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Veteran Visitor
Karma: 12/0
168 Posts


Well maybe we could use a registered companion.

I feel a ban coming my way.

So do I need to redo my equipment list on my sheet then? Didn't know the limit when I made it up.

Posted on 2011-04-19 at 13:32:19.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Nothing wrong with your equipment list Mysterion. Don't worry about it.

I don't think you need a companion on board. Especially considering that MMV is my daughter........

Posted on 2011-04-19 at 13:54:04.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Okay - need input

So far we have

Celeste - A "Gunbunny" pilot (I love that term - makes me think Anime)

Darren - A non-combatant Medic with pilot skills

Mysterion - A solid PR Hired gunslinger

MMV - A knife wielding Mechanic/Tech with black market contacts

DragonBlood - still considering but has expressed a concern with being captain.

So, Grugg has asked to join and we have wanted to game together for awhile so I am inclined to let him in. I will change to a bigger ship. grugg has offered to be captain as well, letting DB off the hook. Even wit ha captain, there is no need to always expect him to tell everyone what to do. you know your jobs on the ship so don't get bogged down in rank.

So any objections to a six man crew?

Posted on 2011-04-19 at 17:47:46.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 12/0
168 Posts

Fine with me.

Well since Grugg can't be the companion, and he hasnt banned me for the suggestion, I say it will great to have him aboard.

Posted on 2011-04-19 at 19:13:21.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

New Ship


It would have a shuttle on the top, like this similar ship.

Details to come. I will probably play with the floorplan (You don't need a brig and you don't want the guns)

This is an idea of how the wings would be (but reversed angle):


Posted on 2011-04-19 at 20:00:23.
Edited on 2011-04-19 at 20:07:58 by Alacrity

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Woo. Can't wait to crash it.

Posted on 2011-04-19 at 20:41:40.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


No one let Grugg drive!

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 00:11:53.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 36/8
868 Posts


Would Brian's medical gear include elephant tranquiliser? I think we'll need it.

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 08:36:28.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


It is in the jar labelled "In case Captain tries to drive or write bad poetry"

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 10:37:26.
Edited on 2011-04-20 at 10:37:57 by Alacrity

RDI Fixture
Karma: 36/8
868 Posts

Oh, right

I wondered what was in there.

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 11:36:54.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

A basic background and how the game will start

This is how it is:

It is only two years after the unification war ended and at least three of the crew members (MMV’s Mechanic, Celeste’s Pilot and Grugg’s Captain are my choices but it can change) are on an Alliance ship for some reason. Grace is being released from the prison she was kept in after being captured at the end of the war. The others, we can work out the reasons.

Something happens and the ship is attacked, power is lost and chaos takes over. The three PC find themselves together in an escape pod and leaving a dying ship. You drift for a day and no one picks you up. Then, one of you spots something out in the black – it looks like a ship but you almost miss it because it is painted black. You try to hail it and it doesn’t move. So Grace rewires the pod's propulsion and manages to get you close enough to attach to the airlock. Realizing the ship is adrift, she transfer power from the escape pod to the ship so she can get enough time to get the engines going so you have air.

The ship has no marking at all, neither alliance nor independent. It has some pretty advanced sensor equipment, auto-cannons that are burned out, a fried missile turret and a place to hold prisoners. There is no crew, no bodies, and no sign of life. The onboard computer has been formatted so it is wiped clean with no hope of recovery. The crew quarters have no personal effects. The engine is labeled “Malarkey17” and is nothing like any engine you have ever seen before, with module parts and systems rerouted everywhere.

Working together, you get the ship moving. You take it to Beylix, the junkyard of the universe, and using Grace’s underworld connections, land the ship and hide it so you can work on getting it up and proper. It takes a better part of a year to do so as the parts are so hard to find and often have to be “retooled” in order to make them work. You take out the auto cannons and the missile turret and sell them to finance the repairs and your living expenses over the year. Once complete you soon discover that the ship is very fast, very unique and as far as you can tell completely unclaimed. So you register the ship as a Whitefire Class and do all the paperwork. Working with the plan to use the ship as a way of life, you look to a few more crew and bring/hire on the rest. You will need a name for your ship …..

The game starts two years later and you have established a reputation for fast delivery and reliable service with few questions asked. You got a job transporting a Companion “Priscilla” from Higgins Moon to Persephone with a caveat of being there for a certain day – a lord (Atherton Wing) wanted her there for his birthday and would pay 3000 cr. Priscilla put forth a 300cr deposit and away you went, confident that you had plenty of time.

Except that the companion became very ill. So ill in fact, that your Medic feared for her life and demanded that you make an emergency landing on the nearest planet – Greenleaf. There you rushed Priscilla to the hospital where they saved her life, but only barely. She was very weak and would have to remain in the hospital for a few weeks. (Medic hears from staff it was a very slow but lethal poison, probably ingested days before you picked her up)

So you are out the commission for the job (Wing’s assistant expresses regret but any illness or difficulty delivering the girl is not his problem). You are on a tropical vacation planet for the wealthy so you can’t afford to stay here long (fuel, food, port fees are all 3x cost here). You need something to offset your losses and move on. As luck would have it, you are approached by a wine merchant looking to move some casks quickly and willing to pay well for it.

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 13:12:43.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 36/8
868 Posts


SQUEEEEEEEE! *grins in anticipation*

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 14:26:51.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


I can work with that. I'll probably get that character wrapped up tonight/tomorrow.

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 16:57:49.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Grugg a there's a a vision that will stay with me a while =]

Sorry for butting in but I had to comment

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 21:53:15.

Next Gen
Karma: 31/14
379 Posts


I can't wait for this game to begin! However something bugging me, How did the compainoin get poisoned? Did some one force her to eat it or did she not like Wing? I guess I will have to wait for the game to begin.

I'm MMV and I'll be playing Grace. It is nice to meet you guys and I look forward to playing.

Posted on 2011-04-20 at 23:23:55.


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