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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Other Sci Fi --> Voyages of Rocinante - Serenity/Firefly RPG
Parent thread: Voyages of the Rocinante - Firefly RPG QnA GM for this game: Alacrity Players for this game: TannTalas, Bromern Sal, Eol Fefalas, Odyson This game has fizzled.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
rut ro rhaggy!
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:35 am Planet Time
“Gorram it’s nice to have you around, thanks..... I’d say you spread that Mustard pretty thin.“
“Yeah well it’s nice someone thinks so as I'm lousy at making sandwiches" Wolf said with a smile that did not reach his eyes as he reloaded the shotgun and placed it back into the holster on his back.
“We’d better search him, he may have a suppressor to use on that rifle; I don’t think we want to chance to many more shotgun blasts...... We’d better prepare for that Lurn Shwei Jah Jwohn Sheriff to return too.”said Asher.
“Already done” Wolf replied as he drew his left sided Beretta, checked the clip and slide to make sure they had not been effected by the fall, then re-holstered it back under his arm. Doing the same to the Beretta under his right arm he kept this one in his hand, safety off, ready to fire.
“I sure hope he’s the last of them, I don’t have too many more places left that family ain’t thumped.”
“Amen to that my friend, you up to continue?”
There is a rapid secession of three pop noises, like water balloons breaking at a kids party. Wolf grunts loudly as the first bullet hits him, then a second and third all clustered to the chest. the big mechanic falls to the ground as Asher out of sheer instinct and survival throw himself to the floor and close to the wall. The shots came from the darkness of the drift, and from the same darkness comes a cold laughter.
"Sorry Talhone, but your friend there doesn't seem to understand that this haft is unstable. Couldn;t have him shoot of that shotgun again." Pearson voice comes out of the gloom. "You are fast boy! Almost as fast as me, but you ain't got a hope so why don't you just throw you weapons my way and stand up nice and slow."
Hornsilver Mine - Secret Room, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:35 am Planet Time
“That’s the big bad wolf, and he’s a huffin’ and a puffin’,” he said, following it up with a nervous giggle.
Out of the corner of his eye, Wyatt watched Brigit run over to a crate nearby where a crowbar is resting. "Here! I'll show you." she says as she grabs the crowbar and heads towards the coffin with the intent to smash open the glass.
Willow hissed a Bengali curse that still managed to sound musical and charming as she stepped around the casket to put herself between Brigit and the casket, dropping the analyser into the open casket. Setting herself firmly in the tai chi stance of Moving Clouds.
With a fluid turn, Wyatt leveled his Colt at Bridget and said, “Don’t.”
Brigit's eyes flicker from Willow to the captain to Sam and then she stops and drops the crowbar at her feet. "All this treasure and we are gonna do what? Walk away? You know Captain Wyatt Sung, I knew that you were gonna be the hard one in this job. let me guess, you lost someone in the war, I'd guess a loving wife and kids too? Most men could fill that void with this much cash but not you. And all the whispered promises I could give you wouldn't rile up your manhood either. Of course if you did strike it big then your people would get equal shares right? And then they would have no reason to stay with you would they? Willow could pursue all those things she would like to do as a wealthy woman, and Sam could get his own ship if he wanted. Then you'd be alone in an empty ship, just you and whatever bottle of whiskey you'd crawl into. Isn't that right Captain?"
Brigit looks over at Sam and then Willow, "Are you really gonna let him ruin your chance for a big score? Sam? This much cash and you'd be free -truly free. No more hiding? Aren't you tired of hiding?"
OOC: Brigit is attempting to turn you against each other and it is not working (you all made your resistance rolls)
Wolf - You have been hit bad. Very bad. Would you like to use a plot point or two to lessen the damage?
Posted on 2012-07-02 at 20:42:52.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Hornsilver Mine - Secret Room, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:35 am Planet Time
Brigit's eyes flicker from Willow to the captain to Sam and then she stops and drops the crowbar at her feet. "All this treasure and we are gonna do what? Walk away? You know Captain Wyatt Sung, I knew that you were gonna be the hard one in this job. let me guess, you lost someone in the war, I'd guess a loving wife and kids too? Most men could fill that void with this much cash but not you. And all the whispered promises I could give you wouldn't rile up your manhood either. Of course if you did strike it big then your people would get equal shares right? And then they would have no reason to stay with you would they? Willow could pursue all those things she would like to do as a wealthy woman, and Sam could get his own ship if he wanted. Then you'd be alone in an empty ship, just you and whatever bottle of whiskey you'd crawl into. Isn't that right Captain?"
Brigit looks over at Sam and then Willow, "Are you really gonna let him ruin your chance for a big score? Sam? This much cash and you'd be free -truly free. No more hiding? Aren't you tired of hiding?"
"BAI-tuo, AN-jing-eedyen! (We will enjoy your silence now!)" Sam snarled, the crazy glint still prominently displayed in his eyes. “Ain’t nothin’ in the Verse that could make me think Cap’n Wyatt weren’t nothin’ but a bao bay (sweetheart). And you, Li’l Missy, don’t have no right even makin’ mention o’ the Sung family; let alone surmisin’ and supposin’ as to what fuel burns in Wyatt’s engine. So, make another chou ma niao (stinking horse urine) comment, and I’ll put a bullet through that connivin’ brainpan of yours and call it a day.”
