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Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Still waiting

Though I found what we found, I noticed that our character sheets have not been updated in quite some time AL, and that Brutal is still carrying the exact same weapon mix as I am which I believe is wrong.

Before I can post what I'd like to, I need to know just what everyone of us is carrying.


Posted on 2012-01-19 at 05:18:24.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Due to some RL issues, I will be placing all my games on haitus. My best guess would be March before I can return. I apologizes to all my players but it can not be helped.

Posted on 2012-01-20 at 14:15:08.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


Alright, Al. Take care, yes?

Posted on 2012-01-20 at 17:16:38.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

At Ease...............

You take care of RL.

If you need us you how to find us.

That goes for me in RL too.

You know where River Styx is now.


Posted on 2012-01-20 at 20:47:26.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Nazis from hell

I have returned to the inn at last. Sorry for my absence but it could not be avoided.

So now that I am back and looking to get games going again - who is still with me? Did I lose anyone?

Posted on 2012-02-28 at 14:32:22.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


I'm here.

Posted on 2012-02-28 at 16:52:58.

RP Noob
Karma: 27/1
348 Posts


Here and ready to go.

Posted on 2012-02-28 at 16:56:21.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Not only am I here, but your on my LinkedIn now too.

Time to kick some spooky stuff and RPN is chompin the get on with it.

"Who ya gonna call..."

Posted on 2012-02-29 at 00:05:04.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Still in the Game

But still need updates on the character sheets when you get the chance.

Posted on 2012-02-29 at 05:13:35.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Moved the game along.

As to equipment, I am not sure what you need. I am not going to adjust it every time you fire your weapon. I assume that you can keep track of your own equipment and use.

Posted on 2012-03-06 at 01:57:53.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


This is what everyone had as of the gargoyle attack.

Captain Luke Edintore (Almerin)
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
M1A1 Carbine w/ Folding Stock with 3 mags (10 each)
Thompson SMG w/1 clip
A compass
A pair of Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars 8 X 24 with leather carrying case
Keys to car, briefcase and cabin
Heavy flashlight

Master Sgt Troy Romo (Tann'Talas)
2 .45 acp 1911’s (in duel shoulder holsters w/3 clips each/1 loaded 2 extra)
Thompson SMG w/5 clips/1 loaded 4 extra)
One MP40 (Schmeisser) with three full clips (32 rounds per clip)
1 round drum for Thompson (30 rounds left)
1 Fragmentation Grenade
2 Brass Knuckles
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
black overcoats, leather
Wallet ($100 RM, some ID)
Heavy flashlight

Corp. Jake ‘Brutal’ Clements (YeOlde)
Fighting Knife w/ M8 Scabbard
One .45 Caliber Pistol with holster (one clip loaded, two extra)
1 Thompson SMG w/3 clips/1 loaded 2 extra)
Thompson Ammo pouch (The 4 extra clips here)
One Drum 50 rd Thompson
1930 Sauer 12g Double barrel Shotgun, two boxes of 12 double aught buck shells (22)
MP40 (Schmeisser) 2 full clips
1930's Sauer 12g double barreled shotgun, 12 double aught buck shells (22)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy flashlight

Cpl. John Stewart (Doc) Reid, (Odyson)
2X .45 Caliber Pistol with holster
Five colt handgun clips (in bag)
M1A1 Carbine w/ Folding Stock (4 mags of 10)
Two rifle pouches holding five magazines each
few match boxes, some candles, a bar of soap, a silver hip flask, and some iodine
a 1917 Beholla 7.65mm automatic pistol with a separate 7 round mag and a box of 93
Two bottles of booze labeled "weinbrand", one full and one half gone

Private First Class Corban McGuinness (Nomad D2)
USMC M1903-A1/Unertl (x8 optical)
Colt M1911A1 - (pistol - 7 round magazine - .45ACP)
One Gewehr 98 rifle (old -1898, but well cared for, holds five rounds) with 100 rounds in box
Ammo Pouches - (belt)
- Two rifle pouches holding 4 magazines each (10/clip)
- One pistol pouch holding 2 magazines (7/clip)
One Bayonet with metal belt holster

Greta Hofstetter (NPC)
Two lugers with four full clips (8 rds) (belted on with pistol holsters from guard)
1 G41 rifles with 4 clip (10 rounds)
One hunting crossbow with 7 quarrels (on back)
One bayonet (on side as knife)

Left in the car:
One briefcase locked, paperwork inside
Three G41 rifles
One bayonet with metal belt holsters
A tool kit with various tools (Hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaw)

As far as I can tell, you have picked up only two rifles, two SMG and four clips for each and a couple of Lugars. They have not been divided up but I did put down that Brutal took to SMG mags, gave an an SMG to Max with Two mags.

