Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Right ye are, Reralae
Anakin gives Qui-Gon a paoli fruit (again, spelling?)
What's the call sign of the leader of the Naboo starfighter squadron that attacks the Trade Federation droid control ship?
WOOHOO! This post makes me a Resident. Yay!
Posted on 2008-06-20 at 22:27:45.
Edited on 2008-06-20 at 22:28:55 by Duncan74
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2523 Posts
"What's that? It's blowing up from the inside!"
The response I think you're referring to is:
"Roger bravo leader."
Q: What is the planet that was missing from the Jedi Archives?
Posted on 2008-06-20 at 22:38:23.
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
Even I can get this one
That was Camino (sp?), the planet of the cloners.
Aw crap... now I need to give a question... What is Han Solo's son's name. This should be easy too, he's named for an important figure in earlier movies.
(I realize my question extends beyond the movies, but I'm not the first and probably won't be the last)
EDIT: apparantly Kamino is spelled with a K, which means it is not as similar as the spanish verb for oneself walking as I thought.
Posted on 2008-06-20 at 23:19:32.
Edited on 2008-06-20 at 23:25:18 by Sibelius Eos Owm
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
1 of 2
Han had two sons...believe you're looking for Anakin, who is now dead, in the books. He also had another son, Jacen, and his twin sister Jaina.
OK, another movie question, so the non die-hards can participate:
What was Count Dooku's Sith Lord name?
Posted on 2008-06-20 at 23:46:55.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2523 Posts
"It appears this battle cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force..."
If I remember correctly, it was Darth Tyranos (spelling?)
Q: What is the weapon type (sword, blaster etc.) used by the Emperor's Guards?
Posted on 2008-06-20 at 23:57:34.
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Pikey ;)
Good one...I believe they are force pikes?
Where is Han Solo from?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 00:14:49.
YeOlde Forever ♥ Karma: 86/11 1538 Posts
Easy one there Duncan...
A: Han Solo is from Corellia.
Q: Where did Luke Skywalker get the crystal that he used to make his first lightsaber?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 00:51:35.
Cap'n Lou Resident Karma: 26/9 210 Posts
A & Q
Answer: Luke skywalker's first lightsaber was Anakin's, but the first lightsaber he created utilized a green crystal he found in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tattooine. Later, it was retconned to be the crystal from Qui-Gon's lightsaber, which Kenobi had kept for many years.
Question: From which planet are Twi'leks?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 01:43:07.
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Good Q
A: Twi'leks are from Ryloth.
Q: Staying on the subject of Twi'leks, what are their head-tails called?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 07:45:33.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Here's an easy one: Darth Vader's personal flagship is called?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 16:26:16.
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Impressive...Most Impressive
A: The Executor
Q: What was the name of Lando's co-pilot on the Falcon during the assault on the second Death Star?
Posted on 2008-06-21 at 20:51:00.
Edited on 2008-06-21 at 20:51:47 by Duncan74
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Keep it Goin'!
C'mon, don't let this one fall by the wayside!
What was Jabba's little rat-looking crony's name?
Posted on 2008-06-25 at 20:08:06.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
What famous noise happens in Star Wars (1977) when Luke blasts a storm trooper into a chasm?
Posted on 2008-07-17 at 02:49:21.
Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
The StormTrooper Scream. ((Wilhelm! - Grugg))
Who originally (no re-releases) shot first, Han or Greedo?
Posted on 2008-07-27 at 02:31:31.
Edited on 2008-08-25 at 14:47:45 by Grugg
markos Newbie Karma: 4/0 12 Posts
all over it...
but he missed...
bummer for him.
what's the name of the creature in the trash compactor in Episode IV: A New Hope?
Posted on 2008-08-25 at 14:30:25.