Ayrn RDI Fixture Karma: 122/12 2025 Posts
Something for you, Tann
Here's an idea for a two-weapon fighting, woodland elf warrior.
Race: Forest Elf
Build: Barbarian 2 / Ranger 3 / Scout 3
Ability Scores:
Str 12 [+1], Dex 22 [+6], Con 14 [+2], Int 12 [+1], Wis 14 [+2], Cha 10 [+0]
Racial Features:
* Ability Adjustment: +2 DEX, -2 INT
* Humanoid [Elf]
* Size: Medium
* Speed: 30 ft
* Low-Light Vision
* Immunity to Sleep spells and effect
* +2 saves vs Enchantment spells and effects
* +2 bonus to Listen, Spot and Search checks
* Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword, Longbow, Short Bow, Short Sword
* Favoured Class: Ranger
Class Features:
* Skirmish [+2d6 damage and +1 AC anytime character moves at least 10 ft in a turn]
* Trapfinding
* Pounce [Can make full attack after a charge] (Alternate Class Feature for Barbarian's Fast Movement)
* Whirling Frenzy 1x/day [+4 STR, +2 AC, +2 REFL saves and make one additional attack each round, all attacks suffer a -2 penalty, Frenzy lasts 3+CON bonus rounds, after Frenzy character is -2 STR and cannot charge or run until the end of the encounter] (Alternate Class Feature for Barbarian's Rage)
* Uncanny Dodge / Improved Uncanny Dodge
* Wild Empathy, Track, Trackless Step
* Favoured Enemy [Arcanists] (1st), Favoured Enemy [Undead] (2nd)
* Battle Fortitude +1 [+1 FORT save, +1 INIT]
* Fast Movement +10 ft (Scout)
* Two-Weapon Fighting feat
* Endurance feat
Weapon Finesse (1st), Weapon Focus [Short Swords] (3rd), Swift Hunter (6th), Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Endurance
Balance +13 (5 ranks), Climb +6 (5 ranks), Disable Device +10 (9 ranks), Hide +16 (10 ranks), Jump +8 (5 Ranks), Listen +12 (8 ranks), Move Silently +16 (10 ranks), Search +11 (8 ranks), Spot +12 (8 ranks), Survival +12 (10 ranks), Swim +6 (5 ranks), Tumble +13 (5 ranks)
+1 Short Sword (2320 gp), +1 Short Sword (2320 gp), +1 Composite [STR 12] Longbow (2500 gp), +2 Mithral Shirt (5250 gp), Healing Belt (750 gp), Skirmisher Boots (3200 gp), Magic Bedroll (500 gp), Everfull Mug (200 gp), Pouch of Endless Rations (350 gp), Heward's Handy Haversack (2000 gp), Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp), Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp), +610 gp remaining
* Initiative: +7
* Senses: Low-Light Vision; Listen +12, Search +11, Spot +12
* Armor Class: 22; Flat-footed 16; Touch 16; Skirmish/Pouncing 21
* Saves: Fortitude +12; Reflex +14; Will +6
* Hit Points: 88
* Base Attack: +7/+2
* Ranged Attack: +1 Composite [STR 12] Longbow (Attack +14/+9; Damage 1d8+2/1d8+2; Crit 20/x2)
* Ranged Attack with Skirmish: +1 Composite [STR 12] Longbow (Attack +14/+9; Damage 1d8+2d6+4/1d8+2d6+4; Crit 20/x2)
* Melee Attack: Twin +1 Short Swords (Attack +13/+13/+8; Damage 1d6+2/1d6+2/1d6+2; Crit 19-20/x2)
* Melee Attack with Skirmish/Pounce: Twin +1 Short Swords (Attack +15/+15/+10; Damage 3d6+4/3d6+4/3d6+4; Crit 19-20/x2)
Posted on 2017-11-15 at 23:51:22.