One of the first thing about the setting I had thought of was the importance of the number
7. Here I intend to keep all the important stuff involving the number.
There are 7 primary Sins: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath.
There are 7 primary Virtues: Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Prudence, and Temperance.
There are 7 Saints in the Church of the Seven Saints, each linked to his own primary Virtue. As of yet, I have decided to call them Gawain (Justice or Fortitude), Faust (Faith), and Deidalus (Temperance or Prudence). Other names will follow.
There are 7 primary Elements: the classical Air, Earth, Fire and Water, but also Electricity, Frost and Metal. That last one might get changed into something else, but I don't know what yet.
There are 7 races in the setting. As of yet, we have the Mankind, the Elvenkind and the Dwarvenkind. I'm thinking of leaving a couple open for beta-testers and perhaps an online contest.
There are 7 Great Kingdoms in the setting. Already they are Anvil, Mistral, Merevik and Moonmeet. I found an almost complete map that I made some time ago, including all major towns and cities on it, so I decided to finally use it for something. The map can be found
here and the four cities already selected for the Great Kingdoms have been marked with red. The map is still a work in progress and I might change the style completely (I can still do that).
EDIT: I've added the Kingdoms of Methral (Dwarven) and Nithranis (Elven) to the 7 Great Kingdoms.
There are 7 planes of existance. One is the Mortal Realm/Plane. Another is the Infernal Plane, aka 9 Circles of Damnation. Third is Mortis Mundus, which is the ghostly reflection of the Mortal World. Fourth is the Realm of the Fae. Fifth is the Celestial Plane, aka the Heavenly Stairway. Sixth is still unknown, as is the Seventh.
These are the major examples of the number 7. It does not always pop up; there are 9 Circles of Damnation.