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RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


I sent a PM inquiring about what is required to join this game. I love the theme but dont know much about this type of gaming though I think I can post like what I have seen though perhaps not quite as grand as some.

Anxiously awaiting a reply from the Captain.

Posted on 2011-09-18 at 14:15:03.

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts

Ye scuttled tae t' right place!

Aye, t' capt'n will be along 'ere back intae port sometime t'day. He might 'ave 'ad tae scrape a few barn'cles off 'imself after last night, but he'll be showin up.

Happy t' have ye along, mate! Have ye givin' any thought tae wot kind a person ye'll be playin?

Posted on 2011-09-18 at 14:29:54.
Edited on 2011-09-18 at 14:52:06 by Celeste

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Steel Sharpens Steel

You should have no problem Noob if you are included in Eol's Epic because your posts will play off other posts!

Once you get into the swing of things you should do quite nicely and flow with the writings of the others!

Posted on 2011-09-18 at 16:15:20.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts

Awaiting word

Well I PMed the Captain a sample introductory post for a character I suggested playing, now I wait to see if he thinks my writing is up to the task.

I think I can keep up with some of you, but I do hope to learn more about it as it seems quite fun. I dont see much different from this type of RPing and what I am use to on live chat sites. Only this allows me to take a little longer and think about what I am going to do and say.

If allowed to join I hope I can live up to your standards.

Posted on 2011-09-19 at 10:47:08.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts

Welcome RP Noob...

...who will playing Asim for us.

I'll have you ready to go here in just a couple hours, RP.

Posted on 2011-09-19 at 11:05:17.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts

Man(s) overboard!!!

...I know... "mans" is not a word... All the same, it seems we've had a few players go missing from Smuggler's Moon... despite all efforts to fish 'em outta the drink, even!

So, since Dragonblood and The Haruspex seem to have become overwhelmed with other concerns, I'm here fishing for some new blood to join us aboard the finest ship tae e'er sail outta Freeport. Check the Game thread, check the Q&A, check y'self e're ye shipwreck y'self, and all of that...

If you have an interest and/or a character concept in mind, shoot me a PM or post here and we'll be seein' if yer seaworthy, aye?

Cap'n Brittlerum Drunkbeard

Posted on 2011-10-05 at 00:00:30.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 9/1
49 Posts

Brittlerum Drunkbeard

Wait....tha's nah the cap'n. E must be one ovem impo..impos...imp posters!

Posted on 2012-04-18 at 04:06:07.

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