We have, tentatively, a new player joining the ranks in the near future.
Try not to shoot him too quickly
Depending on what happens, split up or stay together or go in small groups, will determine both how Falas integrates if at all and what is to become of the rogue hacker gboy.
Now some game statistics:
A vital piece of information has been revealed to one player.
Also, believe it or not every single one of you has officially made contact with your secret society. Some of you even have secret missions from both Friend Computer and your secret societies. Some of you don't yet know what that mission is.
One of you has been assigned to kill someone. Correction: Two of you. Wouldn't it be ironic if they turned out to be the same person!!! Wouldn't it be even better if that person was a member of the troubleshooting party!
I'm not that cruel.
Two of you have already been chewed out by superiors. Both of you were spared execution.
Two of you are carrying secret packages. Only one of you knows it.
And no, it's not who you think it is. Quite the opposite.
One of you is carrying enough firepower to kill the entire party in a matter of seconds. Ok, two of you are - but only one knows it.
Not everyone knows what their mutation is. Not everyone is a mutant.
I love this game!