I am really enjoying this game thus far. I have a couple suggestions from being a DM that may (or may not) help you/us in getting into the action. Take them for what they are worth:
1) As a DM, I normally have a good sense of the background of each of the players' characters. Either they've created something and shared it with me, or we've collaborated together to come up with a history that fits with the story I hope to create with them. This background usually takes the players' characters right up to the opening scene of the game. Currently, I'm not sure hope much you know about our characters as we haven't shared too much. Maybe we can change that?
2) As a DM, I normally control (or can take control) of any NPC in the room. So, one of the ways you might be able to move us players around like chess pieces in through the use of the other NPCs in the room (like the men sitting at the table with Kit currently, or the Barkeep interacting with Takley's halfling, or the blacksmith's conversation with Almerin's old man)... or bringing other NPCs into the room which challenge the characters or force the characters to act or reveal their "power".
3) It may be helpful for us as players to know why your "wicked woman" chose this place to find the people she is looking for? The location is fairly backwoods. Was she anticipating some people of interest? This is connected to the background piece in #1.
Anyway, just some thoughts that might help move the game forward. Now, I'll share with you my background (if you can keep a secret
1) Kit is originally from the port city of Visden in Pardinal and has travelled mostly in Pardinal and Coria, with a couple of trips to Bayris. This is one of the few times she has visited Ertain.
2) Kit is a disciple of Thirkell and is part of the World of Fools fellowship, her chapter being based out of Calestra, Coria. She has beeing involved in a number of "heists" to steal either important information or items of power for her fellowship and has gradually been moving up the ranks.
3) Kit is a master in the art of illusion, and within her art she weaves charm, force, gracefulness, half-truths, lies, seduction, and tactics. She is an excellent actor with good control over her body language and thoughts. She uses a mix of skill, spell and sword in her missions.
4) Currently, I imagined Kit to be here on assignment from her chapter to help your "wicked woman" steal whatever it is she needs stolen, and then steal it from the woman and bring it back to her organization.
I'll post something soon to the game.