Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
I'm gonna sit and wait
new job, new hours and all, I can't dedicate the time I thought I could to another new game, so I'll creep and lurk around a bit longer.
Posted on 2007-11-24 at 19:02:03.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Update coming up
Drakar is finalizing his character and I am expecting another one shortly from a friend of mine. Once Drakar's character is finished and I have gotten a word from Shounin I will post an update for all of you.
Posted on 2007-11-28 at 16:55:16.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Update 03
And so I've updated. Perhaps I should have spent more time on it, but instead I just went ahead and did it.
Update for both Vorrioch and Jenth, and introduction for three new players, Drakar, Shounin and Gerald Tarrant. Almost four pages worth of writing. Hope you like it.
Posted on 2007-12-03 at 01:17:31.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Since I'm under a lot of pressure from one of the players (and he can really put me under a lot of pressure) I'm going to update again on Wednesday, although only for those of you who actually have posted by the time. There will be no update for the rest of you who have not.
So far, I've got three posts since last night, which is pretty awesome I think. All the posts are good ones, some better than others but there is no need to talk about it. Everyone so far have got a Bonus Point. Keep up posting and you may even get another one
Posted on 2007-12-03 at 16:18:38.
Gerald Tarrant Regular Visitor Karma: 6/3 92 Posts
Who says constant nagging and whining doesn't pay off
Ohh well..
Although it might also get me killed..
Damn the storyteller and his Omnipresent Omnipotent power..
*Hides behind the big shaggy dog in the party*
Posted on 2007-12-03 at 23:49:34.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Update 04
Well, another update. No novels, mind you, but should be enough for you to work on. I didn't update Jenth's part since I haven't seen him online for a while. I'll update again this weekend, or even sooner if everyone finish posting before then.
Please note that I did this late last night, so the quality of the post isn't guarantied.
Also, Andri, I tend to avoid using my Omnipower online. All the times that I have threatened you with that piano-drop, do you remember me ever actually doing it?
Posted on 2007-12-05 at 09:51:39.
Edited on 2007-12-05 at 12:48:41 by Skari-dono
Gerald Tarrant Regular Visitor Karma: 6/3 92 Posts
No but you have killed of my characters more times than i can count..
Or well..
Me charging into battle against a whole criminal organization with nothing more then my sword might have helped a bit of course..
Posted on 2007-12-05 at 17:08:53.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
A little fix
So I made little changes to the character-info bit in the first post of this thread. You may notice that your characters now have three kinds of health (I'll need to have a closer look at the Ghost's corpus to make sure that he gets three as well). The thing is that characters can suffer three kinds of damage: Bashing, Lethal, and Aggravated. The character isn't dead until his health has completely dropped to zero (all three kinds of healt). You should note that suffering Lethal damage also reduces your Bashing health, and suffering Aggravated damage lowers both Bashing and Lethal health. Suffering more Bashing damage than you have health starts taking off your Lethal health and then Aggravated health once Lethal is finished.
At zero Bashing health, your character checks for knockout (unless you're playing a vampire or otherwise dead) every round (I might make a houserule for this bit). If you lose all your Lethal health your character falls instantly unconscious (vampires drop into so called torpor). Mortals (and Mages) start bleeding to dead, suffering another health level every minute. If your character has lost all his Aggravated health, the character is dead or destroyed.
So it kinda looks like this:
Starting Health: 7/7/7
Suffers 2 Bashing damage: 5/7/7
Suffers 1 Lethal damage: 4/6/7
Suffers 2 Aggravated damage: 2/4/5
Suffers 4 Bashing damage: 0/2/5 (check for knockout)
Suffers 5 Bashing damage: 0/0/2 (knocked out)
Suffers 3 Lethal damage: 0/0/0 (dead)
Posted on 2007-12-07 at 12:12:42.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
As I understand things ghosts take the same types of damage as everyone else: bashing from other ghosts, lethal from weapons like enchanted swords and aggravated from blessed items.
Also, I just noticed that you haven't deducted the Essence point for possessing Sandra yet... Hiram should now be down to 13.
Posted on 2007-12-07 at 12:29:59.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
ehm... I knew that..... yeah.......
So why the sad face? I would have thought you'd be happy to have more Essence than you should have
Anyway, I fixed it, so now you're down to 13.
Posted on 2007-12-07 at 12:45:54.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Eh, it just seems to be going down rather quickly (my guess is that Hiram will have burnt 4-5 points by the end of the day) and, compared with most other supernaturals, it's going to difficult to replenish.
TBH I don't really much care, since dealing with scarce resources is part of the fun of playing a ghost, it just amused me at the time to cap the post off with a smiley.
Posted on 2007-12-07 at 19:35:19.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Which is why I thought it might be a good idea for you to have more Essence than others have power (15 against 10) since you would use it much more often than others.
Other than that, I will update rather early tomorrow since I have stuff to do in the evening. Just reminding those of you that haven't posted yet to do that because I won't update for you unless you do.
Posted on 2007-12-07 at 21:17:32.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Update 05
So the update is up. Yay. Hope you can use it.
Vorrioch, if you want to ask Annabell some more questions, or if you want to ask more about those dreams of hers, go right ahead. She won't answer any questions about her last dream but some of the older ones she might talk about. If Hiram is going to look at the wall with the pictures, it includes pictures of a gray guy without eyes but with long and sharp fingers, a scarecrow-like figure with a scythe, a big guy dressed in gray holding a sword or some kind of blade, a blue colored woman standing in water, a house on fire, and a picture with a girl standing over a pool of blood and surrounded by corpses. These pictures are on the wall but if you want to add something feel free to do so.
Drakar, if Legendarious wants to do something special, meet specific people or something, this is a good time. If you want to cut straight to a phone call from Ryozo, he will call you in the evening.
Gerald and Shounin, you're both pretty much set. There's nothing I really want to add there. If there is anything you really would like to know, just ask it here and I'll answer as well as I can.
Next update on Wednesday!
Posted on 2007-12-08 at 13:50:30.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
One day reminder!
Tomorrow is Wednesday. We all know what that means, don't we? I will update tomorrow for those few who have actually posted anything. That means I will update for only two players. Consider this as a reminder for those who have yet to post anything. If you haven't posted by the time I update, your characters won't be included in the update. It's not really a big deal per se, you not posting won't mess with the storyline at all. It is just that your personal story won't advance.
Assume I will update around noon tomorrow. No promises though.
Posted on 2007-12-11 at 16:57:57.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Another update
So update 06 is up. We may have a little more action now but I am sure it can be handled.
Drakar, I'm taking one Mana from you to make that shield of yours into a full day duration. Trust me, that shield just saved your arse
Gerald, you've been offered a job. Congrats. Liked your info on the wine thing and the philosophy part, so I gave you another Bonus Point. Yay
Shounin, I made you attempt an intimidation, but it failed. Enjoy.
Vorrioch, you're pretty much set. Liked how you figured things out with the pictures and the 'legends' (pretty much showed that you read that thing) so I gave you another Bonus Point
Since I am taking an exam on Saturday (damn whoever thought of that) I will not update until Sunday (or late Saturday at the earliest).
Posted on 2007-12-12 at 13:16:09.
Edited on 2007-12-12 at 13:35:31 by Skari-dono