Lowering his weapon, Wyatt determined to ignore the barb; though it opened another level of injury that he swore drove him to both desire that whiskey Bridgette spoke of, and revile himself for his dependency upon it. He needed something to do to pull himself out of the black hole that was quickly devouring his motivation. Something that put his purpose back into focus, and that purpose was his crew. Somewhere out there, Andrew, Wolf, and The Kid were facing danger without him, and that caused his blood to boil. The shotgun blast hadn’t been for fun, and it wasn’t too far fetched an idea to assume that it had something to do with the rest of his crew. After all; a person who’d set up an ambush in mines such as these would be more likely to know of its weaknesses, and Wyatt, Sam, and Willow had all been present when the mine operator had told them things were volatile below. So, that left the unsuspecting Kid, and their new mechanic, Wolf, as suspects.
“Miss Bridgette,” the ice in Wyatt’s tone could have cooled Rocinante’s engine coils in a second flat. “Since I’ve known you, you’ve lied, cheated, and done worse. ‘Cause of you good people are dead. ‘Cause of you, my people have been shot, beat up, an’ ain’t likely t’ be walking away from this here little treasure hunt with nothin’ more than a shorter lifespan.
“You read people shiny-like, but you read me wrong. You played yer cards dead wrong in this case. You should never have put my crew in this kind of danger like you done. And the kicker bein’ that had you been straight-up an’ honest with us from the birth; this could’ve gone a whole separate plethora o’ ways...none o’ which would’ve put you in such a poor position. So, I’ll tell you one time, and one time only--an’ either o’ these two very fine people can testify as to the severity o’ my words--if you try any more of you fei hua (bull sh*t) I’ll let Sam here open your brainpan like he said, and place your body all serene-like atop that blood-money as a warning t’ all other ching-wah tsou duh liou mahng (frog-riding bastards) that come along. Dong le ma (are we clear here)?”
(OOC: Assuming an acceptable answer...)
Captain Sung stared at Bridgette a moment longer from beneath the brim of his hat just to emphasize his point further before turning his gaze to Sam. “You shiny?”
“As an Earth-That-Was nickel,” the pilot grinned wildly; not inciting any amount of confidence in his friend, but Wyatt had no other choice so he gave Sam a nod and looked to Willow.
“I’m gonna go check on that blast. You two stay an’ make sure this whore--” Wyatt spit at his feet. “Don’t go doin’ nothin’ t’ get us all dead.”
(OOC: Assuming there’s no objections...)
With his Colt in one hand and his shotgun in the other, Wyatt turned and began his cautious progression into the dark. He left the lanterns where they were, and prayed to Buddha that he didn’t fall in a big ol’ pit along the way.
Posted on 2012-07-04 at 14:32:22.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Enough is Enough.......
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:35 am Planet Time
“I sure hope he’s the last of them, I don’t have too many more places left that family ain’t thumped.”
“Amen to that my friend, you up to continue?”
From the darkness up the drift there is a rapid secession of three pop noises, like water balloons breaking at a kids party. Wolf grunts loudly as the first bullet hits him, then a second and third; the big mechanic knocked backwards and falls to the ground. With sound of the first grunt Asher throws himself to the floor and close to the wall.
The Kid reeled in horror and anger as the man that just saved his life was dropped cold to the ground.
From the same darkness comes a cold laughter. "Sorry Talhone, but your friend there doesn't seem to understand that this haft is unstable. Couldn’t have him shoot that shotgun again." The sheriff’s voice comes out of the gloom. "You are fast boy! Almost as fast as me, but you ain't got a hope so why don't you just throw you weapons my way and stand up nice and slow."
Time seemed slow as the kid lay flat in the dirt on the floor of the mine. Asher felt the crushing weight of failure, he’d tried to help. …he’d been shot, stunned, blown up and now Wolf was dead. His heart raced, his ear rung and just wanted Pearson dead, no matter what happed to him. The sheriff must have infrared scope and the gun slinger reasoned that Pearson had bead on him now.
“Ta Ma Duh” (damn it )……. “Go Hwong Tong” (Enough of this nonsense)…. Asher slowly slid his hand into the pouch where the hard metal spheres rested . He knew the feel of the Fragmentation Grenade. “Pearson, I’m tossing my gun….” Ash pulled the grenade out, than slid his Python from its holster and tossed it toward the sound of Pearson voice. “I’m raising my hands and stand’n. “ Ash clutched the grenade holding the clip tight and pulled the pin. As he started to stand he held the grenade out in front of so Pearson scanning through the infrared sight he could see the round cold dark spot against the reddish glow of his hand.
Do you see this in my hand? ……..The pin is out……..If you shoot, we’re both dead! …. You and your people have already taken too much from me, so I ain’t got nothing left to loose, but you do! …..If you’re dead you won’t get your gold…….If you’re dead you won’t get Miss Bridgett………..You were going to kill me anyway, but if you shoot me this here banger will either kill you quick or drop this whole shaft on your head. “Juh Guh Jee Hua Juhn Kuh Pah! (There’s nothing in this plan that isn’t Horrific)
“Put your gun down and crawl over here…… you do that and you’ll live!” Asher stared into the darkness, enough was enough!
Posted on 2012-07-07 at 00:51:08.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Crap........Bullets really do hurt Alacrity....I know first hand....LOL
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:35 am Planet Time
“I sure hope he’s the last of them, I don’t have too many more places left that family ain’t thumped.”
“Amen to that my friend, you up to continue?” Wolf asked as he reached his empty right hand down to help Ash up. Then Wolf heard the sound of balloons popping, felt a series of impacts to his chest, and within a heartbeat found himself laying semi-conscious on his back facing the shaft he and Ash had just desended.
Wolf was in pain, more pain then he had felt in a long time since the days of his incarceration at White House Max Sec Prison..............
“Well boy, your new here huh, ya call your self Wolfie ~(LAUGHING)~ well I be the yard boss, lets you and I get acquainted”
2,555 Days, 84 months, 7 years of getting acquainted.
