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Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

The Adventures of Bucky Reubon's Eye

A downbeaten play-write has decided to make his next disaster be about the legendary adventurer, Bucky Reubon. However, there are no accurate accounts of his exploits anywhere available, or at least not to the play-write's satisfaction. He has gathered everything he needs for a ritual that will reveal everything Bucky Reubon ever saw, but there is something missing. In order to fully perform the ritual, the play-write needs Bucky Reubon's eye. Either one will do.

That's where the adventurers come in. The play-write hires them to enter Bucky's tomb, pass through the horribly complicated traps, and steal his eye.

What the play-write doesn't know is that the ritual has no audio without Bucky's ear.
The play-write is infamous for making horrible plays, and there are many who won't like him ruining the legend of Bucky Reubon. If the news spread that the adventurers are going after Bucky's eye, the adventurers will be facing the occasional harassment from commoners of the nearby area.

Posted on 2009-05-23 at 00:43:50.

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Karma: 13/17
76 Posts

No title suggestion? I'll plug one in ...

The Demon of Brad-Jelly-Na

Brad of the Pit and Anne Jelly-Na Jolly had each earned their wealth and fame in vastly different ways, but each had purchased the title of Noble to go with their affluence and notoriety. They met by chance at the performance of a play and fell in love with each other.

So seldom were they seen apart that the pair began to be referred to by a single name: Brad-Jelly-Na. The two determined that they should adopt less-fortunate children and provide for them, giving them bhe benefit of their life's experiences, and so created their own private orphanage.

Who could have known that one of their adopted waifs was actually a demon in disguise. Once under the "care" of Brad-Jelly-Na, the evil being began it's reign of terro, corrupting and converting the children -- it's erstwhile "siblings" -- to it's own evil cause, despite the teachings and efforts of Brad=Jelly-Na.

Can you find the identity of the demon-in-child's-clothing? Cay you restore peace and balance to the family of Brad-Jelly-Na?

The riddle of Ab-rak Al-bomama

Posted on 2009-05-23 at 06:20:05.
Edited on 2009-05-23 at 17:38:26 by Kilmorrigan

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts

The Riddle


It's just a word.

But not in the mouth of Ab-rak Al-bomama. The head paladin of the U-stated Knights is preaching his message all over the land, and people are falling under his spell. He thinks he's using his growing power for the good of men, but is he really?

Behind the campaign lies a dark riddle, woven by the ancient sorcere George UU Shrubbery, but it's intricate and will take the most hopeless adventurers to solve it.

Next adventure: A Hill Giant's Moshpit

Posted on 2011-09-17 at 11:56:52.

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