I am about to post, but if anyone sees this and wants to clarify please do so quickly. Also, just note the kinds of things that leave me wondering exactly what the plan is.
Soledad - I'm assuming that "move as fast as I can" means use your action to dash and move 60' total. Dancing Lights has a 120' range. No Problem.
Thaoran - Moving 30' only as stated. Note that minor illusion only has a 30' range - and you are a bit away from it already. So it will disappear into the fog when you move.
Gerdar - I really don't know what you are doing. No attack listed. You could have attacked and then moved 25'. With no attack listed I'm inclined to think this is a dash of 50'. (dwarves have little legs and move 25' not 30') But you don't say dash so it could be just 25'. But if everyone is dashing that doesn't make much sense. At least to me. You are in melee so the two goblins will get attacks of opportunity if you leave. You do say "backed up to them." So on further review that isn't a dash. So maybe use the disengage to not provoke the attack of opportunity?
If any of you are ever unsure of the mechanics and need help figuring out what you can do I'm happy to help. I just don't want to make decisions for you if at all possible.