All highly painful in different ways, though he had to admit he was lucky that the yard boss was straight and into girls or things could have been very different, yet those 7 years were living in hell.............
“So what do ya think Wolf you wanna hire on with us” Sam asked him as he held his new ID. Next to Sam stood Rocinante’s captain Wyatt Sung.
“Honestly Sam I thank you for all you’ve done but right now I think I’m better off finding who I am and what ’path’ is right. I know it all sounds like Tzao gao but Sam, Cap’n Wyatt, maybe one day we’ll ride the stars together............
"I'm due for a break, wanna come back to my office? It ain't fancy but it is private."
His first reaction was to go, but then he stopped himself, his mind in full gear weighing the ramifications of such an action having no link to the ship and Captain Wyatt.
EE-chee shung-hoo-shee!!
Fenris thought to himself as he calmed his now quickly beating heart and put his lower body in pause mode. Thinking fast now for some excuse, any excuse, to take her up on her offer he quickly remembered the Captain having allowed Sam to go off by himself to cool off, Wolf thought he would understand the mechanic’s situation. As the ship for the next 90-120 minutes was not going anywhere he’d hopefully understand Wolf’s decision to accept Stacy ‘s offer. If not well then at least Fenris Apollo would be happy in his punishment. Coming to a choice he turned to Stacy.
“I’d like that very much My Lady” Holding out his arm as a gentleman for her to take he allowed her to take control. “Please lead on”..............
Wolf was jacked back into the present as he heard Pearson’s voice coming from behind him out of the gloom.
"Sorry Talhone, but your friend there doesn't seem to understand that this haft is unstable. Couldn’t have him shooting off that shotgun again. You are fast boy! Almost as fast as me, but you ain't got a hope so why don't you just throw you weapons my way and stand up nice and slow."
Using the pain in his chest he concentrated on it and brought himself to a painful awareness of what had just happened. He’d been shot roughly three times and was now bleeding quite a bit and for the moment semi-incapacitated. His shooter clearly was that go tsao duh Pearson firing from somewhere down the mine tunnel. Wolf could hear movement close to him so Ash was still alive and that was good for their side of this fight.
Pearson may have thought he had the advantage but he’d already made a very big mistake….. He’d shot Wolf first and not Ash! Wolf knew he was a big target and an easy kill but Ash, Ash was something Wolf was not… A gunfighter, faster, quicker and more lethal, then the mechanic. By shooting Wolf first he’d given the advantage to Ash and his first mistake could very well be Pearson’s last.
“Pearson, I’m tossing my gun….I’m raising my hands and stand’n.“
Tzao-gao! WTF! Was Ash giving up! Not Ash, no way
“Do you see this in my hand?..... The pin is out.... If you shoot, we’re both dead!... You and your people have already taken too much from me, so I ain’t got nothing left to loose, but you do!.... If you’re dead you won’t get your gold... If you’re dead you won’t get Miss Bridgett..... You were going to kill me anyway, but if you shoot me this here banger will either kill you quick or drop this whole shaft on your head”
No way Ash was crazy!, had lost his mind! Then Wolf actually heard all that Ash had said and realized that Ash’s plan as crazy as it sounded was the only way to cower a killer like Pearson. For the moment Wolf was in a bad spot to back Ash up, but slowly ever so slowly he began moving his right hand towards his left holstered machine pistol. If Pearson did come out to where Wolf could see him sitting up, no matter if he was unarmed, Wolf hoped to be ready to kill the Da-shiong bao tse shr la doo tze on the spot!
However for now Wolf’s best bet was to continue to lay still on his back and play dead. Yet slowly moving his hand closer to the holstered pistol under his left arm. Despite the pain in his chest, and his need to do something, for the moment he had no choice but to follow Ash’s play...............
“Put your gun down and crawl over here... you do that and you’ll live!” .................
Posted on 2012-07-07 at 03:49:15.
Edited on 2012-07-20 at 03:30:23 by TannTalas
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Disarming! That could come in handy!
Hornsilver Mine - In the Unstable Drift 1st level, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
Lau Tsu was a patient man. He had not always been, but through the guidance of his Grandfather and his teachings, Lau had managed to throw off the impulsive nature of a young man who thought he could change the world. But that was a lifetime ago. Time to make amends.
“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” Grandfather was fond of saying. Lau could enjoy the simplicity. He could be very patient. But compassion was gonna have to take a backseat on this ride.
The Tong leader hid in the dark and waited for the universe to give him the sign he needed. Pearson was here somewhere. He had sent his other men off to the other passageways to search for the “sheriff” But it had done nothing but risk his men. The man was like a snake in long grass, impossible to see and harder to kill. But he knew that man who destroyed his home and burned his temple was close by. So he waited.
And waited.
Then he was rewarded. Three pops sound, Muffled, but audible and just enough light for his darkness accustomed eyes to notice. There you are! Lau took each step slowly and with purpose. He palmed three black shurikens into his left hand and drew a fourth in his right.
From the darkness comes a cold laughter. "Sorry Talhone, but your friend there doesn't seem to understand that this haft is unstable. Couldn’t have him shoot that shotgun again." The sheriff’s voice comes out of the gloom. "You are fast boy! Almost as fast as me, but you ain't got a hope so why don't you just throw you weapons my way and stand up nice and slow."
“Ta Ma Duh” (damn it )……. “Go Hwong Tong! Pearson, I’m tossing my gun….” A young man replies, and Lao recognized the voice of the young man who was sheriff before this one. Asher Talhone. A good man Lao thought, and a fair one. “I’m raising my hands and stand’n. “ Ash clutched the something in his hand but Lau could not tell at this distance what it was.
