Sorry folks... I'm not sure what to do.
Here's the situation:
My wife had her wisdom teeth pulled on Friday and is still on the mend.
3 of my 5 kids have the flu right now.
I have a character ready in my head, though not in WORD form yet... it will need some approval from you, Wyrmsting, as I'm hoping to use a number of alternate class features and some feats from various non-core books. I'm still playing with the classes a big, but it will be a Barbarian with a bit of Fighter and maybe Ranger mixed in.
SIDE QUESTION: What level do you expect our characters to reach? Is this just a one shot adventure? (and we'll likely stay at level 6) Or do you see this expanding into a full out campaign?
So, yeah... that's where I'm at. I'm not interested in holding you up, I am really interested in the game. But my family needs me for the time being.
If they go to bed at a decent time tonight, maybe? But I'm not holding my breath... (this is where you realize just how much work you spouse does at home!!