Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Awww, poor Accalia
*applies Band-Aid + Neosporin* Hope that's better.
Do we also need Iodine and Mercurochrome (Google it, young'uns)? No? Good! Mercurochrome is the veritable blood of Graz'zt Demon Prince and IT BURRNNSS USSS! Tricksy Nana puts the evil demon blood on our cutses and scrapses and makes us cry!
Yes, Grugg, it helps tremendously to know the reasons behind Smites and Applauds. I can't emphasize that enough (mainly because I have no skills in HTML formatting). Show us lowly ones the path to Salvation or Damnation, O Hungry One!
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 14:52:26.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Is there Kids Menu......
Need to set up class for Rivenslayer and Accalia, get them up to speed. I guess they are both of the same Gen and require the skill guidance of a watchful Inn Mate such as thou oh Gracious Pit F(r)iend. They grow up so quickly.
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 16:50:36.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Class what class?
What class would this be?
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 17:20:27.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Of course....
An INN-doctrination class of coures!!!!
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 17:30:59.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Inn Doctornation?
Will my health care plan cover that?
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 18:22:20.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Health Plans and other Voodoo
Only if such Inn-doctrination is for the purposes of overcoming substance abuse issues."
"Help, I'm addicted to Red Dragon Inn!"
"Sorry--not covered."
Posted on 2010-07-14 at 18:30:23.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Limited Coverage...
The plan is only for PLAYER AID'S. Maybe used for Skill Checks and Flat Feats (Those that don't work well.)
Posted on 2010-07-15 at 14:26:05.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Flat feet?
I have flat feet! I think I am going to buy some of thos Vibram Fivefinger shoes to fix my arch. Plus I hear it is the best to wear for something like squats and deadlifts! Grrrr.
Posted on 2010-07-15 at 15:15:09.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Well when I get the Squats I don't worry about my feet!
Posted on 2010-07-15 at 16:55:43.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Does a Werebear < > in the woods?
I am "arch-challenged" myself, QS. Wore orthotics from first grade through junior high, then I just quit using them. The new Dr. Scholl's supports--the ones you see advertised along with the whiz-bang symptom analyzer machine--go for $50. If you go that route, make sure you test yourself more than once. It's awful tricky, and the whole process has about five different steps.
Posted on 2010-07-15 at 17:29:50.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Me be Smart.....
Orthotics? I thought that was the study of Boat Rowing?
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 16:36:41.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
The genius of it all...
The genius thing about the Vibram Fivefingers is that because it keeps every toe independent from each other and it is flat it rebuilds the arch without arch support.
Basically your muscles start working again because the toes are separate. Sheer genius! Who's up for it? Huh?
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 18:14:13.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Vibram Fivefingers ?
Now wasn't he a pickpocket on 77 Sunset Strip?
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 19:39:09.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Only in Dresdenverse...
I think you may be correct, but only in game. I don't think he ever did, or ever will actually exist.
But you never know. People are always telling me that thought creates things. So if you think hard enough?
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 20:30:07.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 20:40:48.