“Do you see this in my hand? ……..The pin is out……..If you shoot, we’re both dead! …. You and your people have already taken too much from me, so I ain’t got nothing left to lose, but you do! …..If you’re dead you won’t get your gold…….If you’re dead you won’t get Miss Bridgett………..You were going to kill me anyway, but if you shoot me this here banger will either kill you quick or drop this whole shaft on your head. “Juh Guh Jee Hua Juhn Kuh Pah!”
A good man, Lau Tsu thought, but not a patient man. If Asher was down here could Willow also be around. The thought of the doctor being hurt made him hesitate for a brief second and then, he changed his tactics. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are
Hornsilver Mine - Secret Room, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
Brigit nodded meek and mild like to Wyatt’s word and implied threat. As the captain walked away down the shaft, she smiled sweetly at Sam as he held his gun pointed at her. “No need for that darling. I’ll be good. “
As the doorway to the drift shut behind Wyatt as he left the secret room, the smile vanished abruptly. Brigit hooked the crowbar with her foot and spun around a swift kick to Sam, knocking the gun from his hand. Uncannily she twisted herself in mid-spin and brought the crowbar back across his face with a resounding *clang* and Sam staggered back, blood spraying from his nose and face, blinding him. Brigit then dove for the gun and with a flip of her foot, sent the crowbar flying at Willow. The Doctor was not one for fighting and only her training saved her from a worst fate as she brushed the crowbar away from her head but the impact jarred her right hand and arm painfully.
And Brigit was up with Sam’s gun in her hand, pointing directly at Willow. “Okay! This is how it goes. Either of you try something stupid and I kill you both. This is my score. No one robs me! Now give me that chess piece now Miss. Willow or I will take it from your dead cold hands.”
Hornsilver Mine - In the Unstable Drift 1st level, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
“You were going to kill me anyway, but if you shoot me this here banger will either kill you quick or drop this whole shaft on your head. “Juh Guh Jee Hua Juhn Kuh Pah!”
Luke laughed, “You got a pair, Talhone. I’ll give you that. Suit yourself.”
Luke aimed his rifle at the base of Asher’s wrist, figuring if he could blast the kids hand off then the nerves would lock it in a death grip on the spoon, rendering it useless. If not, well it had been fun and Luke figured he could make it to the elevator at a dead run long before the rocks started to fall.
Then, suddenly there was a bright flash just as he was about to take the shot. He screamed in pain as the intensity of the light flooded his infra-red scope and blinding him in the one eye. He pulled the trigger reflexively but as he did something sharp dug into his finger, draw blood, shooting pain and jamming the trigger.
As he tried to let go of the rifle and not rip off a finger, he realized his hiding spot was revealed to the kid. But the fool had throw away his gun and would never throw that grenade. Luke drew his pistol with his left hand determined to kill the Tong who just attacked him.
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
Ash stood there with a grenade in hand and hoping that Sheriff Psycho would take the bait. But his heart grew cold as his challenge was met with that cold hard laugh.
“You got a pair, Talhone. I’ll give you that. Suit yourself.”
Expecting to have his hand blown off or worse, suddenly there is a bright flash from down the drift. It lasts for only a second, and without the noise of a flashbang grenade. Merely the *whoosh* of flashpowder. But in that second Person is revealed, pulling back and letting go of his rifle in pain. There is another man there as well, hugging the side of the drift, dressed in black from head to toe like some Saturday afternoon matinee ninja movie.
Wolf manages to pull out his gun although in puts him into a world of hurt like he never thought possible. He felt weak, helpless and every part of him wanted to stop and slip into blissful unconsciousness. Every part of him except one inch. The inch wouldn’t let go, and held on to life like a lover never wanting to let go.
Then he saw the flash and raised his head enough to see Pearson for a half- second before the light vanished. Enough to get a bearing, cause frankly in his condition, he wasn;t to sure how accurate he be in full day light.
Hornsilver Mine Under the old Mine Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
Wyatt stepped up the stairs and pulled the lever to the hatch. It opened and he quickly moved up. He saw the remains of an optic device, probably what had hit the doorway. He blinked for a bit, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness again.
There were two men down on the floor of the drift not far from the corner. One was big and Wyatt was sure it was Wolf. He didn’t seem to be moving.
“ ain't got a hope so why don't you just throw you weapons my way and stand up nice and slow."
“Ta Ma Duh……. Go Hwong Tong! Pearson, I’m tossing my gun….” Ash called out, “I’m raising my hands and stand’n. Do you see this in my hand? ……..The pin is out……..If you shoot, we’re both dead! …. You and your people have already taken too much from me, so I ain’t got nothing left to lose, but you do! …..If you’re dead you won’t get your gold…….If you’re dead you won’t get Miss Bridgett………..You were going to kill me anyway, but if you shoot me this here banger will either kill you quick or drop this whole shaft on your head. “Juh Guh Jee Hua Juhn Kuh Pah!”
The hatch closes behind and beneath Wyatt. His crew was in danger and Asher was getting mad. No time for dilly dally.
OOC: I had hoped to hear from Bromern on Wyatt’s movement but I managed to get a bunch in. Please be very specific about actions and movement at this point. Even if Wyatt runs to Asher and Wolf, he will not see the flash that reveals Luke's positions.
Sam has taken 14 points of stun damage and 7 wounds. That puts him down and unconscious.
Willow taken 6 stun and 4 wounds. She is more startled and in pain.
Posted on 2012-07-09 at 20:09:56.
Edited on 2012-07-10 at 13:44:14 by Alacrity
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
I See The Light…………..
