Raven Resident Finn RDI Staff Karma: 77/3 1131 Posts
Steal me axe?
Oh just let them try.
Sheet'n stuff sent to gmail.
Posted on 2010-04-09 at 11:42:29.
Edited on 2010-04-09 at 12:26:26 by Raven
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Game On!
All CS's have been recieved and ratified. I will send each of you your hero/fate points secretly. Remember spending these is the only way you can write the result of any action you take who's results are questionable (this will vary btwn/ characters). If u have any questions about when and how to spend them just ask.
Our character count is two heroes of the old world, one monster, and one halfbreed with a foot in either world. In order to balance things a bit I will play an NPC character who is a human slave. Here is his sheet.
Role(Protagonist or Hero): Protagonist
Name: 6235871000
Species: Human
Nation: None
Faction: None
Description: 6235871000 stares at everything with blank eyes, unfeeling, unseeing. The mindflayers destroyed what amounted to his consciousness long ago. Around his vacant eyes is a middle aged face, aged before its time. His body is taught and strong, bred for physical labor, but his skin is pale due to a lifetime spent underground.
Background: 6235871000 does not know his mother or his father, he only knows the Voice, the Voice of his Thrall Herd. The Voice was there during his earliest memories; it is still there now. In his early life, he was used as a construction slave. His cerebrum was imprinted with such knowledge of architecture as the thrall herds deemed useful and he spent his time building aqueducts to carry water through the Underdark. When the Ilithid discovered his mind had a great capacity to absorb technicalities they gave him more knowledge and set him to manage his fellow thralls, but there was always the Voice and he was never free. Only a slave giving orders to slaves.
Recently 6235871000's master earned a contract to build a new aquaduct for the city of Gleech intended to bring in water to quench the thirst of an ever expanding population.
Equipment: Stone Mason's tools. 623358700 needs no abbacus or other cognitive aid since his mind has been conditioned to literally build structures down to the measurement of every angle and the magnitude of every static force in his own brain.
Property: None
Abilities: 6235871000 is a human calculator able to add huge sums in his head in an instant. He also has a perfect visual imagination able to hold a detailed image in place permanently. The knowledge of much of the fields of physics, geometry, trigonometry, construction and architecture is implanted in his brain like instincts are in ours.
Motivation: 63236871000 has never known personal motivation. He knows only that he must obey the voice and that refusal means pain.
Posted on 2010-04-10 at 00:55:35.
Edited on 2010-04-10 at 02:21:58 by madscirat
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
New Players
If anyone wants to join at this point they must play as either a monster or a humanoid of the present world. I will take new additions after we have started IC but only up until 7.
Posted on 2010-04-10 at 02:25:23.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Current and New Players
I am changing the posting requirement from twice a week to once a week and the max from once a day to 3 times a week. I think this is more realistic considering the speed at which we have progressed so far.
Posted on 2010-04-10 at 02:28:17.
Raven Resident Finn RDI Staff Karma: 77/3 1131 Posts
Can't say it's a bad decision. During my 8 or so years at the inn, I've noticed that once a week is the best posting speed. It may and will feel slow at times especially when one is really excited about the game and anxious to move it forward. But like you already mentioned, there's always a possibility for an extra post or two should someone feel like it.
I can't wait to get the game running. This is a concept I've never tried before and I'm really looking forward to playing an epic hero. All I can say is that I'm sure the rest of you will appreciate the fact that Gortag Grimnirsson is not evil. I don't know how many of you read the adventures of Gotrek and Felix in the world of Warhammer RPG, but Gortag will be very much like Gotrek. I can't deny using him as an image of what my character would be like. If you'll google for Gotrek's picture and image him without the mohawk and add a few tattoos, you'll get the idea what Gortag looks like.
Posted on 2010-04-10 at 04:26:31.
Edited on 2010-04-10 at 10:07:21 by Raven
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
Most definitely looking forward this getting underway. I can't wait to see how the dwarf/faery dynamic works out!
Posted on 2010-04-10 at 23:20:00.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Alright its getting late and I haven't gotten as far as I would have liked. However I have written enough for those people playing characters from the present day to begin to post. I will put up what I have done in the IC and open it up for the Heroes of Old to post in my next entry.
