Tripwire Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 89 Posts
Off this weekend
So a lot of stuff should get done here if we can get everyone posting. Look for my next post Friday daytime. EST.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 11:27:05.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Sounds great ...
..... Tripwire!
You are doing a great job coordinating this effort and I certainly hope we can make some greater progress in this adventure in the next few days!
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 12:08:08.
Darque Veteran Visitor Karma: 4/1 121 Posts
Healing and Herbalism
I have both proficeincies, but I'm also the lone healer of the group. Not sure what the mages have in their little bag of tricks. Once we get settled in the inns after all the exploring is done, we should come up with a few contingency healing plans as Shadowdragon suggested.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 12:21:46.
ShadowDragon Veteran Visitor Karma: 3/2 173 Posts
helping hand
well the only thing i,ve got that might help is the armor spell. anybody not wearing armor i can cast it on and give them a base AC of 6 plus whatever dexterity bonus. it doesn't absorb damage but lasts till 9 points are taken. i'll have to check with Trip, but i think i can cast it on anyone.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 13:14:02.
Nomad D2 RDI Fixture Karma: 55/6 3141 Posts
I'm not sure that an armor spell is a good use of the mage's limited spell casting abilities - although I' m not quite sure how Trip is handling spells. Lets just keep the unarmored folks out of the direct line of fire whenever possible.
We can also check and see if any healing potions are available for purchase - and at what cost? That is a question that Oriel could ask the mayor. I don't think it is out-of-line to pull this cross-group discussion into that thread. If he had known going in that we were short on clerics, Oriel would be keenly aware of the need for healing. Whoever goes to the temple eventually could also check on that topic there as well.
How much do such potions typically go for?
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 14:55:27.
Wretch Occasional Visitor Karma: 2/0 48 Posts
Group 2
I am all for wandering over to the circle of trees and speaking to the hermit when we leave the inn.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 15:11:19.
ShadowDragon Veteran Visitor Karma: 3/2 173 Posts
armor spell
it works great for Severous, his AC went from 7 being unarmored to a 3 with his dex. is good for spellcasters and thieves. it's a fire and forget spell it doesn't have to be maintained. so if we hole up in the room for a day or so Severous could study hard and cast it on a couple of people. You don't have to be healed if you don't get hit!!
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 15:59:53.
Nomad D2 RDI Fixture Karma: 55/6 3141 Posts
How many spells can a spellcaster cast in one day? Trip said he wasn't following the normal pattern, so I'm not sure what the rules are. Spellcasters don't need to share this information, but if others are going to make suggestions on what spells would be useful at a certain time we would need to know what spells are available and how many you can cast. For example, armor is very useful, but perhaps not a wise use of your last spell of the day. Maybe.
Even just the broad outlines would help me understand the abilities of those in the group.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 19:45:10.
DeGotti Veteran Visitor Karma: 2/0 115 Posts
Armor Spell
I think at this level any time we can get any added protection it's a good thing. If I can absorb an extra 9 HP's of damage I go from 5 to 14 HP's.
I plan on doing herbalism since I also plan on becoming an assassin. But since I lack 1 point of str I need to wait.
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 20:42:17.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Trip this is a one time announcement only ...
..... because it is a new adventure from version 2 with a level 8-10 by a first time DM who is active in some other game threads here!
In case anyone is interested and only because this is version 2 and not 3+ and I promise not to advertise any other games at the RDInn in our Orlane Q&A thread after this one!
The Return Of The Prodigal Son Recruitment
Posted on 2008-04-10 at 22:09:51.
ShadowDragon Veteran Visitor Karma: 3/2 173 Posts
armor spell
it does NOT absorb damage it just lasts untill 9 points of damage have been taken? uou still take those nine points. it just gives you a better armor class til then.
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 01:48:16.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Paladin has the ability to ...
..... lay hands for healing to restore +2 per day for either himself or someone else!
Posted on 2008-04-11 at 21:15:18.
Wretch Occasional Visitor Karma: 2/0 48 Posts
What are we doing?
Now that the groups are all set again what are we doing? I guess group 1 is talking to the mayor still. As for group 2 any ideas? Need input please.
Posted on 2008-04-12 at 00:11:58.
Tripwire Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 89 Posts
I will be posting soon, working on it now.
Posted on 2008-04-12 at 00:52:32.
JGWellington Occasional Visitor Karma: 1/0 38 Posts
Group 2
I thought we were going to go over to the wooded area and meet the strange man.
Posted on 2008-04-12 at 02:19:18.