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:45 am Planet Time
Would that Sheriff Psycho would take the bait. But the Kid’s heart grew cold as his challenge was met with that cold hard laugh.
“You got a pair, Talhone. I’ll give you that. Suit yourself.”
Ash now knew for sure sheriff was truly insane, just a murderous waste of flesh. It was worth it to be the one to take this viper out. He could feel Pearson preparing to shot him and Ash was fine with dying to rid the verse of this slime.
Suddenly there is a bright flash from down the drift. It lasts for only a second, and merely the *whoosh* of flashpowder. In that second Person is revealed. The sheriff’s silhouette was all the Kid needed. Pearson should have got’en to know the Kid; he’d have known that Ash believed that if one gun was good then four were better.
Almost before the flash had faded Ash slapped leather and the mating Python was in his hand. Without hesitation the gunslinger pulled off six rounds, three for him and three for Wolf.
The muzzle flash cast down the drift with each bullet; they continued to light up Pearson lurking in the shaft. Through the flashes Ash saw another dark figure in ninja black clinging to the wall and then a small movement close by……. Wolf was still alive!! ….. Holding fast to the frag bomb Ash knew he could repin it……..Ta Ma Duh where’s that pin?...............
(OCC..assuming Ash killed Pearson…)
The Kid dodged back to Wolf…” Man I thought you were dead….We need to get you to Doc, Pearson’s down and it looks like there may be help in the drift, maybe I can get you to the elevator. You can get topside and call Andrew to get Doc for you. I’ll get back here to find Wyett , Sam and Miss Willow. Now hang on while I get this here pin back in place."
Ash disarms the grenade and starts helping Wolf up to venture down the drift to the elevator.
Posted on 2012-07-10 at 02:06:24.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
The Black comes for us all
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
Pain! Pain! His mind was screaming that word over and over again. Even just moving his hand across his chest and breathing were a struggle. He could feel the black closing on him and knew he’d be dead soon, had to do something to help Ash and the rest of Rocinante’s crew before he’d find out if there really was a God. Clinging to that he held on to the last bit of life left in him waiting for the right moment, his moment.
Then the moment finally came, with his head back and his eyes partially open he caught the flash of light at his feet and with a deep quick breath yelling with the pain of sitting up, saw Pearson and a black clad shorter man, for a half- second before the light vanished. Enough to get a bearing, and a sight picture. Without hesitating he pulled the Baretta’s trigger releasing a 3 round burst towards Pearson. As the strength of sitting up and firing left him he fell back to the ground once more. The pain almost but not quite knocking him out
*(Ok playing off Ody’s post assuming like him that one of us or the Tong guy kills Pearson.)
”Man I thought you were dead….We need to get you to Doc, Pearson’s down and it looks like there may be help in the drift, maybe I can get you to the elevator. You can get topside and call Andrew to get Doc for you. I’ll get back here to find Wyett , Sam and Miss Willow. Now hang on while I get this here pin back in place."
Wolf asked the voice above him in his foggy state of consciousness then he felt himself being raised and came awake as pain shot through him once more. He had thought the pain bad while on his back but this was twice that. Realizing, finally, that it was Ash and not God he spoke in a pain filled voice.
“Ash put me down, please, go find the others, I’ll be ok”
Hoping the gunslinger would listen, Wolf tired, weak, in pain and just wanting to lie down, found himself wishing for a soft bed and a pretty girl named Stacy..........
(Ok I edited my post to reflect Alacrity's info hope it's ok
Posted on 2012-07-10 at 04:12:27.
Edited on 2012-07-20 at 03:32:47 by TannTalas
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Hornsilver Mine Under the old Mine Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:40 am Planet Time
A greenhorn might have rushed right at the sight of crew down, but Wyatt forced the urge back and crouched by the hatch door he'd just closed to assess the situation. There was certainly a commotion that'd just taken place, and he was positive that Wolf was the one on the ground. Asher was still up, and apparently ready to blow them all into the Black should it come right down to it. For a brief moment, Wyatt felt a surge of pride that the brash kid was so ballsy. It was something he might've done. Pearson's responses placed him out of sight and further down the tunnel Ash was facing, which meant that Wyatt didn't even know if he could flank the man as he wasn't familiar with the lay of the mines. The only sure approach was the one that put him in the line of fire, and that did absolutely nothing to assist the Kid and Fenris.
Clenching his jaw, Wyatt glanced back into the darkness behind him and briefly wondered about the possibilities of stumbling around in the dark trying to locate the man who'd designed their ambush. That's when the cry of pain forecast the gunshot drawing Sung's gaze back towards Asher and Wolf like a pivot spring. Ash was firing away down the hall, and still standing, that grenade clasped dangerously in his hand, the iron bucking like a live beast spooked in the hull of a cramped ship.
Moving as quickly as he dared, Wyatt Sung headed towards his crewmen, calling out to Asher as he drew near so as not to become the accidental target.
"Kid! Get covered!"
Reaching the corner of the shaft, Wyatt pressed himself against the rough wall and tried his best to peer down the way Asher had been shooting.
"How bad you hurt?" he questioned. "Ta Ma Duh! Well, cover me."
(OOC: Wyatt's intention is to get Wolf and drag him to the safety of the adjacent shaft, out of the line of fire, and to have Asher move in there as well.)
Posted on 2012-07-10 at 18:00:55.
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
Look what being home for a few days gets you
As Willow placed herself between Brigit and the casket, a small part of her wondered what was coming over her. She was a lover, not a fighter, and Tai Chi may have been based on martial arts, but that's all it was. Still, as Brigit insisted on endangering her beloved friends over something as base as money, Willow felt an emotion she scarcely knew: anger.