Also I am sending out points now and will also be giving everyone a CL (character level). This will be used so that u dont have to ask me everytime whether you think you can post on something. For example the rule will be, in order to post the result of a contested action against an NPC, the NPC must be half your level or less. If there are multiple NPCs add one to the CL for each additional. In some cases I may also give static challenges like locks, obstacles, and traps CL. In these cases it will work the same way.
Example: Burglecut the halfling (CL 12) spies two orcs (CL4). Since (4+1)<(12/2), Burglecut's player can post both the action and result should the halfling choose to attack, pickpocket, etc.
Posted on 2010-04-12 at 03:48:25.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Okay the opening is finished and everyone should be able to post. The IC is in the free form/fantasy section
Posted on 2010-04-12 at 16:20:36.
Raven Resident Finn RDI Staff Karma: 77/3 1131 Posts
Hi there!
I've read through the opening post and liked it a lot. However the only thing I noticed about dwarves was a leg a trologdyte was enjoying. I really hope that wasn't Gortag.
So although I'd happily post, I don't exactly know where Gortag is and what's happening around him.
EDIT: Yeah, well naturally Gortag will be waking up inside the Temple, but would you like us to "create" the place or will you be giving some description to us?
Posted on 2010-04-13 at 05:15:58.
Edited on 2010-04-14 at 10:25:54 by Raven
crowe Veteran Visitor Karma: 17/4 197 Posts
Agreeing with Raven
In my character background I sent to you, I didn't really specify which city I'm in. But I'm guessing the plot takes place in the same city as your opening post. I didn't include any interaction with NPCs on my post as I didn't know if you had anything planned. And the NPC's I did make up are vague enough that details can be added if they are desired. Can't wait for this game to get started I'm excited to play.
Posted on 2010-04-13 at 21:00:29.
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
Fantastic opening, can't wait to get started. Not sure where to start Seluraiiel. Let me know. Thanks!
Posted on 2010-04-13 at 23:51:40.
crowe Veteran Visitor Karma: 17/4 197 Posts
Just re-read the Monster's Paradise Game Recruitment post at the beginning of this thread and saw that "If you are from the current era you will be starting in the Goblin City, Gleech in the northwest Manglamark." Sorry guess I missed that part upon first reading. Guess that answers my question from earlier.
I did have another question about Fate points. Do you want them stated in the game post or in a PM or somewhere else? For instance if I had a Horsemanship: 1 like the human knight from the old era would I use it like this:
They were after him. Perhaps killing their captain was not the brightest move, but it seemed the most efficient. Now the whole band of brigands was after him. He had a fast horse, but at least half a dozen of them had horses as well, and to top it off they were familiar with these woods. The sound of the river from up ahead was his only salvation. As an arrow whizzed by he made up his mind for good. As the underbrush cleared away, he leaped his horse (I spend one point in horsemanship) hopping that he would land on the other side. Clearing the river he turned to look at the outlaws stopped on the opposite bank, shaking their fists, and cursing him.
Posted on 2010-04-14 at 03:37:27.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Fitting in
Sorry I implied it but obviously not strongly enough. You are the statues which are currently unpetrifying in the scene. You are both awakening to find the temple destroyed (along with most of your comrads) and mind flayers violating its sanctity.
I never went into the specifics of how you were preserved and I figured a flesh-stone would be a natural way to go about it in a D&D world.
Posted on 2010-04-16 at 02:55:22.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Fate point question
Yep, thats exactly how you should do it. Fate points and hero points allow you to keep writing through an event or series of events whose consequence would normally be up to me. However, the point expenditures should entirely resolve the conflict. This might be just one action, like jumping a gorge, or it could be a series of action like a gambling match or a chase.
Posted on 2010-04-16 at 03:00:43.
madscirat Regular Visitor Karma: 3/0 62 Posts
Oh I just checked and noticed that half my post is missing, no wonder you all were wondering what to do. I must have copy pasted the wrong section or had some other brain fart. Oh well, I should have the rest of it up soon, sorry.
Posted on 2010-04-16 at 03:03:43.