Celedwe RDI Fixture Karma: 29/17 1229 Posts
whatever gruggy
grugg is once again confused
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 01:46:56.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
fifth day after Christmas but only the day before New Years Eve.
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 01:54:31.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Gruggy? It's Mr. Grugg to you!
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 01:54:36.
Celedwe RDI Fixture Karma: 29/17 1229 Posts
i recalled it was sir grugg
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 03:21:21.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
It is what it is m'dear. I reserve the right to change it at a whim.
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 03:22:10.
Celedwe RDI Fixture Karma: 29/17 1229 Posts
yes, mr. grugg
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 05:09:31.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Very good.
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 14:29:53.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
Most generic unasked...
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 22:37:59.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
A black and gray tiger stripe cat (male) named Dax
(after "Dax" on Star Trek)
A Female Bengal cat mix named Jasmine (jazzy, jazz, jazzabeau)
A female tortoise shell cat named Cady (Cady Lady, Cady the Cleaning Lady)
btw...Ryst...I understand what you're saying and I agree.
I'm sure someone with experience reading personalities could guess your birtday using Chinese Astrology but with Sun Signs you go by months, not years of birth so if it's possible with Sun Signs, I don't know.
Posted on 2007-01-28 at 23:56:18.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
I have a dog.
Dog backwards is god.
I'm hungry.
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 01:53:09.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Meh, you should be able to combine the two, right?
Also I have no pets. I used to breed rats, and I kind of live in the same place as the cutest cat in all of creation (also the kibby, but he's weird), but that's it.
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 03:10:53.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
At the momment I have three dogs.. A big Bullmastiff/Rottweiler mix named Little Joe (after Bonanza), an American Staffordshire Bulldog named Puppy, and an old girl pug named Patches.. she rules them all.
I have a fish too named Dragon Baby.. He's a Siamese fighter fish.
As for what I have had, plenty too many things. Cats galore, dogs, horses, a goat, Canadian geese (illegal), a crow (also illegal), rats, a guinea pig named Gismo, rabbits, parakeets, a ball python, exotic and local lizards, tarantuals, a giant water beatle named Mistress who layed eggs, many many fish, salamanders, frogs, and a hamster named Rockit..
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 03:29:03.
Admiral I'm doing SCIENCE! RDI Staff Karma: 164/50 1836 Posts
I have a pet Grugg. He smells funny
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 03:41:40.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
Three pets
One is a half Siberian Husky a quarter Alaskan Malanute and a quarter Wolf, her name is Dakota and she is one of the best dogs I have ever had.
One is a German Shepard / Collie / Hiens 57 / god knows what mix. His name is Miles and my first boyfriend named him. He's lovable but dumb as a box of rocks. Anyone want an older dog?
I have a female cat that is mostly gray but has a mixed in brown color. She was a stray and needs a name, "Here Kitty Kitty" is getting old. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
I have a son who is almost three and not housebroken yet..................Oh wait, pets never mind........
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 04:57:03.
Edited on 2007-01-29 at 04:58:48 by Carey
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
name for Carey's cat
she can then be your pet Peeve.
Posted on 2007-01-29 at 13:08:39.