" Scabrous get of a mangy cur! " she hissed in Bengali, " Fleas are revolted by you! "
Brigit, however, was more swayed by Wyatt skinning his Colt than an angry Hindu woman, and so she turned yet another weapon on the Captain, a passably good ability to read someone and take a guess at their weaknesses.
"All this treasure and we are gonna do what? Walk away? You know Captain Wyatt Sung, I knew that you were gonna be the hard one in this job. let me guess, you lost someone in the war, I'd guess a loving wife and kids too? Most men could fill that void with this much cash but not you. And all the whispered promises I could give you wouldn't rile up your manhood either. Of course if you did strike it big then your people would get equal shares right? And then they would have no reason to stay with you would they? Willow could pursue all those things she would like to do as a wealthy woman, and Sam could get his own ship if he wanted. Then you'd be alone in an empty ship, just you and whatever bottle of whiskey you'd crawl into. Isn't that right Captain?"
Brigit looks over at Sam and then Willow, "Are you really gonna let him ruin your chance for a big score? Sam? This much cash and you'd be free -truly free. No more hiding? Aren't you tired of hiding?"
Willow took a sharp breath in at the words and her eyes darted between her friends; Brigit's shots in the dark were close to the mark for the men...but she'd dismissed Willow as a factor yet again. The Companion waited for her friends to react. She needn't have worried.
Neither man wavered, and Wyatt used a month's worth of words to put the fake school marm in her place, making Willow's eyes glow with approval.
“I’m gonna go check on that blast. You two stay an’ make sure this whore--” Wyatt spit at his feet. “Don’t go doin’ nothin’ t’ get us all dead.”
Willow winced at that; she knew he'd had little respect for her former profession, but the term still hurt, even when applied to another. That let him slip away before she could voice a protest.
That was what Brigit must have been waiting for. Barely had the Captain stepped out when she moved in a blur, Kicking the crowbar up into her hands and into Sam's face with a bone breaking clang. While Sam staggered back and Willow started to move toward him, Brigit moved again and Willow barely saw the crowbar spinning end over end towards her face. Only her original braced stance and the beginning of her movement saved her, as she was able to rotate slightly and bring her arms up in a swooping move, blocking the crowbar from her head.
There was a moment where she felt nothing, then everything as a searing pain bloomed in her forearm, then spread to shoulder and wrist, numbing her hand and drawing a cry from her lips. She bent over, cradling her arm instinctively, and when she raised her head, she found herself staring down the barrel of Sam's gun.
“Okay! This is how it goes. Either of you try something stupid and I kill you both. This is my score. No one robs me! Now give me that chess piece now Miss. Willow or I will take it from your dead cold hands.”
Willow let her face crumple and she didn't bother to hold back the tears of pain. She straightened up slowly, painfully, and held up her hands, whimpering slightly and wincing as she did so.
"No, no need for that, Brigit...I'm not willin' to die over money. Just wanted a big score before my looks fade, that's all, " she snivelled," Hang on, the piece is in my bag. You know I'm right handed, you watched me close enough...let me reach in with my left and get it."
Willow made sure to move slowly and awkwardly, squeezing out a few more tears as she reached across her body with her left arm to pull the white chess piece from the bag hanging on her right. She held the poisoned piece out in her gloved hand, hoping the toxin hadn't all been absorbed by the cloth of her bag.
"Hard to believe it's still white, " she said," it should be red with all the blood it's spilled."
Posted on 2012-07-15 at 03:45:52.
Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
On the rocks
Hornsilver Mine - In the Unstable Drift 1st level, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:42 am Planet Time
Captain Wyatt arrived at the side of Fenris and saw the wounds. Normally, three to the chest like this would mean death for any man, but the mechanic was moving and grabbing his weapon. The bullets had torn through the ballistic vest like it was cellophane but somehow the man kept a tight grip on life. Either way, Wolf was gonna need the doctor's tender mercies in a short time. Yet, as he reached his side, the big man used Wyatt's shoulder to pull himself up and fire a burst down the drift.
Lau Tsu knew that there was to be trouble soon. The men at the other side of drift had every reason to want Pearson as much as him, but they had guns and would use them. Patience was his guide, as he moved silently to one side of the sheriff and flicked a handful of powder at the man's face, then deliberately scuffed his foot to alert the sheriff of his presence. Pearson was partially blinded and in the dark. He pulled his pistol and pointed at where the Black dressed man was before, but the assassin was gone. Then there was a sound to his left, and some powder sprinkled on his face. He didn't play it no mind and fired two quick shots
Asher wasn't listening to Wyatt's command to get under cover. The opportunity to shoot was once only and he wasn't gonna miss it. his hand moved as a blur as he drew his cannon of a gun and opened fire with all skill and hopes behind every bullet. But just as he did, Pearson fired his gun and the end of the drift lit up again. Pearson's coat, hat and face were caught in the flash and he screamed in pain.
The first bullet took Pearson in the shoulder and spin him around unwillingly towards Asher. At the moment, Pearson realized that he under-estimated this young man. He should have been paying more attention instead of dismissing him as a skirt chasing boy.
The second bullet took him in the chest, and the sheriff started to fall backwards.
The third bullet skinned by his face but not close enough to be anything other than a scar and a conversation piece.
Wolf's steadying himself on the captain helped him line up the double blurry images he saw in flames at the end of the drift. He knew he hit him, as Pearson jerked spasmodically and fell down to the ground.
A second passed, and only that, no more as the sheriff lay, but then the man jerked back up with inhuman-like will and this time with rifle in hand. The man was a menace with that rifle, and many a good men had died because of his speed, accuracy and deadliness.
But not today ...