Posted on 2012-03-07 at 17:12:23.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Good thing I stopped by to check things out!

Good to hear that things are back to normal enough to get the gaming going again. The sniper is ready to fire.

Posted on 2012-03-08 at 01:17:06.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


Should be able to get a post in somewhere this week. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Posted on 2012-03-12 at 17:53:36.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Sorry Guys

Hello my friends, colleagues and fellow members.

As many of you know, I have a four year old son, William who was recently diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). It is called a spectrum disorder because such a large range of symptoms and issues that it cannot be nailed down. If you meet one child with ASD then you have met one child. They will not be the same as another, just a few common features of the disorder. In general, you have a lack of social skills and interaction, a loss or deficit in speech and Behavioural problems that are anti-social and disruptive. It is a neurological disorder but they have no idea why or how it starts, where the disease comes from but it now effects 1 in 88 children in North America.

We have spent the last four years of our lives in a constant struggle. At first it was to understand what was wrong, then to get someone to examine him and give us some guidance and after that, going through doctor after doctor telling us "he'll be fine, he'll catch up" when we knew that wasn't true. We signed up for programs, waited months upon months to get into programs. 15 moths waiting list for a assessment on his development and the doctors dropped us off the list after 8 months due to a jurisdiction issue. We finally paid for our own assessment , which we got on Dec 11, 2011.

So now we are going through the process of getting him into programs to help him, because if you start soon enough, you can do something - you can lead him to a possible normal life. There is a lot of education of us as well as William and the programs are lengthy and we have to learn to become expert therapists in speech and behaviour as well. After all, we will be around him the most. There is no lead physician or coordinator to help you though. You are thrown into the water and basically you need to learn the system or else. This is part of why I was having trouble keeping up with my games over the last year or so.

Which brings me to the point of this long winded letter. I am going to end most of my games on the inn. Not out of any dislike for the games or anything any of the players did or did not do, but because i don't have the time. Being a DM is not a simple task, or at least not for me, I put a lot of work into my games and I can spend hours a week on the game - but not anymore. Destiny's Flight, Escape from Castle
Rautenberg and Audalis Dreaming are effectively over. I am sorry to all the players but given the choice between family and games ... well you get the picture. I will continue to play out the Voyages of Rocinante, because I hope I can handle one game and I love that game so. Cathy agrees with me and will attempt to post for Willow soon. Bromern and I will continue to produce RPG Mythbreakers on a sorta-monthly basis. I will also keep Floyd Hobart going as long as Brittany wishes to draw it.

I had suggested to Olan that I would walk away completely from the inn. He was very supportive of any decision I made but he couldn't see the inn existing without me. In fact, he was quite horrified of the prospect. I think he overestimates my importance and I appreciate the flattery. I have been friends with Olan for over ten years now, even traveled all the way to Alabama to meet him in person once. Whether I am the "backbone" of the inn or not, this website is my site too and I can't leave it completely.

William is a wonderful boy who teaches me about myself every day. In October 2010, he didn't say anything beyond his letters and numbers 1-10. He didn't us mom or dad. He didn't even say yes or no. Tantrums of the fiercest nature were 3-4 times daily and he wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. Now he speaks in 3-4 word sentences, he calls us mom and dad and even calls his sister by name (Veronica). He is starting to spell his words and has a lengthy vocabulary that is growing. He smiles and will meet your eye. He is developing a sense of humour and has friends in school.

My father used to say, "Never give up on life until ten minutes after you draw your last breath." William is named after him and if he has half the spirit and determination that my father did, then he'll be okay. I may be 1 in 88 to the world, but he is 1 in a million to me.

So my sincere apologies to my friends for abandoning the games, but I hope you will understand.

Roger (Alacrity) Briant

Posted on 2012-04-02 at 02:31:47.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

It Is All About The Children............

My friend, thank you for sharing. We never know how the world looks through someone elses eyes. You are stepping up, that is special. It makes you what we would like to be thought of when we are called a father.

These are just games, stories to entertain.

Go create a life for your son. May you and your wife be blessed and may you find strength and guidance you need.

Posted on 2012-04-02 at 02:59:20.


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