will be linking up.”

“Ya,” Blossom adds quietly, “he made a request of me to research LEO’s and their schedule to our area just to be sure. Haven’t had time to handle that request yet, though.”

“Just what we need,” Vegas snarls. “Not like we weren’t already painfully aware of the clock we’ve got with the kidnapped kid, but now we’ve got to look over our shoulders for a clean-up crew?

“We’ve gotta wrap this, choombattas,” the well-dressed solo sweeps his eyes over his teammates. “Whatever reservations we’ve had about Charlie’s gotta go. Whatever hang-ups we’ve had about each other’s gotta go. We’ve got two objectives now: stay alive and find that kid before the cleanup crew finds us. That means we’ve gotta work together, keep our heads on a swivel, and be sharp. So, now’s the time to really step up our game. How’re we gonna get our asses up to that office?”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 02:21 AM PST)


Near the Parking Garage two blocks from the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 2:03 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“There ain’t no way we’re gonna let them bring that filth into our communities!”

“No way!” A cacophony of excited voices follow the declaration and the edgers find themselves being pressed into a crowd of rainswept citizens swilling about like water circling the drain.

Standing atop some article that places him head and shoulders above the crowd is a man of caucasian coloring with a shaved head that’s tattooed with various symbols reminiscent of the Nazi movement. Clenched fist held high over his shiny head, optic splices lit up, he sweeps his hand over the crowd and bellows, “We have a right to sleep well, secure in our freedom to defend America!”


“They can’t take that from us!”

“Down with those towel-headed b*****s!”

“Get ‘em out!”

“Are you gonna let them sit up there to plot their next attack?”

“Hell no!”

“Burn ‘em!”

“We’ll stop ‘em!”

Surging bodies push into the pair of edgerunners, jostling against Bloodbank and Ghlahn without caution. Yelling their anger with energy the crowd quickly enfolds the pair into their midst moving them back the direction they had come.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 02:19 AM PST)


Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 12:05 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Waiting for the AV to arrive, Luther kills time by producing his agent once more and going about his work maintaining his business. A countdown display in the peripheral of his left optic keeps him notified of the taxi’s time of arrival. With about a minute remaining until his ride appears, his agent’s call notification lights up… the contact information running in front of his right eye belongs to Starlight.

“Charlie here, what’s up Boss Lady?”

“What’s the 411?” his boss sounds tired but alert.

“Your team is on their way to check out the last known position of the kid and I offered a few things but most of them didn’t want anything to do with my offers, so I sent them on their way. I’ll check in on them after picking up some transportation for them just in case they get lucky, let alone some sleep. The whole thing is a cluster muck. I can’t send feelers out because it’s either going to take too much money or will take weeks to get some information.”

“You’re not with them?” Starlight sounds a little surprised. “You trust that they’ll get this job done without any further mishaps needing your oversight?”

“They don’t need nor want a babysitter, Starlight,” Luther states defensively, picking up on his superior’s sudden change in tone. “I can’t do much overseeing unless they are willing to work with me, Ms Starlight. You left a big vacuum hole after leaving but your boots on the grounds man is doing the best that he can. I have been told by several members of your team that ‘I’m doing too much’ (Blackfolk slang) as they have grown a conscience while edgerunning. To me, they are not combat effective and don’t recognize my role within the team’s food chain. I have offered to assist them with UAV support but when I attempt to establish—”

“Listen, Charlie,” the tiny fixer remarks dryly, interrupting his posturing. “I think Santa may be bringing on another team. It’s been two—going on three—days since the contract was inked and Santa is growing impatient. I want you on-site helping to see this thing through. Understand?”

“Wait…” Cred Stick Charlie balks. “You’re not really adding me to this group, right? I mean, I thought that you wanted someone to replace you temporary ‘til you healed up and—Yeah, I understand the brevity of this… so, how many hours before Santa’s elves come to gift wrap us and place us under the Christmas tree?”

“I don’t know, Charlie,” Starlight answers. “They could already be onto the team, they could be hours off. Doesn’t matter. We finish the contract. So, ya, you’re in Ace Kool with these people until the end.

