Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
When shooting, aim for the knee. It is their only weakness.
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 12:58:27.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
you know
I still don't get that joke, even though it has been out for many months. Knee? It just sounds painful to me.
"That really huuurts! Why would you do that to a person?"
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 13:02:27.
Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
Pretty much every guard in Skyrim says "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee."
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 13:09:21.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
*smacks forehead*
oooOOOOHHHHH. Yeah, I have heard that quite a bit from the guards ~ I figured that it had to be something else. I mean, it was a rather silly statement, that joke had to come from something a little bit more intelligent then that. ^_^
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 13:23:05.
Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
This is the internet. We don't need no intelligence.
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 13:25:50.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
fig newton of my imagination
I refuse the internet's reality and substitute it with one of my own.
It's an on-going, gorey battle.
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 13:28:56.
Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
You have my sword
I will help you defeat the evils of reality, mi'lady
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 15:08:49.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 142/12 2506 Posts
For me
I prefer my dual wielding... although if skyrim had scythes, then maybe I'd pick up some two-handed
Guess it still counts as shooting... only, I don't use arrows.
I use a supercharged lightning bolt (dual cast)
Or, if I'm in need of souls, use dual conjured blades (have the soul steal perk for those... so much better than soul trap spell)
Not human souls though
That'd be evil
Everyone knows Reralaes aren't evil faeriecats
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 17:34:19.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8847 Posts
~Reach out. Reach out and touch someone...~
I kinda like takin' 'em out from a distance, myself... with a bow, I mean... and shooting the knee only makes them cry and draw attention... headshots are still best.
When sniping isn't a possibilty, though, I do love me some *sneakysneakybackstab*...
In either case, just because I'm harvesting human souls doesn't make me evil... it's the gleeful looting of their corpses and homes after I've killed them that does that.
P.S. Please note that all souls that I harvest are put to good use... grand souls and better can charge the heck out of all those nifty enchanted weapons.
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 18:35:20.
Edited on 2012-04-19 at 18:46:38 by Eol Fefalas
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
I soo have to play this game
I really need to get off my butt, finish Mass Effect one, and buy and start Skyrim. You guys make it sound like really really awesome
(Gotta spend less time on DDO too )
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 18:53:34.
Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
I'll admit...
In Skyrim I take a more hack and slash run up and murder their faces while they try to stop me than I did in Oblivion. Probably because it's my first character on here.
Evil... resourceful... they aren't THAT different now are they?
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 19:34:36.
Edited on 2012-04-19 at 19:35:18 by Kriea
Tuned_Out Khash Munee Karma: 47/0 707 Posts
Kept Things Simple
Two-Handed (warhammers)
Heavy Armour
Restoration (potions eat inventory)
That is all an Orc needs.
Didn't bother with crafting, as a gameplay choice.
ALL equipment was earned through dungeon delving.
Main threats were mages, thus the restoration.
Close the gap, they crumble.
Heheheh, and beheading via warhammer has a dark amusment to it. Though admittedly the 'physics' behind it are...interesting.
Then again, I once swung at a mammoth just to watch it soar ~diagonally upward , reach an arch of sorts, and plummet immediately to the base of the adjacent mountain/hill.
Posted on 2012-04-19 at 22:08:35.
Red Sector A Veteran Visitor Karma: 16/1 114 Posts
Skyrim Videos
here are a couple of my favorite skyrim videos; if you play the game you can relate
How I Play Skyrim
Lydia NO!
This one is about making the Dragonborn comes song; it is some amazing cound work:
Skyrim - Peter Hollens & Lindsey Stirling
Posted on 2012-04-20 at 21:57:41.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8847 Posts
Posted on 2012-04-28 at 15:40:56.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
I saw that last night
For the win. Both of them.
Posted on 2012-04-28 at 15:51:23.