Asher focused on the burning embers on Luke's hat and aimed slightly lower, the first shot took off the Sheriff's ear painfully.
The second through his throat and out the back.
Final bullet in the cylinder and it hit through the cheek, shattering teeth, tongue and upper palate in all sort of painful manner. The Sheriff felt again. Asher dropped his empty weapon and without thinking drew another gun from his side holster. As he did, the ceiling above him groaned and the sound of timbers splintering came down the drift.
And Pearson stood up again like some killer robot in a B-grade holoflick. - alive by the sheer will to do nothing else but kill the kid before he shuffled off his mortal coil. But as soon as he got up, the groaning above gave way to loud crackling and the rocks above Sheriff Luke Pearson broke free of the support beams and fell down upon him with crushing force. After that blow, the sheriff rose no more.
The timbers one set closer to the Kid creaked and shattered. Echoing cracks and sounds like thunder moved down the drift like a vengeful ghost coming to steal the souls of the living.
Lau Tsu looked down the drift at Asher and shouted, "Fly you fools!" before vanishing down toward the newer drift and the working elevator. As he did more rocks fell into the drift around Pearson's body, cutting off that route to the party.
The mine was about to collapse - it was only a matter of time. The Timbers were all that was holding it up and they were breaking down. Rocks fell, and closer and closer to where the Captain, Wolf, and the Kid were standing.
Hornsilver Mine - Secret Room, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:42 am Planet Time
"No, no need for that, Brigit...I'm not willin' to die over money. Just wanted a big score before my looks fade, that's all, " she snivelled," Hang on, the piece is in my bag. You know I'm right handed, you watched me close enough...let me reach in with my left and get it. Hard to believe it's still white, " she said," it should be red with all the blood it's spilled."
Brigit snatched the chess piece from Willow's hand and immediately looked at the bottom to check if it was the key. "She smiled a cold smile, "You know WIllow. I really never could get a bead on you. I thought you were smart. I thought you were the one to watch, but in the end you do something as dumb as this. You are weak and pathetic. A little pain and you cave in immediately. I really expect better from you." Brigit eyes shifted from Willow to the chess piece and back to Willow. Then she took a step back and looked at Willow's gloves.
"Son of a Bit...." She said as her eyes rolled into her head and she felt to the ground.
Willow only had a brief moment of victory to savour before gunfire could be heard from above and then a horrible sound of rocks falling and timber snapping.
Posted on 2012-07-16 at 02:00:03.
Edited on 2012-07-16 at 02:07:22 by Alacrity
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Rocky Rocks are Falling on My Head...
Wyatt knew nothing about mining. To dig into the rock of some mudball in search if something was as alien a thought to the captain as abandoning his crew. And yet, as the sounds of the cave in threatened to shatter his eardrums, Wyatt could easily figure it was time to high-tail it on out of there. Instinctively, he wanted to rush right up the way Asher and Fenris had come down, but fresh air seemed a bitter respite with two of his crew trapped under tons of rock, so grabbing hold of the Kid's shoulder the captain caught his attention.
"Git Wolf topside now." His voice was barely audible over the complaining support beams, but his stern expression bode ill should there be arguing. Giving Asher a gentle shove, Wyatt turned. "Go!"
Obedience is one of those things that a leader counts on, and Wyatt Sung wasted no more time seeing if the gunslinger and mechanic were doing as he said. Moving as fast as he dared in the darkness, Wyatt scrambled for the door that both protected, and imprisoned his people...and that demoness school m'arm. What was he going to do with her if they got out of these ready-made graves alive? The thought of her gloating, succubus smile enraged him--he was well aware that most men would do all they could to earn such a look from her, but the visage of his wife burned angelic in his mind, and helped to protect him from such play. She deserved to die--same as those men that had come to his spread before the War. Because of her good people were dead, and Wyatt had long ago determined that the Law was unreliable. Especially when faced with someone like her. Still...was he judge, jury, and executioner rightly so in this case?
Reaching the water's edge, Wyatt sloshed down in while the sound of thunder illustrated the suffocating collapse of the tunnel system. Pounding on the door to the shuttle, Wyatt Sung bellowed:
"it's me, Wyatt. I'd kinda like t' come on in if'n you don' mind."
Posted on 2012-07-18 at 20:24:42.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
"Yes Sir........................"
In Asher’s short life he had never encountered should pure evil that took the form of Sheriff Pearson. The creature took the bullets and refused to die. Six shots and it still tried lift a rifle. Then fate stepped in, the timbers in the ceiling moaned over Pearson head. Like the dark heel of the grim reaper’s boot the dirt and rock let loose dropping on the sheriff.
It was then that Ash realized Wyatt had appeared from the hatch in the drift. It has been a long since the kid had seen the man that had taken him when life had dealt him a bad hand. As the roof started falling along the shaft he rushed to Wolf’s side as Wyatt held up.
Wyatt looked to the kid, grapping his shoulder, "Git Wolf topside now." The roar of the falling rock nearly drowning out his voice.
That familiar commanding voice touched deep into Asher. If Wyatt told him to open the hatch and step into the dark that’s just what Asher would do. Asher tried to get Wolf to his feet but the mechanic was just starting to go limp. Grabbing Fenris by the collar and slapped the big man cheeks to bring his attention back to survival. “Ya heard the Capt’n,.. now move your ass.” Ash knew Wolf was hurting, he’d been hurting all day himself, but hurt’n is a whole lot better than dead. “You’re go’n up that ladder if’n I gotta push ya all the way up.”
While Wyatt stepped back to the hatch, Asher moved Wolf to get him out of the mine.
Posted on 2012-07-20 at 02:38:20.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Time to get the Hell outta Dodge!!