“Look, here’s the four-one-one,” she continues hurriedly. “I didn’t just select these schmucks at random, Charlie. Spring Heel Jack has given me leave to expand. I need a team to build on our rep. This could be a long-term relationship, savvy? We just need to get everyone working together and I’m relying on you to make that happen. All boats float when the waters rise… see?”

“Fine…” the well-dressed street dealer concedes, “I’ll convince them and if you would be so kind as to send out a group message that everyone’s butt is on the line I’ll get more active with the group as a whole. I’m picking up one vehicle and I’ll hold and operate the vehicle for them, ‘til someone out of that group understands what is at stake besides their lives.

“Starlight, I’m not trying to mess up your street cred or reputation. I’ll do whatever it takes to finish the contract and get the train back on the rails.”

“Good. Now, this business with the Chinese—Ya, I know about it—Jack doesn’t like it,” Starlight is referring to her superior in the organization, Springed-Heel Jack. “He says you’re cutting in on the Tong’s dance partner and they’re likely gonna strike back. How deep are you into this? Can you get out?”

“I needed some resources,” Luther starts to explain, “but your group didn’t want to play ball so I went off the reservation for a bit and I have only just one contact in the corps for resources. Can I ask for a sit down before going toe to toe with the dance partner? I’m not trying to start a Tong war or even a little conflict, I’m just trying to make deals, make profit, and not end up sleeping on the ground like your group.

“As for how deep… ‘get in where you fit in’ (Blackfolk slang) as us Asian folk say. I quickly made a ‘niche’ for myself already because the yoke was already taut and I saw opportunity to open a door with those that are willing to bargain with me.

“As for investments… I’m getting my vehicle fixed and a gal that is a good resource for me as a secretary. I got the better end of the stick and am willing to fight for this one, but if Jack says that I must cut things off then I’ll cut my losses and find a deal… if possible.

“So in short… I could get out of it but I’m willing to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight for these people, if you don’t mind, Starlight. I’ll roll the dice, move my mice, and take some lumps but I think that these people—in the long run—would be good assets and I would like to keep them… please, let me try to work this out.”

“I know you’re churnin’ butter, choomba, but the Tong? C’mon, man,” Starlight contends.

“I’m willing to deal with the Tong rep if you think that Jack is willing to give me time to clean up a mess. Do you think that Spring Hill Jack will give me a shot at this title?” Luther counters. “Hey, I’m willing to do a sit down and work things out before they are broken, all that I’m asking for is some time to sit down with Jack’s permission to clean up this mess and to make a few deal along the way.”

“The quick answer is a simple, no, Charlie,” Starlight responds flatly. “But, I’ll talk with Jack again and see if I can’t persuade him. It’s the frackin’ Tong, Charlie, the frackin’ Tong. This is some high-level sh** so I can’t guarantee anything, you understand?”

“Well,” Charlie presses. “I want to try to cut a deal and trade not giri necessarily, but ‘action’ in the area that I’m working. No percentages, but flat fees, monthly, and I think with what I might be able to offer them, they might want to hear. I don’t have ‘juice’ but I feel that the dynamic for the economy could be changed mutually to the benefit for all, if given the chance to layout my business plan, just sayin…”

“Ya,” Starlight acknowledges. “I feel ya. Look, focus on this gig, keep our interests moving forward, and help keep these edgers alive. I’ll see what I can do for you in regards to this Tong mess. No promises, but we’ll see. Good-bye, Charlie. I’m countin’ on you.”

The click on the other line indicates Starlight is through with the conversation leaving the fixer to immediately act on his new instructions. Mentally calling up his messaging service, Charlie finds Vegas’ contact information and adds him to the message.

Contris: Open

Tag: Open


Msg Team Ldr (Vegas) All of our butts are on the line and a clean up team might be coming to all of us if results are not satisfactory to “Santa Clause.” No chance of using an “Escape Clause” due to Elf hirelings that are very effective in wrapping up “gifts.” I’ll be on scene after acquiring transportation to assist with air assets and egress. Starlight wants me in a more active role in this “procurement” so, I looking forward to working more closely together with you on this assignment.

