JGWellington Occasional Visitor Karma: 1/0 38 Posts
Group 2
I'm on board with the plan with Stings finding out what he can from the child, securing rooms for everyone while he's doing that, then go to the trees and find the old man. From there we can head toward the temple to see what is up. Of course that is if we have enough time in the day.
Posted on 2008-04-13 at 16:02:29.
Nomad D2 RDI Fixture Karma: 55/6 3141 Posts
Poling time
I thought I had already posted this, but I guess not.
Wanting to go to the old inn:
3 - D. Stalker, Gunther, and Oriel
Wanting food and a rendevous with the others:
2 - Sentinel and Fandil (?)
I think that leaves us one vote short of a decision. Personally I think we can check out the old inn quickly - then still make it back to the inn in time for dinner and night scouting.
Posted on 2008-04-13 at 19:43:50.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Well ...
..... just reach a decision and Gunther will post a role play at An Evil in Orlane once Oriel has posted his role play over there!
Unless Deathstalker posts his role play before Oriel does!
There is currently No In Character reason for Gunther to take the lead at the present time!
Posted on 2008-04-13 at 19:51:51.
Consortium Resident Karma: 3/4 202 Posts
sentinel and fandiil check in
we concur - let's check out the old inn and get going before us little guys starve for good food and drink
Posted on 2008-04-13 at 20:40:52.
Nomad D2 RDI Fixture Karma: 55/6 3141 Posts
Ok - I'll post on the other thread.
1. We politely leave the mayors
2. We go check out the old inn
3. We don't intend to stay forever - will later go to the other inn to meet the others. But that might not be posted right away. I suspect we need to hear about what we find at the inn first.
Posted on 2008-04-13 at 23:58:03.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Hopefully ...
..... I will be able to add a role play post at An Evil in Orlane tonight after I return from the ice hockey league!
Posted on 2008-04-14 at 07:14:00.
Darque Veteran Visitor Karma: 4/1 121 Posts
I'll wait for Stings
I'll wait for Stings to make a post on the Orlane thread before I make a post about us moving on. I will however make a post about securing lodgings and food for the evening with the innkeeper.
If I'm understanding the group correctly, we will wait for Stings to approach the young man and glean any information he can from him. Then we will head to the grove of elms and look for this mysterious hermit. Then, if time allows, we will head to the temple.
Since we have not heard from the other group, I'm going to make sleeping arrangements for everyone here at this inn. If the other group decides they want to stay at the other inn in town, I'll just take up the monies owed with the innkeep.
Posted on 2008-04-14 at 12:28:29.
Edited on 2008-04-14 at 12:58:52 by Darque
DeGotti Veteran Visitor Karma: 2/0 115 Posts
Post is made...
I made my post in the Orlane thread. Just waiting to see what the boy does/says.
Posted on 2008-04-14 at 18:56:17.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Moments of Reflection ...
..... has been posted at An Evil in Orlane and Gunther will await with interest what the DM will scribe as this adventure progresses!
Posted on 2008-04-14 at 20:42:38.
Tripwire Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 89 Posts
Wed poss tue.
I will be on it probably wed. Late work Mon and Tue's. I will try Tue night but its not a given.
Posted on 2008-04-15 at 03:46:52.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
No Problem Trip ...
..... just get to it when you can!
Posted on 2008-04-15 at 05:23:57.
JGWellington Occasional Visitor Karma: 1/0 38 Posts
I'll keep an eye on you and the boy and put it as odd how you got up and walked over there and then anticipate something happening as the boy turns around. Not sure if there are others in the inn that are watching the boy; for whatever reason.
Posted in there and bristled for any attack toward Stings, but will not attack an advancer unless Stings is attacked. Sorry, but I can't just attack without knowing it's in defense of a mate in the game. Hopefully I notice a weapon if an attack is made, or else I'll probably see you fall and not know for sure what is going on.
Posted on 2008-04-16 at 01:17:15.
Edited on 2008-04-16 at 05:04:23 by JGWellington
The Ancient One Occasional Visitor Karma: 2/0 38 Posts
Group 1 Marching Order
Is there a marching order for Group 1?
Deathstalker would naturally walk upfront.
Posted on 2008-04-16 at 04:28:05.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Group 1 Marching Order clarification ...
..... should be answered by Oriel since he took the lead at Mayor Ormond's house!
Posted on 2008-04-16 at 07:06:24.
Consortium Resident Karma: 3/4 202 Posts
Sentinel The Small
says, he, for one, does not plan to walk in front of Deathstalker!
Posted on 2008-04-16 at 14:25:59.