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Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Hey Ho,...... How About T_O..........

How about Turned_Out, he was writing in YeOlde's Demon Wind and seem to like the adventure writing. I've seem him in chat a bit too.

Posted on 2011-09-27 at 23:36:21.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

this weekend

will be updating the thread. Work has returned to normal madness levels and it looks like I won't have to work this weekend.

Posted on 2011-09-30 at 10:29:16.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

a day or two

I am going to wait a day or two to see who is interested in getting involved. If I get someone who can join quick, it will change to way I post the next bit.

Posted on 2011-10-03 at 00:40:45.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


Well it seems my character has been approved. I hope to join you on the GM's next post. I hope my character meets with your approval.

Posted on 2011-10-04 at 10:48:57.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Not dead yet

Sorry for the delay in getting info out and posting. Work has become busy again. However, Tomorrow is only a half day for me so I should be able to take some time for myself.

Posted on 2011-10-06 at 16:38:56.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Welcome RP Noob

Welcome to the game, I'm looking forward to your posts. I learn from others. Can wait to see how Alacrity brings you in.

Posted on 2011-10-06 at 17:00:19.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


Thanks and call me RPN please!

I cant wait either, I have an idea how it will happen but we will wait and see; or GM could surprise us.

Posted on 2011-10-07 at 10:44:00.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

You are up and on the chart

RPN - don't post to far into story. Things will be happening.

You know I can't bring myself to take YeOlde off the player list. sigh.

Posted on 2011-10-07 at 21:05:14.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Its hard

I know what you mean just do what I did and think of it not as removing Jake Myers but as a character he played.
YeOlde was just an Avatar he used at the Inn and not the real Jake Myers.

The real one will be with us in some way forever...........

(Though ya may wanna remove Vanadia as I see ya finally removed Eol )

Posted on 2011-10-07 at 21:12:39.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


Alright, I will get working on the info you requested in your PM Alacrity. I should have something for you soon.

Posted on 2011-10-07 at 21:59:11.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts

PM sent

Alacrity I sent you a PM, let me know what you think.

Now to get working on a post.

Posted on 2011-10-08 at 00:03:52.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


We have a Bomber!!!! Ok then we gonna have some fun now!!

RPN, ready or not here we come, .

Posted on 2011-10-08 at 15:21:46.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


Soon as I join you guys that is. At the moment you see to have some old troubles returned. Might want to deal with that first.

Good luck!

Posted on 2011-10-08 at 16:07:07.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Got the Ick.......

I've come down with something, I'll get a post up this week, but not tonight.

Posted on 2011-10-10 at 01:49:38.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

not thr only one

Apparently you can be contagious through the net, 'cause I got the ick too.

Posted on 2011-10-10 at 10:17:49.


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