By direction of Ms Starlight,

Mr Charlie

Pulling up the remaining time until his AV-4 taxi arrives, Charlie considers changing the vector of the AV-4 and possibly be dropped off to deliver the shoes and then make the “time hack” for the fuel point to acquire transportation assets. He is growing more and more tired, though.

Returning to his messaging, the fixer pulls up Blossom’s contact and begins constructing a message for her.

Blossom, Charlie—Can you query the response time of LEOs to your area so that I can make preplans for egress if the the balloon goes up, please.

Changing his message recipient again, Charlie sets up instructions for Hui to make calls:

  • Yo Suk-Chul, follow-up for some shoes (Passports) so that Charlie can make a stop to drop them off before going to the SF fuel point.
  • Fixer Tomás Japón to assist with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery.
  • Fixer Flore "Feathers" Messier to assist with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
  • Rocker "Kelsey Dawn" to sign for a “Gig” for the battle of the bands at a venue.
  • Message “Fluke” three minutes out before landing

And sends them to her. Having accomplished that, the fixer turns his attention to some searches in order to further his business. He’s holding out hope that Starlight can come through for him with Spring Heel Jack—a mysterious man he’s only met once way back when Charlie joined his organization under Starlight—with the Tong, but in the meantime, he has an already approved business he might be able to automate with an identity printer.

Shielding his agent screen from the misting rain, he mentally activates the search feature and types in his search keywords. First, the regular Web, and then if he doesn’t return anything useful, he’ll dive the Dark Web. As the results come flooding back onto his screen, Charlie finds himself staring at price points of 4,000 cr or more.

A couple of minutes later and the air overhead becomes turbulent as the AV-4 slips into position before descending to the street level. The side door slides open and the comfortable passenger bench seat is presented. Unlike AV-4 evac service vehicles, taxi AV’s have the cabin completely closed off to the passengers with bulletproof lining the likes of which can take a .50 caliber round and probably still be sitting pretty. Climbing into the belly of the boxy beast, Charlie checks his agent for a reply from his new secretary.

“Where to?” the pilot asks over the interior comms system as the side door slides shut and the sounds of the city are neatly barricaded outside.

Your friend, Yo Suk-Chuk, does not answer. Hui’s message is front and center on the screen having been prioritized by the AI in the device once Charlie’s thoughts turned to Hui’s instructions again. Maybe because it is after midnight? I’ll try the others. When will you be home?

“Hey!” the AV pilot calls through again. “It’s your dime, buddy. You wanna sit here while the meter is running, I won’t complain none.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 12:10 AM PST)

Posted on 2018-08-08 at 02:37:19.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

   Ghalan was not nervous for he did not get nervous but he was annoyed.  The crowd aggitaed and on teh verge of boiling over into violence and that was not good.  Violence brought security and security asked questions and made breakins very difficult.  More and more people jostled him as they pushed towards the extremisits on the platform.  "Doesn't look like we are gona find an overwatch spot with all this going on.  Better warn the others."  Aftermaking his way to the edge of the crowd he pulled his radio.  "Situation has changed.  Huge angry crowd here likely to attract security in teh next 15 minutes at most.  Either be quick or abort.  We cannot cover you."

Posted on 2018-08-12 at 13:44:36.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

On the lookout

As the group moved down the alley Fixer got a better look at the security on this side of the building - he kept a close eye out for anything useful.  He also took a closer look a the supposed camera in the doorway, keeping out of range of its vision if possible.  He expected to see a standard security camera.  But it didn't really matter, a camera was a camera.  

He listened as the the others discussed what to do now and the potential for a new team.  Crap.  They didn't need that.  What they needed was to get in this damn building.  "Ok, yeah, we are all in this thing.  Linking it to the maid service is a big step, but we have to get in this place and quickly.  If Charlie has vehicles coming that is great, but it is great once we are done here, not before.  For now we need up on that fire escape.  Anybody have a ladder in their pockets?  Something else?"

Posted on 2018-08-13 at 00:46:55.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 10/0
183 Posts

With a sudden burst of sentience...