Hornsilver Mine - Old Shaft, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:45 am Planet Time
All he really wanted to do was sit or lay down and wish the pain away but Ash would not put him down, damn the stubborn man! Though Wolf could hear the collapsing mine he paid it no mind the pain everything to him. Then out of the blue two slaps to the face had him aware of his surroundings and Ash yelling at him to move his ass.
“Ya heard the Capt’n,.. now move your ass. You’re go’n up that ladder if’n I gotta push ya all the way up.”
The pain put aside in the reality of survival, Wolf with Ash’s help began the climb back to the surface once more......
Posted on 2012-07-20 at 03:31:37.
Edited on 2012-07-20 at 03:32:08 by TannTalas
Vanadia Den Mother RDI Staff Karma: 111/12 1188 Posts
Damsel in Distress
Brigit snatched the chess piece from Willow's hand and immediately looked at the bottom to check if it was the key. "She smiled a cold smile, "You know WIllow. I really never could get a bead on you. I thought you were smart. I thought you were the one to watch, but in the end you do something as dumb as this. You are weak and pathetic. A little pain and you cave in immediately. I really expect better from you." Brigit eyes shifted from Willow to the chess piece and back to Willow. Then she took a step back and looked at Willow's gloves.
"Son of a Bit...." She said as her eyes rolled into her head and she fell to the ground.
Willow stepped forward to stand over the fallen woman, a haughty and disdainful look in her eyes. She may have been dirty and dishevelled, wisps of raven hair falling loosely along her tear streaked face, but it was easy to believe, in that moment. her mother's claim that they were descended from the maharajahs of Earth That Was.
"I've been under-estimated by better!" she huffed, then spoiled the moment by sticking out her tongue. She crouched down to snatch the chess piece from Brigit's hand, just as the sound of gunfire came from above and the sound of falling rock nearly made her heart stop.
"Merciful Buddha!" she gasped, dashing over to Sam and dropping to her knees beside him, " I believe we've worn out our welcome." She examined him quickly, gentle hands probing at the angry flesh of his nose. It was likely broken, but the swelling would have to go down for her to be certain. A red knot between his eyebrows showed where the crowbar landed after smashing his nose, and that was probably what had knocked him out. She felt gingerly around his head to the back of his skull, but he seemed as hard headed as ever.
"Ok, my love, looks like this won't be pleasant, but I won't do any more harm waking you up. I certainly can't carry you both," Wilow muttered and reached into her doctor's kit. She recognized all the items by touch, and by passed them all in favour of a tiny vial. Holding her breath, she opened the vial and passed it under Sam's nose, hoping the nose wasn't swollen completely shut and he would still react to the smelling salts.
BAM! BAM! BAM! "it's me, Wyatt. I'd kinda like t' come on in if'n you don' mind." Willow was never so happy to hear her Captain's bellow. She set Sam's head down gingerly and scrambled to open the door, all but flinging herself into the Captain's arms.
"Thank the stars! I was so frightened! You left and then Brigit knocked Sam out and she hurt me, Captain! But then she tried to take the chess piece but I'd treated it so she's out and I'm trying to wake Sam...and, and, and I am so glad you are alright," she finished, pulling herself back and looking away, embarrassed by her outburst.
"Help me with Sam, please, Captain-san?"
Posted on 2012-07-22 at 04:22:43.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Hornsilver Mine - Secret Room, Regina, Frisco, Day Nine 12:42 am Planet Time
For a moment Wyatt wondered if he’d been heard. The time that one is faced with certain death crawling and feeling like an eternity whereas seconds hadn’t even passed in reality proved the be the culprit scenario as the hatch slid open and Willow’s relieved and tear-streaked face appeared framed in the glow of the interior lighting.
"Thank the stars! I was so frightened! You left and then Brigit knocked Sam out and she hurt me, Captain! But then she tried to take the chess piece but I'd treated it so she's out and I'm trying to wake Sam...and, and, and I am so glad you are alright," Willow finished, pulling herself back and looking away, embarrassed by her outburst as Wyatt swung around the ladder and slid down it to the floor.
"Help me with Sam, please, Captain-san?"
Decisions made during times of duress are often those that leaders look back on with either extreme pride, or embarrassment. Sung didn’t have time to contemplate which this would be as the world they was inhabiting was about to fall in around them. Pointing at Brigit, Wyatt strode over to Sam.
“Wake her,” Wyatt crouched and gave Sam a slightly rough pat on the cheek causing the pilot’s eyes to flutter open. “Ya’all better come with me if’n ya want t’ live.”
Sam moaned, tried to wince, caught his breath in pain and blinked through the haze that was blocking his vision as he grasped his friend’s outstretched hand and was pulled to his feet. He was dazed, confused, unstable, and his head felt like it was going to explode, but the concept of going with Wyatt in order to live grabbed hold of his baser instinct to survive and he forced his consciousness through the haze to stumble towards the door.
“There’s a shaft out there that we’ll have t’ climb outta, and double time at that.” Wyatt briefly gave directions on how to reach the shaft before turning to the red-head Willow had just woken with her smelling salts (OOC: assuming she does. If not I’ll fix the post later). Bending down, he looked her square in the eyes.
“Willow,” Wyatt said without removing his gaze from Brigit’s. “Go help Sam git topside as though yer skirts were on fire.” Once that order was given it was obvious the next bit was for Brigit as his tone took on an edge cold enough to rival the Dark. “Move wrong, and mine is the last pretty face you’ll ever see. Now git up, cause the world is about to fall in.”
Helping Brigit up, he stepped aside just enough to give her a clear path to the exit, his hand on the butt of his Colt.
Posted on 2012-07-23 at 06:58:03.
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