Bloodbank was uneasy. It was a feeling he was all too used to, one that he was very skilled at suppressing, but it was still there. The feeling didn't surprise him either, what with the activities that he and the others were up to this evening. He'd still rather have been with the group breaking into the building, however. It was much more likely that they'd need him more than Glahn would, but he had held his tongue when Glahn had told him to come along. That had suprised him, the Medtech did not imagine he would be of much assistance to Glahn keeping an eye out, but at the very least he would be a second set of eyes. Hopefully they'd be able to provide enough of a warning if things went sideways out here that those entering inside would be able to escape unharmed.

"After all, it's always easier to try and keep people from injuries than treating them after," he mused to himself as he followed Glahn through the rain. He wasn't exactly sure where the rifle clad man was taking him, but he trusted him enough to know his job and find somewhere adequate. 

“There ain’t no way we’re gonna let them bring that filth into our communities!”

The angry shouting jerked Bloodbank from his thoughts. Lifting his eyes from the rainsoaked ground and the boots of Glahn in front of him, he focused on the source of the yelling. Directly in front of the two Edgerunners was a large, practically rabid crowd all surrounding a man who was animately shaking his fists in violent gestures. He head was shaved bald, with many rather offensive tattoos covering it.  

“No way!”  The crowd screamed back, almost foaming at the mouth with their anger and hate.

Bloodbank grimaced. The people disgusted him, and his first instinct was to step through the crowd and bring this... this ringleader some hurt. Indeed, he had taken several steps, moving past Glahn before he was able to rein in his impulse and truly think about what that would entail. Likely getting torn to shreds by the mob of people. "In fact," he realized silently as the gathering began to get more heated, "soon enough this lot is likely going to get pretty violent anyway." 

With clenched fist held high over his shiny head, optic splices lit up, the bald man swept his hand over the crowd and bellowed, “We have a right to sleep well, secure in our freedom to defend America!”


“They can’t take that from us!”

“Down with those towel-headed b*****s!”

“Get ‘em out!”

“Are you gonna let them sit up there to plot their next attack?”

“Hell no!”

“Burn ‘em!”

“We’ll stop ‘em!”

 With a dark frown adorned on his face Bloodbank turned back to Glahn, just as he said, "Doesn't look like we are gona find an overwatch spot with all this going on.  Better warn the others." 

Another quick glance over his shoulder to the frothing mob dispelled any last shreds of doubt from Bloodbanks mind. "That's probably best." he agreed. It was only going to take a small push over the edge for this group to get really dangerous, and that would bring police and security swooping down on them faster then a... Well, faster then something really fast.

Bloodbank followed Glahn out of the roiling crowd, regretting his inability to do anything to quell them. For now, he had to focus on doing what he could; warning the group inside that there might be unwelcome company joining them shortly. Glahn beat him to it, though, for they had just barely cleared the angry throng of people when he pulled out his radio and stated, "Situation has changed.  Huge angry crowd here likely to attract security in teh next 15 minutes at most.  Either be quick or abort.  We cannot cover you."

Bloodbank nodded to himself. He'd rather abort now and wait to see if the crowd would disperse or at least wait until after the security came and went. But who knew how long that would take, and there was a boy missing. Every hour wasted was another hour that the poor boy could be moved further away, or hurt if it was really that bad. Bloodbank ground his teeth, they needed to go faster. 

Putting the radio up to his mouth and pressing the button Bloodbank said flatly, "Bloodbank here, I'm coming to you guys. If you're in before I arrive I'll wait a little ways outside. I've got a bad feeling that you all may need me more than Glahn will." Stuffing the radio into his pocket, he asked Glahn, "Are you coming with, or do you intend to wait them out over here?"

(OOC: Glahn's response, if any)

With that, Bloodbank turned and started a brisk walk towards the Upstairs Downstairs building. 

Posted on 2018-08-13 at 11:13:29.
Edited on 2018-08-13 at 11:18:58 by Giddy

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Avoiding the Christmas rush

Avoiding the Christmas rush…..
Contris: Open
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**Charlie points to his ears and shake his head no to give the driver a chance to perhaps to switch comms or what not
Have Hui make calls for Mr. Charlie (in the morning) to:
xxx, for some “shoes ( Passports) so that Charlie can make a stop
Fixer one to assit with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
Fixer two to assit with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
Rocker to sign for a “Gig” for the battle of the bands at a venue (Good roll from prior r20 log)
“Recall these in the morning, I meant.. I Apologize but great that you did try to reach them at this current hour Hui…”
Charile will Msg “Fluke” three minutes out before landing
Use his human emotion skills vs Cabbie to “feel” him out and use interview if the conversation is persistent.
Look into his option of identity printer
Study Chinese culture: looking for anything that might help with TONG negotiations, a ritual, proverbs…. Anything that would help this foriegner keep his deal without ruffling feathers.

Edgerunner Enclave | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 11:36 P.M. PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Go to SF gas area!….

Changing his message recipient again, Charlie sets up instructions for Hui to make calls (in the morning):
Yo Suk-Chul, follow-up for some shoes (Passports) so that Charlie can make a stop to drop them off before going to the SF fuel point.
Fixer Tomás Japón to assist with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery.
Fixer Flore "Feathers" Messier to assist with picking up a vehicle or pick up “shoes” for delivery
Rocker "Kelsey Dawn" to sign for a “Gig” for the battle of the bands at a venue.
Message “Fluke” three minutes out before landing
And sends them to her. Having accomplished that, the fixer turns his attention to some searches in order to further his business. He’s holding out hope that Starlight can come through for him with Spring Heel Jack—a mysterious man he’s only met once way back when Charlie joined his organization under Starlight—with the Tong, but in the meantime, he has an already approved business he might be able to automate with an identity printer.
Charile reflects on this of a brief moment and revisit it later.
Shielding his agent screen from the misting rain, he mentally activates the search feature and types in his search keywords. First, the regular Web, and then if he doesn’t return anything useful, he’ll dive the Dark Web. As the results come flooding back onto his screen, Charlie finds himself staring at price points of 4,000 cr or more.
“4 racks, damn….” Charile mutters to himself and continues to seek one that would be able to assist with “shoes” (passports) as well as credit sticks (spoofing), what is the mod for such a device?. +xx?ish
A couple of minutes later and the air overhead becomes turbulent as the AV-4 slips into position before descending to the street level. The side door slides open and the comfortable passenger bench seat is presented. Unlike AV-4 evac service vehicles, taxi AV’s have the cabin completely closed off to the passengers with bulletproof lining the likes of which can take a .50 caliber round and probably still be sitting pretty. Climbing into the belly of the boxy beast, Charlie checks his agent for a reply from his new secretary.
“Where to?” the pilot asks over the interior comms system as the side door slides shut and the sounds of the city are neatly barricaded outside.
Your friend, Yo Suk-Chuk, does not answer. Hui’s message is front and center on the screen having been prioritized by the AI in the device once Charlie’s thoughts turned to Hui’s instructions again. Maybe because it is after midnight? I’ll try the others. When will you be home?
“Hey!” the AV pilot calls through again. “It’s your dime, buddy. You wanna sit here while the meter is running, I won’t complain none.”
Dust off AV and make a bee line for sf fuel point…..
*rolls human perception
(Int 09 )+Human Perception 01 + xx vs 15+ (AVG) got a 19

*rolls interview
Btw… you have any combat experience in this thing or are you just regular driver that like to do his fare and nothing else?
Rolls 14 (one less than needed for an avg task)
Persuasion & Fast Talk (Cool) - fail

*rubbing his credit stick (if the interview goes bad, use this as a “mod” to swing it back on track)
Below shouldn’t be needed with the two failed rolls

If human interaction is good then, Charile will attempt to open some dialog and see what the rates are to fly into a “HOT LZ”
asking while looking at the commo device…. “Can you hear me… looks like you might be having some commo issues, can you recheck it?.
Charlie points to his ears and shake his head no to give a drive a chance to perhaps to switch coms or what not
** Studies Chinese culture for the length of the ride to SF fuel point
(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 12:10 AM PST)

Posted on 2018-08-13 at 17:37:20.


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